
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 884,032 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Hi Hondo, the same here. I grew up watching and liking very much, Ernest Borgnine. Hes one of my top favorites and in the same league as Duke is in IMO.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Does that include me? I'm a (in tiny voice) a liberal. (Am I the only one on this board?)

    I love Ernest Borgnine. I was so thrilled to sit in the row right in front of him during the screening of Jubal (great movie!) at the TCM classic film festival in Hollywood last April. He spoke afterwards and he was great!

    I couldn't care less about the politics of my favorite actors. Or my friends -- both online or in the flesh.

  • I'm a middle of the road realist...I'm a practicing Christian that has the same struggles with life everyone else does.

    I also think that, as a Christian, it's an idiotic principle to believe that Jesus belongs to a particular political party. That's just 100% contrary to God's word, and Jesus' mission on earth.

    I may not completely agree with everyone's choices in life, but I believe that that they have the same
    rights as everyone else - but not any MORE than
    anyone else -

    Thanks for letting me vent!

  • Just a reminder to our members - we have a "Politics" thread so those who find politics fascinating have a place to engage with others of like mind (or those who are open to the lively conversation that politics can lead to).

    Out of respect for those members who are here for John Wayne, Westerns, old movies and such, but have NO interest in politics, we ask that you keep all political comments and 'contributions' in this thread.

    I know there are some who consider it 'censorship' to ask that you keep politics in the Politics thread, but there are some forums that strictly forbid political discussion of any kind, anywhere.

    Thanks for your understanding!!

    Chester :newyear:

  • I couldn't care less about the politics of my favorite actors.

    I'm with you on this one, Paula. I'm a Conservative, and a lot of the things said out of Hollywood rub me the wrong way something fierce, I don't hold it against the actor who feels the need to share his or her views that contradict how I feel. If I started hating an actor because of how they lean politically, or the foolish things some of them say, I would run out of actors to like. :wink_smile:

    I like an actor for how they can act. Entertain me, that's what they are getting paid to do.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Paula,

    I know for an absolute fact that you and Moonshine Sally are not alone in your political views among the members here at dukewayne.com. What brought us all together here is John Wayne. As you might imagine, many folks here are conservative, but as others have said, that can't stop us from being friends.

    I'm sure you've heard that old saying about never discussing politics or religion (or at least being willing to withstand the potential consequences :wink_smile:). There are some friends of mine whose views are 180º from mine, so we remain friends on our common ground, and share our political (or religious) views with different, like-minded companions.

    That's why we ask that generally, folks restrict political discussion to the Politics thread, so that those who have NO interest in such discussions can easily avoid them (and quite honestly, most likely the majority of what's in that thread is likely to rankle somebody). It's been a problem in the past. Yeah . . . and will probably crop up in the future. And occasionally, it crops up in a stray thread here or there.

    We'd like to think that all of us could sit around the campfire and enjoy each other's company based on our similar likes and dislikes, and leave the rest behind while we're together.

    Anyway, that's just how I see it!


    Mrs. C :angel1: (aka Sue)

  • Hi, Mrs. C... I hear ya! ;) And so far nothing I've seen on dukewayne.com has rankled me. ;) I suspect that people with so-called opposing views who love John Wayne and westerns have way more in common than differences! ;) My hubby and I have lots of conservative friends and we love them dearly, they're all wonderful people. And the people on dukewayne.com all seem to be pretty terrific too. :)

    Back to Ernest Borgnine (who this thread is really about)... one story I remember him telling at the TCM fest was that he spent 10 years in the Navy (I think it was 10 years) and he finally got out of the service, and he went home, and said to his mother, "Now what am I going to do?" and she said, "Be an actor!" So he became an actor and another 10 years later won an Oscar.

  • Ive got a few liberal friend on the www.ww2f.com site and im ALWAYS making them cringe when I say soemthing especially about the doofus whom we have as pres and vice prez. Through all that, were still friends though I singed one of them pretty badly for dissing Ronald Reagan, Charlton Heston, Jon Voigt and Robert E Lee, all in one paragraph. Hes been a bit silent lately-even for a Moderator ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Does that include me? I'm a (in tiny voice) a liberal. (Am I the only one on this board?)

    No, Paula - Sorry, that was an all-encompassing statement. I was trying to specifically target the idiots that were chastising Ernest Borgnine for his statement! Certainly, even they are entitled to an opinion, even as wrongheaded as their expression was!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I agree, totally wrongheaded! Though I loved Brokeback Mountain. ;) Ernest Borgnine is a living national treasure. Speaking of living national treasures who have been in westerns, the very first person I laid eyes upon after stepping out of the airport shuttle at my hotel for the TCM fest was Eli Wallach! He was standing right there on the sidewalk at the hotel entrance! It took a moment to recognize him -- his appearance is more altered than Borgnine's and he looked quite physically frail although 100 percent alert mentally -- but it was indeed he. I nearly fainted from excitement. A "minder" came along a few moments later and ushered Mr. Wallach into a limo. The TCM fest sure got off to a great start... and then it got better and better. P.S. Woo hoo! I've graduated from "tenderfoot" to "pilgrim." I was watching McLintock on the Western channel tonight and had to smile when John Wayne called someone "pilgrim." ;)

  • most likely the majority of what's in that thread is likely to rankle somebody

    Mrs. C :angel1: (aka Sue)

    Hey Sue darlin',
    That's the main reason I initiated the thread. :wink_smile::jump::laugh::laugh::laugh:
    Stumpy, AKA Jim, AKA The Rankler

    And Jim, darlin', a scathingly brilliant idea that was! It allows those who enjoy such 'discussion' to partake, and those who don't to easily avoid it!

    Are you enjoying the news reports this morning, after the numerous primary elections?
    :biggrin: I am . . .

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Are you enjoying the news reports this morning, after the numerous primary elections?
    :biggrin: I am . . .

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    As a lifelong opponent of "establishment" politics and politicians, I'm always pleased to see their candidates go down to defeat, such as happened yesterday and in several earlier primaries.

    Though I've voted for Republicans all my life, nothing would please me more than to see Maine Republicans like Snowe and Collins booted out of office. Which means I was also pleased by Castle's defeat in Delaware. IMO, a GOPer who usually votes with the Dems might as well be a Dem. So Castle is no great loss, even if McConnell doesn't win the Senate seat.

    De gustibus non est disputandum