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  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ohmy:


    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • You know Chester, :thumbs_up:if congress does not give the:punk: bail out to him,:gossip: they need to shut down. :smoke:This is an improtant issue. (bump)Thanks for the post. (xmastree)This is great!(newyr)

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • You know what they say about politics and religion . . . .

    Not wanting to start a Religion thread, but anticipating that discussion of a celebrity's religious beliefs could get . . . interesting . . . I thought it best to continue comment from another thread (General R.I.P) here.

    The news said today that the 16 yr old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston died after having a seizure, then falling and hitting his head on a bathtub. Such a shame to lose a child.

    I read they wouldn't allow him his autism medicine because of the scientology beliefs. They even denied he had the disease. great parents huh?

    I'm not aware that there is any medication that would be administered for a child with autism (though I don't really know), but I had heard that possibly they denied he had anything because of their adherence to Scientology. It did seem to be acknowledged that he suffered from seizures. I don't know if the seizures were related to autism. Why would seizures be 'acceptable' to Scientologists? I don't know enough about Scientology to answer those questions.

    In any case, if he was denied treatment as a result of his parent's 'religious' beliefs, that is sad as well. Because they are celebrities, it seems it may have been tolerated, but we often hear of cases where social services gets involved when parents refuse medical treatment to a child because of their religious beliefs.

    In any case, the loss of a child is devastating to any parent.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Mrs. C The meds denied were anti seizure meds. A close friend of his is an advocate for these meds a she blames the parents because they would not recognise and accept that their son could have a disease. If scientolgy did not have the elite celebreties they would be considered a cult and possible legal action would have been against this group.

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

    Now that Fuel for Your Cars is in Most Places is Below $2.00 a Gallon the "Washinton OutLaws" Want to Put a Fuel Tax of 50% on the Fuel that we all use in Our Cars, and that would put Fuel Back Up to Over $3.00 a Gallon Or A Lot MORE !!
    Also I hear that there is a Move in Some States to Put a Tax on Ammunition that you use in Your Firearms and make it so it could be Traced back to You, and this would be for Reloads Also. They want a .05 Cent Tax on Each Ammo Round. And after they pass the Law you Must DESTROY of All The Ammo That Is Not Marked by The Feds !
    :wink_smile: Oh You Can Just Bet On That !!!

    They Can Not Do It With The Firearms because of the U.S. Law, So What Do The Crooks that Run The Country Do ? Go after The Ammo With A Tax So They Have Control Over Our Weapons AND US !!!
    What Are They Going To Do Next, Tax The Air And Water that it Takes To Live, I think That Is Time To Fight Back "With Another Boston Tea Party" ? All With In The Laws Of The U.S. Course !

  • Gas will not stay down below $2 for long. So that tax may raise it well over the $4 mark if not close to $5. The only reason they are even proposing this tax is because they see tax revenues will be much lower cause the economy is in the tank, so they raise that tax because they know people will drive.

    The ammo tax/serialization is just a different avenue for the amti gun wackos to try to regulate gun's. They know they cannot win the "ban guns" fight so they are going this route.

    Don't make jokes about taxing air and water as I read a article that of Obama's appointees, a women who's name escape's me, is proposing to regulate(tax) carbon output. The funny thing about that is, how do you tax tree's, animals, human's for there carbon output?? These people are truly nuts.

    If the tea party don't work then we need to march on the capitol, how about a 300 million person march!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Mrs. C The meds denied were anti seizure meds. A close friend of his is an advocate for these meds a she blames the parents because they would not recognise and accept that their son could have a disease. If scientolgy did not have the elite celebreties they would be considered a cult and possible legal action would have been against this group.

    Thanks for the clarification - I hadn't heard that.

    I am of the personal opinion that Scientology is a cult (no offense intended if any of our members are Scientologists). Whether it is or not, I have definitely heard stories of parents having legal action taken against them when their religious beliefs were believed to endanger a child, but it does seem there is often a different standard for celebrities.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Just to clarify an issue to the gas tax. According to what I heard eariler, I must say that I heard an increase of 10 cents a gallon. This is a story to back up what I heard.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Just a little info:

    Scientology: Believes the Spirit can heal the body, but not necessarily at the exclusion of Doctors. They mostly go to the Doctor to find out what is wrong and then "Audit" to heal the body. Their website says once they are under treatment they "Audit"...

    The Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science): Believes that prayer will heal the body and in most cases at the exclusion of Doctors. They mostly do not go to the Doctor and rely on prayer to heal whatever sickness they may have.

    Neither of these religions/cults make good use of Doctors, but there are parents that don't belong to either of these that do not make good use of Doctors either. Part of living in a free society is that we get to choose how we raise our children and whether we take them to a Doctor or not. Is it a shame that this young man died, sure is. But there is no guaranty that the medication would have stopped this seizure either.
    My step father had a brain tumor that was causing seizures, he had the tumor removed but the seizures continued. He is on anti-seizure medication but still has them on occasion.

    We cannot force people to behave in a manor that WE think is appropriate. It would be wrong of me to force my moral standard on you, just as it would be for you to do the same to me. Now with that said do I hope that others that do not make good use of Doctors, start to do so because this young man passed, yep I sure do.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Yeah, isn't it great. We were already a embarassment once when we voted in Jesse "the body" Ventura. Now we have this clown and he hasn't even lived here for the last 20 years or so, just maintained residency. Shows how sometimes the cold weather can freeze some people's brains!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hey Todd,

    I heard that there were a lot of corruption in some of the recount. What have you heard?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I guess I have not heard it stated that way Mike. But, I wouldn't doubt it considering that when the recount started Coleman was ahead by roughly the same amount that Franken is now. I really don't care anymore as the dems have most of the power anyways. Let them try to fix the mess we are in and if they don't it will only hurt them in the long run. If they do fix it, well then good for you and me.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Todd,

    I'm not sure what's going on either, and you may be right to let them run things, but I'm afraid that things will get wrose, and we won't ever recover. And if you are not thinking of yourself, think what this could do to your children.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I think of my kids but the government has been mortgaging our future for a great while now. And unless philosophies change on both sides it isn't going to matter what/who is in charge. It may sound like a cop out but this is the direction we are heading in. Can you say "communism"???

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Naw can you say "Dictatorship" .. we are already a Socialist country... it's time for a revolution before it is to late....

    We need to demand the resignation of ALL professional politicians and start over. We have the power and the right to do so, now is the time to act!

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.