
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 884,034 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • The thing about obama is that I still don't know what if anything, he is supposed to change? I have not heard "his" plans on anything.

    As for Sarah Palin, the more I see and hear about her, the more I like. PS, I saw a picture of her on a very expensive motorcycle, and she was absolutely HOT HOT HOT. If I didn't want to be with Heather as much as I want to be, i'd take Sarah in a heartbeat-that is, providing she wasn't married.

    I hope they make it as i'd love to vote for her in 2012.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Speaking of obama, did anyone here 'sides me, hear his rediculous remark when asked some question by a reporter. I don't remember the question asked but his remark was one for the record books. He said: "I can't answer that question because it's above my pay grade." :ohmy:

    Whatever that question was, McCain could and did answer it with ease. Therefore, my conclusion about obama running for Pres-is that he is as qualified to lead this nation, as a slug is. :vomit:

    As for obama and change....What's he supposed to change? his Socks or his shirt?????

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Here's a link to some great and not so great political jokes by our late night comedians . a couple of my favorites,

    "But people in Alaska are interesting people. They’re different. They’re rugged, individualist people. And they have, like the Governor Sarah Palin has some wild ideas. Has some wild ideas – she wants to change the U.S. currency from dollars, wants to change the currency from dollars to pelts." --David Letterman

    "Bill Clinton spoke to the convention earlier tonight. It was Wednesday, I guess the organizers figured, 'Well that's fitting, I mean, Wednesday is Hump Day.'" --Jay Leno


    Chester :newyear:

  • Speaking of obama, did anyone here 'sides me, hear his rediculous remark when asked some question by a reporter. I don't remember the question asked but his remark was one for the record books. He said: "I can't answer that question because it's above my pay grade." :ohmy:

    Whatever that question was, McCain could and did answer it with ease. Therefore, my conclusion about obama running for Pres-is that he is as qualified to lead this nation, as a slug is. :vomit:

    I didn't hear it the first time around, but after the fact.

    The question, asked by Pastor Rick Warren at a forum at the Saddleback Church in Southern CA on August 16, was, "At what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?"

    His [Obama's] answer was, “Well, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.”

    You can watch it here. You can read a side-by-side comparison of the answers to all the questions presented to both candidates here.

    Both candidates were asked the same questions. Obama went first (that was determined by the toss of a coin). John McCain was held in a sound-proof enclosure during the time that Obama and Pastor Warren did their Q&A together, so presumably he had no advantage of knowing the questions ahead of time.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • This morning I received a donation request from the McCain campaign. Apparently they haven't read my comments regarding politicians in general and McCain in particular. :teeth_smile:

    I must confess that I'm sold on Sarah but that's about the only political act of John McCain's with which I ever agreed.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Ringo,
    Obama was asked about abortion when he said his stupid comment.
    Sarah Palin in her speach at the convention ststed that the subject is NOT above her pay grade to discuss, I really hope that Obama goes down
    in November.

  • This morning I received a donation request from the McCain campaign. Apparently they haven't read my comments regarding politicians in general and McCain in particular. :teeth_smile:

    I must confess that I'm sold on Sarah but that's about the only political act of John McCain's with which I ever agreed.

    Stumpy, I usually vote the person not the party. McCain didn't really sell me, and Obama just isn't above board. Being from PA, I had enough of Biden since he is from Delaware.
    Palin is what helped me make the decision. She is the missing piece McCain needed to close the gap and in some polls take the lead.
    She is right, of anyone running, she is the only one who ever has made executive decisions. When she says that in a speech it includes McCain and you know the Democrats are going to use it against the Republicans.
    If McCain wins at least we shouldn't have a Clinton issue (Monica) since Cindy McCain is very attractive herself.

  • Stumpy, I usually vote the person not the party. McCain didn't really sell me, and Obama just isn't above board. Being from PA, I had enough of Biden since he is from Delaware.
    Palin is what helped me make the decision. She is the missing piece McCain needed to close the gap and in some polls take the lead.
    She is right, of anyone running, she is the only one who ever has made executive decisions. When she says that in a speech it includes McCain and you know the Democrats are going to use it against the Republicans.
    If McCain wins at least we shouldn't have a Clinton issue (Monica) since Cindy McCain is very attractive herself.

    McCain has made me mad so many times that I've lost count. The only reason I might be tempted to vote for that ticket is to enhance Palin's chances for higher office in future elections.

    As for McCain himself, I wouldn't vote for him as national dogcatcher. IMO, his only redeeming feature is his opposition to pork barrel spending.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • partisanship - it's definitely a good thing and we need more of it.

    Old Cal nails it here.

    I've been a political junkie for almost 50 years and I cannot recall a single instance of Dummicrat cooperation with Republicans in which strings weren't attached. If I were in Congress, the only reaching across the aisle I would do is to punch some of those commie SOBs in the mouth.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Palin is what helped me make the decision. She is the missing piece McCain needed to close the gap and in some polls take the lead.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I could never have voted for Obama in good conscience, but my vote for McCain would have been most unenthusiastic at best. That all changed when he announced his choice of Sarah Palin as his VP - we were practically jumping up and down with excitement. The Mrs and I are now actually looking forward to voting in November.

    Chester :newyear:

  • I love my Brit relatives, but sometimes their news people are as illogical and inhuman as our American one's.
    The day we stop giving the UN 80% of it's budget, stop paying nations to be our friends, and stop being pressured to be the first to send aid to countries that hate us the better things will be for the USA. Our deficit would be gone quickly and we could actually pay the loans off that we owe.

    Sorry for my political tirade.:tank:

  • I love my Brit relatives, but sometimes their news people are as illogical and inhuman as our American one's.
    The day we stop giving the UN 80% of it's budget, stop paying nations to be our friends, and stop being pressured to be the first to send aid to countries that hate us the better things will be for the USA. Our deficit would be gone quickly and we could actually pay the loans off that we owe.

    Sorry for my political tirade.:tank:

    You didn't say but one thing with which I disagree and that was the bit about the UN budget. Nothing would make me happier than for the US to withdraw from the UN, boot them out of this country and stop paying any of their budget.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Considering that about 95% of blacks have been voting the straight Dummicrat ticket for 75 or 80 years, it's unmitigated hypocrisy for any of them to accuse Republicans and/or whites of racism for refusing to enthusiastically support Obambi. Generally speaking, blacks are far more racist than the majority of whites in America. It never seems to occur to them that the reason whites aren't supporting His Highness by the same percentages is because of his blatant leftism and not his skin color.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I love my Brit relatives, but sometimes their news people are as illogical and inhuman as our American one's.
    The day we stop giving the UN 80% of it's budget, stop paying nations to be our friends, and stop being pressured to be the first to send aid to countries that hate us the better things will be for the USA. Our deficit would be gone quickly and we could actually pay the loans off that we owe.

    Sorry for my political tirade.:tank:

    NO need to be sorry! That's why this thread exists - feel free to rant any time!

    And I couldn't agree with you more!

    Chester :newyear: