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  • Timing and luck can play a major role in deciding whether a President is successful or not. Clinton & Blair glided through their terms as respective without being dragged into the quagmire they left for their successors.

    Obama isn't the worst President YET but the 2012 job is like poor old Hoover being elected in 1929.

  • Timing and luck can play a major role in deciding whether a President is successful or not. Clinton & Blair glided through their terms as respective without being dragged into the quagmire they left for their successors.

    Obama isn't the worst President YET but the 2012 job is like poor old Hoover being elected in 1929.

    He aint the worst Pres yet--because he still has a short way to go before he out-does that Peanut Farmer from Plains, Georgia.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • He aint the worst Pres yet--because he still has a short way to go before he out-does that Peanut Farmer from Plains, Georgia.

    Agreed 100%. Carter was easily the worst president of the 20th century - by a mile. Once again, someone with zero qualifications, he should never have even been nominated for president, let alone win the whole thing.


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • Agreed 100%. Carter was easily the worst president of the 20th century - by a mile. Once again, someone with zero qualifications, he should never have even been nominated for president, let alone win the whole thing.

    Sadly, I firmly believe the ONLY reason why the current guy was nominated--was because oprah winfrey ""found"" him and fully supported him. Now, had he ran as an American, instead of an Afro-American--then I might have had more respect for him.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Agreed but he has still 17-18 months to go. Carter was a decent guy but a lousy President who should not have got anywhere near the White House.

    Unfortunately--a loooooooooooooooooooong year and a half to go. However, as long as he does not get reelected, I can live with that ;-))

    Fully agree about Carter not being qualified for the job. I WONDER what people were thinking back then?

    Thank GOD, that Reagan came along to keep that bozo from getting 8 years to keep ripping this Country to shreads.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Gotta love bumper sticker writers. My wife hates bumper stickers, but said this is one she would proudly wear on her car. lol

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Gotta love bumper sticker writers. My wife hates bumper stickers, but said this is one she would proudly wear on her car. lol


    Before the word with the "A" and double ess in it, the word Pompus should be there.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I must say I found that bumper sticker very funny, out of interest what are Americans views of George W Bushs' 2 terms as president?

    I know this will sound odd coming from a person who voted the straight Republican ticket in every national election from 1960 until 1988, then again in 1994 and 2000 but I thought Bush was one of the worst presidents this country ever had. Of course, he had lots of company in his free-spending ways and his getting us into an unnecessary war in Iraq.

    I'll never vote for another Bush as long as I live. (I thought the first Bush was also a loser though not as bad as his son)

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I've been reading a book on American history, and it goes into detail about politics, all the way back to the beginning. Hate to say, but the people running this country have behaved badly from the very start. Human nature is the same no matter what type of government exists. The Founding Fathers gave us the best system of government they could, but they were not perfect and so neither is our country perfect. Our republic requires the watchful eye and full participation of the people in order to continue. Sadly, we have given it neither in recent years, and I feel that is why we are in the predicament we're in today. We have allowed the politicians to run roughshod over us while we go about our lives. We've allowed ourselves to be conditioned to believe that the government will, and should, take care of us. Heaven forbid we should go to a meeting and face our local elected officials instead of taking Junior to his soccer practice. More and more Americans are "getting it", but will it be enough to keep our freedom? Will we be willing to fight for it? (I mean politically, idealogically; although we may have to fight literally some day....). God, help us to do what is right.

  • I've been reading a book on American history, and it goes into detail about politics, all the way back to the beginning. Hate to say, but the people running this country have behaved badly from the very start. Human nature is the same no matter what type of government exists. The Founding Fathers gave us the best system of government they could, but they were not perfect and so neither is our country perfect. Our republic requires the watchful eye and full participation of the people in order to continue. Sadly, we have given it neither in recent years, and I feel that is why we are in the predicament we're in today. We have allowed the politicians to run roughshod over us while we go about our lives. We've allowed ourselves to be conditioned to believe that the government will, and should, take care of us. Heaven forbid we should go to a meeting and face our local elected officials instead of taking Junior to his soccer practice. More and more Americans are "getting it", but will it be enough to keep our freedom? Will we be willing to fight for it? (I mean politically, idealogically; although we may have to fight literally some day....). God, help us to do what is right.

    I wish more people would read American history, Katie.

    I've been convinced for years that the apathy and political ignorance of most Americans is slowly destroying this country.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I hope the public doesn't fall for Rick Perry's brand of bull! He is charismatic, but what he says is simply false. Since he became governor of Texas, he hasn't been responsible for much of his claims as to what he has done for this state. I think Bill White would have been a much better governor despite his Democratic affiliation.
    This is not because I knew his late brother, concert pianist and composer Robert Avalon.

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • The truth is that no one person can take credit for what the government does, there are just to many people involved for that to happen... But because they are the leader, they get to take the credit for any success, just as they get all the blame for any failure. The truth is the leader is just a reflection of the people under him... congress does a crappy job and the President takes the fall... if the congress does a good job the President gets to take the credit... We need to stop looking for the one person that is going to fix this mess and get our hands dirty...

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Simply, I don't believe ANY of them and think they (politicians) are ALL lower than snakes bellies. However, I TRY to vote for the lesser of two evils. Bill White was evil. I lived in Houston when that freak was Mayor and if you want a politically correct (San Francisco/Berkeley-like place? try any that bill white was in charge of.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Here's one to stir up a political debate & one for the conspiracy theories. Place your bets that US(& more than likely UK) takes military action against Iran before November 2012 ensuring that Obama gets second term as a war president. Before you say cant afford it I bet Saudi Arabia pays for all military hardware used.

    Here's the scenario:-

    Iran doesn't like west but dislikes sunni muslims even more i.e. Saudia Arabia and Iraq.

    Iran is developing nuclear programme supposedly for peaceful purposes but more likely to get material for nuclear missiles not a pretty thought for anybody. If the west does nothing they will have the capability to produce nuclear material by 2012/2013.

    Iran has lots of oil reserves.

    Political interests would like a situation were they can take out Iran regime whilst looking like the good guys. In other word Iran takes some action against Saudi Arabia which creates the scenario for military action. Already bubbling away see below:-


    Even the unloved Hillary is sounding very hawkish.


    Now, Saudi Arabia has a military defence alliance with US. If they are attacked US is obliged to supply assistance. A short overwhelming military campaign should be enough to topple Iran regime. Saudi Arabia would bankroll the war campaign same as happened in Kuwait.

    Military contractors would generate millions if not billions from material used with work to resupply weaponry used plus all the civil reconstruction work to damage caused to rebuild Iran.

    In gratitude of disposing of Iran regime Saudis would assist in refinancing banking system
    to save it from going bust and pull the plug on their little terrorist friends. Iran would be opened for oil development big time.

    Political benefits would be a mini boom to stave of recession, political security by neutralising bankers of terrorists and the kudos of a successful war president for Obama in 2012 virtually guaranteeing him a second term in the face of a weak republican candidate.

    Cameron & conservatives in UK may also benefit by forcing a snap election on some pretext of falling out with Liberal Democrats and hoping for a fillip get an overall majority.

    Call me an cynic but when politicians are up to their necks in the brown stuff they like to have a war to take peoples minds off things.

    Here's another few scenarios that point in same direction

    Liam Fox UK Defence Secretary who if Cameron fell under a bus would be a strong candidate to replace him is up to his eyes in scandal. He is unlikely to stay in post and will be conveniently removed before any war camapign.


    BlackBerry phones are suddenly blacked out in Europe & Middle East for two days. Loved by spies and terrorists throughout the world as they cant be traced. It seems very odd that nobody knows how this fault is occurring. If it cant be explained try CIA.:wink_smile:

    Well you heard it here first place your bets.