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  • Count on it, folks. Tomorrow the Sarah Brady and Charles Schumer clones will be clamoring to punish law-abiding gun owners for what one psychopathic nut did at Virginia Tech.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Arthur, its because of a track record like what had just happened to your Sailors and Marines, is why I have for many years now, called the U.N -- Useless Nations. Like Stumpy said, they need to be kicked out of our country.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Aintcha y'all glad that on this day in 1944, we didn't have the kind of people living in America and Great Britain that we have today. Otherwise, we'd all be speakin' German.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • It's amazing Stumpy. There's not a word one about D-day on any of the news services I've checked today.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • There's not a word one about D-day on any of the news services I've checked today.

    They don't have time or space - they're too busy calling people like me racists for opposing the invasion of our country by Hispanics [and Muslims].

    I was reading an article on the internet this AM about how huge numbers of highly-educated European Caucasians are emigrating to America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to escape the invasion of their countries by the Muslim hordes. Seems the Muslims are coming to Europe mostly to mooch off the European welfare systems and smart Caucasians are tired of paying outrageous taxes to support the worthless bums.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • They don't have time or space - they're too busy calling people like me racists for opposing the invasion of our country by Hispanics [and Muslims].

    I was reading an article on the internet this AM about how huge numbers of highly-educated European Caucasians are emigrating to America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to escape the invasion of their countries by the Muslim hordes. Seems the Muslims are coming to Europe mostly to mooch off the European welfare systems and smart Caucasians are tired of paying outrageous taxes to support the worthless bums.

    I know many WWII German veterans and all have told me that they will not live in large cities and all but one, has moved to a small city or town. One vet/friend in particular (Kriegsmarine U Boat vet) used to live in Berlin-his family has had roots there since Berlin was founded-and he is telling me that he will be relocating to possibly Potsdam or some other small community. My friend, as well as every single WWII German vet I know, have all said that Berlin is no longer German and Germany is no longer German. There is nothing racist in their remarks--and no hatred either.

    Among some younger Germans, those are the ones who harbor growing hatred for most foreigners. Not to sound bad myself, they consider Italians, the: Mexicans of Europe. Also, there is a hugh influx of Russians, Croations, Muslims and Africans in Germany. When I was there, in many places I saw even lots of Japanese--not that it matters who is there Personally, I like the Croations I met while there as well as the Russians I met. I met a few French and Italians as well and thought they were good decent folks.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • It's amazing Stumpy. There's not a word one about D-day on any of the news services I've checked today.

    I am able to report that I did hear reference to it on the radio.

    On another note, but in line with this topic, there is a local radio station with a decidedly conservative political bent, and the owner's mother does a commentary each week. I think of this thread and some of you as I listen to her commentary, and am finally remembering while I am sitting at the computer, so I can share with you.

    Here is the link where you can read Kay's commentaries -


    On the left of the screen, there is a link where you can listen to the most current one. I tell you, this woman doesn't pull any punches! I know some of you will really appreciate what she has to say, and those who are "offended" by political discussion probably don't wander into this thread anyway.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Among some younger Germans, those are the ones who harbor growing hatred for most foreigners. Not to sound bad myself, they consider Italians, the: Mexicans of Europe. Also, there is a hugh influx of Russians, Croations, Muslims and Africans in Germany. When I was there, in many places I saw even lots of Japanese--not that it matters who is there Personally, I like the Croations I met while there as well as the Russians I met. I met a few French and Italians as well and thought they were good decent folks.

    There are good people from every walk of life. Unfortunately, it is the minority percentage of bad apples that color the rest of any ethnicity and heritage.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Remember it was the poor Irish & Scots and all the other immigrants from around the world that made The United States of America the Great Country it is today. A lot of those who left their native countries were not wanted at home and were not welcome when they arrived but they went on to make major contributions to all walks of life and became Great Americans.

    I have been brought up to treat everyone I met with respect regardless of what race sex or religion they originated from. Any one who is prepared to work and contribute to a country should be welcome. One look at history teaches us than when societies become closed and inward looking they always go into a downward decline.


  • There are good people from every walk of life. Unfortunately, it is the minority percentage of bad apples that color the rest of any ethnicity and heritage.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Hi Jay, I completely concur. Also, when I was in Germany, I met folks from Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Holland and Sweden. I liked them all--especially the Guy from Australia, the ladies from Canada, the lady from Sweden and the Gentleman from Holland. I found everybody in Switzerland that I met--to be a very fine people. Sames I was there only 36 hours though. The rest of the time I was in Germany. I did meet a total of three rude people while in Germany: One was a German Innkeeper who yelled at my traveling companion for travelling with an Ami, and called her a nazi because she knew a few Kriegsmarine veterans. The second person was an Italian who tried to run Susannes Audi off the road-then threw her a negative gesture - I replied in kind with our one fingered salute. The last person was an arab--I met at the Frankfurt Airport. Its a long story but will be glad to tell it if there is any interest?

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Remember it was the poor Irish & Scots and all the other immigrants from around the world that made The United States of America the Great Country it is today. A lot of those who left their native countries were not wanted at home and were not welcome when they arrived but they went on to make major contributions to all walks of life and became Great Americans.

    I have been brought up to treat everyone I met with respect regardless of what race sex or religion they originated from. Any one who is prepared to work and contribute to a country should be welcome. One look at history teaches us than when societies become closed and inward looking they always go into a downward decline.


    Yeah, Mike, but the poor Irish and Scots assimilated, eventually became Americans and were accepted. Those coming to America today have no desire to assimilate, learn English or anything else. In fact, they're determined to maintain their separate culture and language. That's what ticks most Americans off. This country is gradually becoming Balkanized, and I know you're aware of what has happened in the Balkans.

    As far as I'm concerned, "diversity" and "multiculturalism" stink. In America today, we have Polish-Americans, Irish-Americans, Mexican-Americans, African-Americans, but very few who just call themselves plain old Americans, as we did for most of my life.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Take your point Jim.

    Its a shame that people feel the need to play both cards. Personally, I feel it is a political thing that they somehow feel that if they are identified as a group they will get better treatment.

    This stems from the likes of the Irish & Italian votes being herded as a group in the 19th Century onwards and has continued on with the Latin Vote.

    Politicans rather than emphasising Americanism have played for votes by pushing people's different origins.

    Whilst there are differences in peoples cultures and outlooks what they should be emphasing is what binds the people together as a nation and their common beliefs in
    freedom and liberty this together with time will allow newcomers to assimilate.


  • what they should be emphasing is what binds the people together as a nation and their common beliefs in freedom and liberty - this together with time will allow newcomers to assimilate.

    The national motto is "e pluribus unum". which is Latin for "out of many, one". In other words, this nation of immigrants from all around the world came together and as you said, shared a common belief in freedom and liberty and became Americans. Not Irish-Americans, nor German-Americans, nor Polish-Americans, nor any other kind of hyphenated Americans but just Americans. That has what has made this country great for more than 200 years. But we are being fragmented by the latecomers who don't want to assimilate. That's what has people like me upset.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • What really bugs me is that our tax money gets spent to perpetuate this stuff, i.e. government forms in other languages, etc.

    Folks need to wake up and smell the coffee. Excuse me, I meant to say cafe. :mad:


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • What really bugs me is that our tax money gets spent to perpetuate this stuff, i.e. government forms in other languages, etc.

    It bugs me that we have to have all these ads on billboards, in magazines & newspapers and on TV here in Texas that are done in Spanish! Application forms and other important documents have to be in both English and Spanish.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"