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  • Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southerner?

    Here is a little test that will help you decide. The answer can be found by
    posing the following question:

    You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children.
    Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner,
    locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife,
    and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock 40 cal, and you are an expert
    shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do
    you do?

    Democrat's Answer:

    Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man
    look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire
    him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the
    kids? What does the law say about this situation? Why am I carrying a loaded
    gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my
    children? Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to
    wound me? Should I call 9-1-1? Why is this street so deserted? We need to
    raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street
    that would discourage such behavior.
    Republican's Answer:

    Southerner's Answer: *
    (Sounds of reloading) BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!
    Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or
    Hollow Points?
    Son: Can I shoot the next one!
    Wife: You Ain't Taking That To The Taxidermist!

  • "There's a single American politician for whom I'd vote for any office, including president. He's Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma. The only problem is, he's indicated no interest in running for higher office and even if he was interested, he probably wouldn't get help from other politicians because he's made them all mad by exposing the wasteful spending they do. He has principles though and is willing to fight for them, unlike about 99.9% of other politicians."

    Jim, I'm proud to say that man is my senator and I wish he'd run for President too!


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Jim, I'm proud to say that man is my senator and I wish he'd run for President too!

    Although I was born and now live in enemy territory (Texas..:wink_smile: ), my roots lie deep in Oklahoma. Most of my ancestors on both sides of the family were from Oklahoma. I spent most of my childhood and adolescent years there (until I joined the military in 1955 for a 24-year career) and lived in Duncan from 1986 until 1990. I'd probably still be in Duncan if the state legislature hadn't raised taxes every single year that I lived there. Since I hate taxes almost as much as I hate politicians, I moved to Texas in '90 (as you know, they have no state income tax........yet).

    Anyway, I sent Senator Coburn an email awhile back asking him to jump into the presidential race but so far, he has ignored me. With his principles, he's probably so disgusted with the whole political scene in Washington that he wants nothing more to do with it. As you know, he gave up his seat in the House after 3 terms (just as he had promised)

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Guess I must be a Southerner but if I was an expert shot the Scottish Presbytarian blood would kick in after 3 bangs then check his wallet for the cost of the bullets.


    I thought the politicoes had disarmed all you folks in the UK after the school shooting, Mike.

    According to everything I've read, the crime rate in the UK has skyrocketed after that disarming. Which was predictable. In US states where the law permits the carrying of weapons, the crime rate has fallen quite a bit. Criminals don't wanna mess with people who might pull out a gun and blow their butt away.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Jim

    Its a complex subject, for example allowing anyone who does not have a criminal record to carry a gun will result at some stage in an unbalanced person being in pocession of a firearm who will do severe damage with it.

    However on the other hand a peson close to where I live shot a man on the leg who was stealing from his house. I was on the side of the man who shot the burgalar and thankfully when the case went to court common sense overuled political correctness.

    So when it comes to people being allowed to carry firearms I am both for and against it, if you understand what I mean.


  • "Since I hate taxes almost as much as I hate politicians, I moved to Texas in '90 (as you know, they have no state income tax........yet)."

    Yeah Jim, we have the honor of boasting the highest paid legislature in the US. We also are the only state that lost population in the last census but yet continued to add state employees so that we have the highest state employee per capita ratio of any state in the union.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Yeah Jim, we have the honor of boasting the highest paid legislature in the US. We also are the only state that lost population in the last census but yet continued to add state employees so that we have the highest state employee per capita ratio of any state in the union.

    So now you understand why I chose to move to Texas. :ohwell:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • allowing anyone who does not have a criminal record to carry a gun will result at some stage in an unbalanced person being in pocession of a firearm who will do severe damage with it.

    Surprisingly enough, Rob, there have been hardly any instances of a carrying citizen shooting someone without a valid reason. In almost every case, it's been well-justified self-defense.

    As far as I know, most states who allow citizens to carry firearms require that they attend a firearms safety course and be issued a license. And I imagine at least some of them also require a psychological background check to ensure a mentally unbalanced person is not issued a license.

    It outraged me when that British farmer was sent to prison for shooting (with a shotgun) the people who broke into his home. Whatever happened to the notion that a man's home is his "castle" (and thus he's justified in defending it)?

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Surprisingly enough, Rob, there have been hardly any instances of a carrying citizen shooting someone without a valid reason. In almost every case, it's been well-justified self-defense.

    As far as I know, most states who allow citizens to carry firearms require that they attend a firearms safety course and be issued a license. And I imagine at least some of them also require a psychological background check to ensure a mentally unbalanced person is not issued a license.

    It outraged me when that British farmer was sent to prison for shooting (with a shotgun) the people who broke into his home. Whatever happened to the notion that a man's home is his "castle" (and thus he's justified in defending it)?

    That went out the door when the liberals deemed your income is there income and they are allowing you to take home some money, even though they never worked for it.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi Jim

    England Scotland and Wales are disarmed.

    Over here I think one estimate put the gun ratio at one each. Mind you they are in some dubious hands.

    I wish we did have the same laws were you could defend your home to the maximum.

    Personally if some burglar or druggie came I would hit him with anything to hand. Providing he didnt leak too much the best bet is dump him far away from home or a bag of lime and panama canal job in the basement.:stunned:

    I have joint visions of Goodfellas and Arsenic & Old Lace now!!


  • we have the honor of boasting the highest paid legislature in the US. We also are the only state that lost population in the last census but yet continued to add state employees so that we have the highest state employee per capita ratio of any state in the union.

    This is a situation that's hard to grasp - a state that has two Republican senators (both of them pretty conservative) and five of their six congressmen are fairly conservative Republicans. Sounds like Oklahomans suffer from political schizophrenia. In other words, they don't really know which political system they want.

    During the 4 years I lived in Duncan, Henry Bellmon (supposedly a "Republican") was governor. Yet during his tenure, he allowed the legislature to raise taxes every single year. Needless to say, I sent old Henry some pretty scathing letters. Not that they did any good, of course.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Ringo, I have saw most of his books at the Barnes and Nobles store up here in Minnesota. Might be because he is from here, but I think I even saw them at numerous bookstores around the Altanta, GA area. So I thik it should be easy to get ahold of them.

    Hi Todd, I think your lucky in that the stores you have been to actually have a decent selection. If you visit the one here in Corpus Christi, you will be disappointed though. Yesterday I called them up just to inquire, and like I figured, the answer was nope--no copies of his books available at our location. However, I am getting them ordered by our local library and they said they will start to come in in about 3 weeks. _0D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Im Southern all the way! And what is posted above, all I can say is: AINT THAT THE TRUTH!

    I favor a ,45 but all I have for now is my 1943 AC made Walther P-38 (you know, a Germany Army pistol that has several of those little nasty nazi markings on it) Great pistol none-the-less.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I wish it were the same here about common sense overruling political corrctness. Take this case in point: Very recently here, two Border Patrol Agents who were doing their job, had an "experiance" with an illegal alien/drug smuggler. The agents I am talking about were railroaded and are currently serving an 11 and 12 years sentence in Fed Prison--FOR DOING THEIR JOBS!

    These two men spotted an illegal alien--who was smuggling somekind of dope into the USA who in turn pulled out a weapon and fired at these agents. These agents in turn, fired back at the jerk wounding him in the buttocks. The jerk made it back to Mexico.

    It was said that these men lied about the incident. That these two men also allegedly said they wanted to shoot Mexicans. Do you know that these two agents are of Mexican-American descent? Compeon and Ramos?

    Well, both were wrongfully convicted of a "crime" and sent to fed prison. One of them while in Fed prison, was attacked by 5-6 illegals that were serving time for some crime--in said prison.

    Besides being beat to within an inch of his life, what really is also f_____-up is, that if a person who had been in law enforcement and had been sentenced to prison for some reason--that person is considered a P.C. (Protective Custody) and is supposed to NOT be placed in G.P. (General Population) and should have also been sent to a prison made up of men sentenced to prison, who all were in law enforcement. The State of Texas has such a facility and I cannot understand why the fed govt, does not seem to?

    Anyway, President Bush should do the right thing and give these two men a full pardon. Also, I hope the sue the heck out of the penal system and get many millions of dollars as settlement. And another thing, the Warden of the prison that Compean was beat up in--should be fired on the spot.

    If I had been one of these agents, I would have shot and killed that alien/drug-smuggling criminal.

    I have been told by both Policemen and Sheriffs Deputies, that if someone has broken into your home and is armed and threatens you, that just MAKE SURE, that after you shoot him, that he dies inside your home. There is not a thing one, that the law will do against you in that case.

    Around here where I live, in the past few years they have been having a rash of home invasions. Many of these have been in my neighborhood. If someone tried to knock down MY door and enter my HOME without MY permission, well, lets just say that I too have guns and will use them without any problem. Also, the tax-payers will be saving money as well.

    If anyone wants to question my motives--please let me know and i'll gladly tell you a long story of an experiance I had while a State Correctional Officer--shortly after I had been hired for that job. If not interested, it will save me from telling a long story. ;)

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Whatcha think, Todd? Does this jerk stand a chance? The very thought of him as a senator turns my stomach.

    You are correct. He is a Puke, with a capitol "P". That guy couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag much less have any rational ideas or thoughts that might help the state of Minnesota or the US. He has bought into his own BS after just spewing hate towards the conservatives for the past 10-20 years and thinks he knows what all the answers are. Don't wory, there is atleast 1 person from Minnesota who will not even consider voting for that blow hard.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Here's some pretty comprehensive information about gun laws in the 50 states.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • You are correct. He is a Puke, with a capitol "P". That guy couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag much less have any rational ideas or thoughts that might help the state of Minnesota or the US. He has bought into his own BS after just spewing hate towards the conservatives for the past 10-20 years and thinks he knows what all the answers are. Don't wory, there is atleast 1 person from Minnesota who will not even consider voting for that blow hard.

    I know the folks in Minnesota are considerably more liberal than those of us in the southern tier of states but I sure hope they're not that liberal.

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