What we really need is the Second American Revolution. Flush all those Washington yahoos down the toilet and start over.

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I think term limits would be a good start. How many years of Ted Kennedy can one take.
But, barring that I would have to agree with the above post. I think there have to be some good candidates out there, but no money equals no voice.
I'm not so nervous about the state of the country as I am the younger generation who knows nothing of sacrifice and who's idea of patriotism is warped. There hasn't been any Depressions or World Wars to unite this country and until there is some sort of shared hardship, there will be no unity. Just my two cents.
Bo -
I hope people are joking when they say Pelosi is hot. If she gets too close to a source of heat, her botox with break down and you might be seeing someone totally different. That woman is a political machine. I would wonder if she related to the tin man.
Relax Bo. I am actually very indifferent to the woman in every way. There was a short clip on the news here the day she got the position, since she was the first woman to have it.After that she hasn't been mentioned on any news channels I have watched. And believe me, if I was to discuss hot ladies on this message board, I wouldn't have picked her.Now Hillary Clinton on the other hand....:teeth_smile:
Popol Vuh -
Im sure she has a web site or is that a fan site Popol!!
Between Pelosi and Hillary and you guys talking about there "hotness". I think I am going to puke!!!
If I did have to vote for a "hot" lady in politics I would say check out our state rep from Minnesota. I am not being partial cause she is from Minnesota, I am just saying if I had to vote for the "hotness" factor, this is who I would vote for.
Im sure she has a web site or is that a fan site Popol!!
You think so? If not maybe Keith can make a section for her on this message board like the "Maureen O'Hara" forum.
Sorry I made you sick Viper, but the smilies should indicate I was joking.
Sorry for side-tracking this thread. I shall now leave, my head hanging in shame and let those who want to discuss politics continue to do so.
Popol Vuh -
You think so? If not maybe Keith can make a section for her on this message board like the "Maureen O'Hara" forum.
Sorry I made you sick Viper, but the smilies should indicate I was joking.
Sorry for side-tracking this thread. I shall now leave, my head hanging in shame and let those who want to discuss politics continue to do so.
Popol VuhWell before we do get this thread back on topic, I'm gonna sidetrack,
and say Todd, she sure is a nice looking gal,
could do with her over here!!
Don't know wherther Kevin would allow us, a dedicated forum though!!! -
Recommended reading for those of you who loathe politicians and/or obtrusive government as much as I do: books by an author named Vince Flynn. I loooooove his writing because I truly believe he and I feel exactly the same way about the two institutions mentioned above. I know that in each book of his that I've read, he's givin' 'em hell.
Recommended reading for those of you who loathe politicians and/or obtrusive government as much as I do: books by an author named Vince Flynn. I loooooove his writing because I truly believe he and I feel exactly the same way about the two institutions mentioned above. I know that in each book of his that I've read, he's givin' 'em hell.
Stumpy, Guess where Vince is from. I know, I know. Its that same Minnesota connection.
You are correct though, excellent writer and he writes very good books. I have heard him many times on a radio show I listen to on my way home from work(30 min drive). He sounds like a decent guy. -
Stumpy, Guess where Vince is from. I know, I know. Its that same Minnesota connection.
You are correct though, excellent writer and he writes very good books. I have heard him many times on a radio show I listen to on my way home from work(30 min drive). He sounds like a decent guy.
My wife was the first to "discover" him. She reads non-stop and brought home a couple of his most-recent books from our local library. After reading them, she told me I'd probably like his writing since Vince and I seemed to share a vast antipathy for government and politicians. How right she was - after reading those two, I didn't stop until I had managed to acquire the other six he's written. I'm now reading the first he wrote, a title called "Term Limits". It has nothing to do with politicians voluntarily leaving office though. They leave rather "involuntarily". I love it. -
It seems that Mr Cameron is in a spot of hot water at the moment over allegations of drug use while he was at Eton college.
Its a shame that he was able to set the political tone of his tenure around one year ago when he refused to admit or deny the allegation of drug use while he was younger. This ultimately boosted his profile and showed that he could handle extreme media scutiny.
Now he claims that there are things he has done in the past that he has regretted, again he is not coming out with a straight answer and again he is boosting his public profile.
While I don't really care what he has been up to in college when he was younger, I disagree with this issue being used to enhance his image, he's been leader of the conservative party for over one year now and still no policies.
It seems that Mr Cameron is in a spot of hot water at the moment over allegations of drug use while he was at Eton college.
Its a shame that he was able to set the political tone of his tenure around one year ago when he refused to admit or deny the allegation of drug use while he was younger. This ultimately boosted his profile and showed that he could handle extreme media scutiny.
