New Movie Discussion

There are 141 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 37,308 times. The latest Post () was by WaynamoJim.

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  • hi ds

    ratcliff has been in other productions besides HP, he was down under between the shooting of gobblet of fir and this last one, dont know the name of the movie he was shooting but it happened in NSW sydney. he has also performed in stage productions mainly in london so i think he will have some success after the HP movies.

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • I saw that movie I think. Did 28 Days later end with a military action in a church or something? I might be wrong, just trying to remember.

    28 Days Later had some people make it out of the city and end up I think it was a school but the diseased goth through the lines and made it there too so I think it shows one or two that actually made it out alive. It's a good gross horror movie if you like those. Lind of along the lines of Return of the Living Dead. Like you have to shoot them in the head to kill them if not they keep coming type movie. I don't even know if the second movie is out yet but I got a screener which I get to basically critique it so it doesn't even have the title on the movie but it's called a working title.

  • Hi

    Daniel Ratcliffe is currently playing the tormented youth in Equs on the London stage including his first nude scene.

    As he has just turned eighteen he has also collected £20 million in royalties.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • 28 Days Later had some people make it out of the city and end up I think it was a school but the diseased goth through the lines and made it there too so I think it shows one or two that actually made it out alive. It's a good gross horror movie if you like those. Lind of along the lines of Return of the Living Dead. Like you have to shoot them in the head to kill them if not they keep coming type movie. I don't even know if the second movie is out yet but I got a screener which I get to basically critique it so it doesn't even have the title on the movie but it's called a working title.

    I liked some of the "Living Dead" movies. If I remember right it was in "Day of the Dead" when a farmer and his son are sitting on haybales and shooting at zombies and one of the kids keeps hitting them in the body but the keep getting back up and the dad says"No no no, you have to shoot them in the head like this....Boom!!!"

    I know for the people that don't like these types of movies it sounds bad but if you watch them in the right context they can be rather funny. Atleast that is how I have watched them.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I liked some of the "Living Dead" movies. If I remember right it was in "Day of the Dead" when a farmer and his son are sitting on haybales and shooting at zombies and one of the kids keeps hitting them in the body but the keep getting back up and the dad says"No no no, you have to shoot them in the head like this....Boom!!!"

    I know for the people that don't like these types of movies it sounds bad but if you watch them in the right context they can be rather funny. Atleast that is how I have watched them.

    The original was the B&W movie Night of the Living Dead by George Romero where this couple is at a cemetery and the guy is playing around saying "They are coming to get you Barbara" because she was scared of the cemetery. Then out of the blue the zombie comes after them and kills the guy she runs and holds up at a farm house with some other people. Then it went into sequels. If it's a Romero movie it's good. The other spin-offs were pretty much crap. I think there were three sets of spin-offs and you could probably count this as a 4th. I like the vampire one with George Clooney called From Dusk Till Dawn. The more blood and guts the better.

  • I had a talked with a friend of mine today... I got the 411 on the entire rest of the series... to the very end of the final book. She read it in one sitting.

  • I liked some of the "Living Dead" movies. If I remember right it was in "Day of the Dead" when a farmer and his son are sitting on haybales and shooting at zombies and one of the kids keeps hitting them in the body but the keep getting back up and the dad says"No no no, you have to shoot them in the head like this....Boom!!!"

    I know for the people that don't like these types of movies it sounds bad but if you watch them in the right context they can be rather funny. Atleast that is how I have watched them.

    Todd, perhaps you can help on this title. My roommate said many years ago he saw a "living dead" movie. I think he said it takes place inside a mall? or someplace like that. Do you know it's title? if so, i'd like to snag a copy to give to him for his birthday. My roommate said that he watched it with a buddy when they were in the Army and stationed in Germany. He also said that movie scared the living daylights outta both of them and when they went back to their barracks that night, they slept with lights on.

    BTW, I do like Horror movies but, I can't stand slasher films-to me there is a big difference. I especially like the older ones with Bela Lagosi, Lon Chaney etx. The newest one I liked was The Fog w/ Adrianne Barbeaux (SP?)--not the remake of the movie though.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ringo, in 1978, there was a movie called Dawn of the Dead, directed by George Romero and this takes place inside a mall. The movie was also remade in 2004. Hope this answers your question.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Ringo, in 1978, there was a movie called Dawn of the Dead, directed by George Romero and this takes place inside a mall. The movie was also remade in 2004. Hope this answers your question.

    Thanks my friend. It does answer my Q. I also remember he sadi that he remembered arms adn hands coming out of the walls. Heh heh, KNOWING my roommate, he was probably very drunk at the time he watched this movie. :teeth_smile: :martini_shaken: :martini_shaken: :martini_shaken:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Yes Dawn of the Dead is in a mall, the original as well as the re-make. Day of the Dead, I just remember the scene where the farmer and sons or something like that were shooting at them in the fields.

    DS, yes, I have seen the original "Night of the Living Dead" many times as well as the re-make made in 1990. The original is much better the the re-make.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • The wife and I sat down and watched Wild Hogs the other night and I watched Live Free, Die Hard yesterday afternoon.

    Tim Allen was good in Wild Hogs. The new Die Hard movie is much more hi-tech. I'd probably go a 2½ starts on both out of a possible 4. Both are not great but good entertainment.

    I'm wanting to see Underdog and the Bourne Ultimatum as soon as I re-watch the first two movies. The wife wants to see Hairspray (gag) and I'm not a Simpson fan.

  • My wife and I went to The Bourne Ultimatum last night. Great plot, great story, fast moving. But they had the same damn "shaky" camera from Supremacy. My wife had to leave the theater 3 times and hardly watch it even when she was there. I didn't get sick but it was hard to even tell what was going on for most of the action scenes. Even a dialogue scene with 2 people talking had the camera moving all over the place.
    As far as I am concerned the director Paul Greengrass should be made to sit down and watch either the first Bourne movie or the latest Bond film to see how a action/spy movie should be filmed.

    For my wife and myself he has ruined what would have been a great trilogy with that stupid camera moving all over the place.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I'll wait until it comes available on my favorite site but I need to re-watch #1 and I've never seen #2 so I have some watching to do so I'm up to speed. Still waiting for a decent viewing of Underdog to become available.

    If we haven't had enough living dead movies, there is a new one:
    Flight Of The Living Dead Outbreak On A Plane

    Same zombie synopsis...

    I plum flew right by this... Post 1300

  • I can live without The Simpsons but there are a few movies I want to see yet this year...

    • The Bourne Ultimatium
    • Underdog
    • Stardust (Saw the trailer yesterday... excellent, sort of like Narnia)
    • Halloween (Remake of the original... have to wait to see the trailer)
    • 3:10 to Yuma (Not sure what to think of it yet)
    • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (Another western)
    • Saw 4
    • Darfur ( I hope this movie wakes up some countries)
    • Enchanted
    • The Golden Compass
    • AVP2
    • National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets (Nicholas Cage... it will be good)

    I thought I'd revive this thread, as it kind of got buried. There are plenty of new movies out, and I'm sure our members are going to see them.

    We have seen Underdog, 3:10 to Yuma, and Enchanted.

    I mentioned this elsewhere, but Enchanted was a sweet parody/homage to many of the Disney movies over the years (going as far back as Snow White). EXCELLENT family fare, but with enough references to hold the interest of adults (without being "adult," if you know what I mean). Unless you absolutely hate musicals, you will probably enjoy the film. It's not a musical per se, but it has that aspect to it (with plenty of pokes at the genre). Personally, I REALLY enjoyed it. Our eleven year old son and grandson thought it was a little corny, but they liked it as well. The other adult who was with us enjoyed it very much. I might have to go back to see it with my 9 year old daughter (I think she'll like it).

    We saw the trailer for National Treasure 2, and are really looking forward to seeing it in a few weeks! It looks very exciting and full of action and suspense!

    So anyway, let's make good use of this thread again. Try to not get off into side conversations too much (real interesting side discussion? take it to another thread and follow through).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Hello Mrs. C

    My wife took the kids to Enchanted last weekend while I was hunting. She said it was very good. And we also would like to see the 2nd National Treasure movie.

    But I wanted to give you this information concerning the new movie "The Golden Compass". I am not trying to start a war with anyone, your religious beliefs are yours and yours alone but everyone should have the facts so I just wanted you to be aware of the anti-religious themes in the books and quite possibly the movie. Here is the link over at :

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Todd,

    I hadn't noticed the reference to The Golden Compass in the post I quoted in my post, but thank you for pointing out your concerns regarding that movie. I have been aware of it for over a month now, but I appreciate you sharing that Snopes link for others. I have been sharing it with all my friends.

    Mrs. C :angel1:


    From your friendly neighborhood moderator -
    If anyone would like to discuss this film further, I would suggest keeping it to the chat room or PMs, please. Thanks, Todd, for your concern in that regard as well.

    Chester :newyear:

  • I never attend movies in theaters anymore - always wait until they're released on disc. So it is that I just watched Bruce's "Live Free or Die Hard", the latest installment of the "Die Hard" series, which was released on 20 November.

    Nonstop action but an incoherent plot. But if you like Bruce Willis, and I do, it's barely bearable.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I never attend movies in theaters anymore - always wait until they're released on disc. So it is that I just watched Bruce's "Live Free or Die Hard", the latest installment of the "Die Hard" series, which was released on 20 November.

    Nonstop action but an incoherent plot. But if you like Bruce Willis, and I do, it's barely bearable.

    I just watched this movie myself and while it is not a bad movie, some of the special effects were kinda over the top. And yes, I happen to like Bruce Willis.

    Stay thirsty my friends.