JWMB sponsors a Walk Of Fame block

There are 77 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 103,639 times. The latest Post () was by chester7777.

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    WHITE GRANITE $2,500
    BLACK GRANITE $2,000
    RED GRANITE $1,500
    I hope we can get the 1,500 dollar one with the Alamo as I also believe it was his act of love.


    Yes, I know the blocks are the same size, just different colors to designate the level of donation. It sure is looking like the $1500 block is very likely. And it looks like The Alamo is a top choice!

  • Hey Guys (& Gals),

    We are in the home stretch with just over 10 days left until the close (May 19th). We are sitting at 45% of our original goal amount of $2500, so we have some distance to go. But, where ever we end up will be an amazing feat, and a feat we all can be proud of!

  • Hey Gang,

    Just an update.

    We're getting real close to the finish line, and we're only 11% away! We are currently at $1335 (89%) of the $1500 goal. If your interested in helping the cause then this is the time to do it, because we're in the eleventh hour. We would like to purchase the block sometime mid-week so that it's done before next weekends birthday celebration in Winterset.

    Bill Of Pa has agreed to be our representative in Winterset, and he will update us (as time permits) from Winterset.


    We are leaving the donation drive open until the final 3 members (who began the donation process) complete their donations with PayPal. We are currently sitting at $1400 & we're $100 away from our goal!!! Amazing that a small core group here have saddled up and met the challenge.

    I want to personally thank everyone who visits this site and are members that contribute so much time, and information. Without the many who have taken up here, we would have a very quiet place here where we would see far fewer posts. We have become a very tight knit family here.

    This effort should show us just how passionate we are about all things Duke. :beer_yum:

  • Hello Gang,
    I'm happy to report that we have reached our goal of $1500!! :hyper:

    We had a late arrival with a donation and that sealed the deal, and we're set to purchase the brick! There is a slight delay in the purchase until I can verify the paypal account that the funds are in, that should be done late next week. Once the confirmation of the account is done then I'll be able to move the money.

    Thanks again to all who contributed to the JW walk of fame. We put our $$ where our mouth is with this effort, and we have put our mark on the museum, & and on this noble effort.

  • Hi

    Just like to add my congratulations to all concerned very well done. it just shows what can be achieved internationally when like minded people act in accord.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Well said!

    This will look good when it's placed at the time of the building of the new museum.

  • Hi Kevin

    I presume you mean our goal of $2500?


    While our initial goal was $2500, when it appeared it was not likely we would reach that, Kevin reset the goal meter to reflect our secondary goal of $1500, which we did reach. The block for The Alamo was purchased Friday, online. The picture of the block above is a computer-generated version of how it should eventually appear when the block is placed in the Walk of Fame. The wording is what was selected, to stay within the limit of number of characters per line.

    Thanks to ALL who contributed to this effort! By pooling our money, we have donated to the museum and will have our block on the Walk of Fame where all who visit will learn of our message board, and that we were a part.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Congratulations to all! Great accomplishment....I feel proud just to belong to this group!

    I won't be wronged-I won"t be insulted-I won't be laid a hand on. :cowboy:

  • Thanks for that update Chester, I was unaware the boundaries had changed.

    $1500 is a great achievement, I think choosing "The Alamo," was highly appropriate, this movie was Dukes passion and represented everything he stood for.

    Well done to all who contributed, people on here have shown they can pay more that just "lip service" to the cause of John Wayne.



  • I am excited about the purchase we have for the Birthplace of John Wayne. This is something that is well over due, and we have a lot to be proud of. Thanks to all who contributed to this cause and hope we all get to visit to see it's place in history.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Why don't the administrators take down this post - after all, the fund drive is finished and we did manage to achieve the $1500. goal that was set. This thing just takes up a lot of bandwidth that could be saved.

    De gustibus non est disputandum