Now he claims that there are things he has done in the past that he has regretted, again he is not coming out with a straight answer and again he is boosting his public profile.
While I don't really care what he has been up to in college when he was younger, I disagree with this issue being used to enhance his image, he's been leader of the conservative party for over one year now and still no policies.
Like I said earlier, Rob, your political leaders sound exactly like our political leaders. Hardly any of them have principles, IMO.
There's a single American politician for whom I'd vote for any office, including president. He's Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma. The only problem is, he's indicated no interest in running for higher office and even if he was interested, he probably wouldn't get help from other politicians because he's made them all mad by exposing the wasteful spending they do. He has principles though and is willing to fight for them, unlike about 99.9% of other politicians. -
Hi Robbie
The problem with Cameron is that they are moulding him like a clone of Blair.
All image no substance a man of straw who at the slightest pressure blows one way then the other.Lord help us
I suspect the internationalists, who control much of what we see and hear, are making sure that won't happen again. They prefer "flying donuts".
I fully agree with you on all this. Also, I shudder to think of what will happen if they stupidly decide to "dismantle" our border down South.
I hear ya on that.
Recommended reading for those of you who loathe politicians and/or obtrusive government as much as I do: books by an author named Vince Flynn. I loooooove his writing because I truly believe he and I feel exactly the same way about the two institutions mentioned above. I know that in each book of his that I've read, he's givin' 'em hell.
Hi Stumpy, I never heard of this author but I am interested in knowing the names to some of the books he has written.
You can bet that our local Barnes and Ignobles will not have any of his books on hand. They almost never seem to have books for Conservatives these days. -
"our local Barnes and Ignobles"
I had to snicker when I read your post. My wife used to work there for a time, her first experience back in the work world in about 15 years.
I call the place "Barnes Ignoble" in honor of the "interesting" folks she used to have to work with there and the trashy crap she had to stock on the shelves.
In all honesty, I felt bad for these poor folks who had absolutely no spritual life at all. They were like shells walking about taking up space. Unfortunately, they were very adept at spouting filth at the drop of a hat. -
I never heard of this author but I am interested in knowing the names to some of the books he has written.
Here's his website showing all the titles he's written. He and I are as one in our contempt for the Washington pukes. -
Like most authors, some of Flynn's books are better than others but out of the six I've read so far, only one was kinda boring. Most of 'em are real page-turners. The title "Memorial Day" is one of the most suspenseful and thrilling stories I've ever read, bar none.
The protagonist in most of the books is a CIA operative named Mitch Rapp whose primary function is tracking down and killing, by any means necessary, people who threaten harm to this country. So far, that mostly involves Arab terrorists. Rapp is very good at what he does. In doing his job, he doesn't take crap off of anyone, up to and including those in the White House. This is the part I like best - when he tells those egomaniacs in Washington to sit down and shut up. :teeth_smile:If anyone decides they want to read Flynn's books, I recommend you read them in order, from the oldest to the newest, as most of them make reference to something that happened in an earlier book.
"our local Barnes and Ignobles"
I had to snicker when I read your post. My wife used to work there for a time, her first experience back in the work world in about 15 years.
I call the place "Barnes Ignoble" in honor of the "interesting" folks she used to have to work with there and the trashy crap she had to stock on the shelves.
In all honesty, I felt bad for these poor folks who had absolutely no spritual life at all. They were like shells walking about taking up space. Unfortunately, they were very adept at spouting filth at the drop of a hat.
Hi Tbone, heh heh, I have called them that for years now. I fully agree with you on the junk they stock their shelves with. Very rarely do I ever find a title stocked that I don't have to place an order for. I WISH we had a Borders Bookstore here--I like them much better. The one I have been to (when in San Antonio) is close to where Jay lives in San Antonio. I also "hear ya" about the quality of folks they have working there. The store here USED to have many great people working there but, most have left or transferred out. I sure do miss Heather--their book specialist who has been gone for about 8 years or so now. Heather was good enough to find me a rare OOP title for cover price--when if you could find a copy, regularly sold at $350.00.
Cheers and Rootbeers--Carl.
Stumpy, many thanks for the link to his website. Also, from reading a bit about a few of his books, I have convinced my local library system to buy his books.
Much appreciated--Carl. -
Ringo, I have saw most of his books at the Barnes and Nobles store up here in Minnesota. Might be because he is from here, but I think I even saw them at numerous bookstores around the Altanta, GA area. So I thik it should be easy to get ahold of them.