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  • I was recently sent the following poem regarding illegal immigrants within the UK, it may be removed from this site due to its controversial nature, but I think there is an uncomfortable honesty within the poem.

    Illegal Immigrants Poem

    I cross ocean, poor and broke.
    Take bus, see employment folk.

    Nice man treat me good in there.
    Say I need to see welfare.

    Welfare say, 'You come no more, we send cash right to your door.'

    Welfare cheques - they make you wealthy! NHS - it keep you healthy!

    By and by, I get plenty money.
    Thanks to you, you British dummy!

    Write to friends in motherland.
    Tell them 'come fast as you can.'

    They come in turbans and Ford trucks,
    And buy big house with welfare bucks!

    They come here, we live together.
    More welfare cheques, it gets better!

    Fourteen families, they moving in,
    but neighbour's patience wearing thin.

    Finally, British guy moves away.
    Now I buy his house,then I say,

    'Find more immigrants for house to rent.'
    And in the yard I put a tent.

    Everything is very good,
    and soon we own the neighbourhood.

    We have hobby, it's called breeding.
    Welfare pay for baby feeding.

    Kids need dentist? Wives need pills?
    We get free! We got no bills!

    British crazy! They work all year,
    to keep the welfare running here.

    We think UK darn good place.
    Too darn good for British race!

    If they no like us, they can scram.
    Got lots of room in Afghanistan !


  • I was recently sent the following poem regarding illegal immigrants within the UK, it may be removed from this site due to its controversial nature, but I think there is an uncomfortable honesty within the poem.

    Robbie, the reason this thread exists is so folks can post just such things as you did, and the title of the thread lets people know just what to expect. Those who aren't interested in, or are offended by, political discussion can easily avoid it.

    We certainly WON'T be removing the poem.

    It could just as easily be referring to illegal immigrants within the US.

    THANKS for sharing!

    Chester :newyear:

  • The poem expresses the sentiments of most true Americans I know. Which means people who have shed allegiance to their country of birth and assimilated to the culture of their adopted country.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Jane sounds like the typical media type - more interested in image than substance. I guess banal superficiality is a trait of almost all the world's so-called journalists.

    I agree with your sentiments Stumpy however Brown is both light of image and substance. The pension crisis, corrupt MP's, cash for honours, Northern Rock meltdown, EU integration without the promised referendum etc, etc illustrates why Brown may not be one of the UK's longest serving Prime Ministers.


  • I agree with your sentiments Stumpy however Brown is both light of image and substance. The pension crisis, corrupt MP's, cash for honours, Northern Rock meltdown, EU integration without the promised referendum etc, etc illustrates why Brown may not be one of the UK's longest serving Prime Ministers.


    Every point you mention is a political abomination, Rob. The one that bothers me the most is the scheme to take the UK into the EU without a vote of the people. In fact, most of those European politicians appear more than willing to ignore the will of the people and impose rules and laws upon their different populations without regard for popular opinion, completely ignoring nationalistic instincts, sovereignty and culture. I think if we had politicians like that over here, we'd undoubtedly have another revolution.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Bill,

    I know about all you said about that in the site. They are making a killing as it is at our expense. I wonder if because they are related if one dies that Presidential Retirement will cease? I'm sure it won't since this would be the first time and there is no stipulation to that effect.

    Of course I don't think she will be elected President. If she does get elected I think that ole' Bill will be assigned to UN Ambassador, and elected Secretary General to the UN. A plot to take over the world. He is very very popular with the UN and they indicated their interest in Bill. I believe that was the plan when Algore was suppose to be elected President. We need to keep Democrats out of office for at least 16 more years. I think he'll either die or be too old to be any effect by then. We must keep Bill Clinton away from any appointment that could destroy the world as we know it.

    He does seem desperate with all the things he's saying and doing in this election campaign if you noticed.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • As I've said, there ain't an announced candidate of either party I'd vote for. And I'd cut off my right arm before voting for ANY Democrat (read socialist) currently running.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Florida should be interesting to see whether Rudy Giuliani makes an impact or has the worst campaign strategy ever!!

    It might surprise you to know that if I were to vote in an upcoming election, I'd vote for Rudy because by golly, he's the only person in the race besides Paul who has the courage of his convictions. I very much admire politicians who have that quality.

    Every single Republican besides Rudy and Paul has backtracked on a policy position they previously held because they know the positions they held are unpopular with the Republican base. Romney has been the worst at this. By backtracking, they've revealed themselves to be in the same class as Bill Clinton, i.e., telling audiences only what they want to hear and hoping those lies will be forgotten by the time the general election rolls around. I loathe politicians who do that.

    Don't get me wrong, I do not support most of Rudy's positions on the issues but by gosh, he at least doesn't change those positions just to curry favor with an audience.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • . . . . . . . . . . . By backtracking, they've revealed themselves to be in the same class as Bill Clinton, i.e., telling audiences only what they want to hear and hoping those lies will be forgotten by the time the general election rolls around. I loathe politicians who do that. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    I couldn't disagree with you more than the statement above. No one and I mean no one is in the same class as Bill Clinton. No man has reached the lows that Bill Clinton has, and you know that. Romney and McClain are not like Bill Clinton. That man has diminished the presidency like no other human being ever has. No President has ever criticized another President but Clinton has. And Jimmy Carter has picked up the habits which has shown the kind of class he has. Clinton has done for the first time in American history as President sitting or not has done nothing but made bad comments to just about every President in this country including Kennedy (his idol).

    You may not like Romney, Huckabee, or McCain, but don't compare them to Bill Clinton! That is the most despicable man on this planet. And his wife is worse.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Back in the first part of 1970s, at the 26 Bar Ranch, one of Duke's best Friends Sen. Barry Goldwater ask Duke if He would Run For President if ask?
    Duke said in a Very Loud Voice,
    "Hell Barry, I Can't Do That, I Can Afford The Cut In Pay!!!"

  • Hey Bill,

    I've heard that from a number of celebraties, including Bob Hope, Johnny Carson, and Peter Lawford.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote