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  • Heres a simple one. Wolf Brand Chili w/Beans, mixed with some Scrambled Eggs and along with that, some HOT Pace Picante Sauce-which IMO--really aint very hot at all :(

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ringo,
    That One I have Tried and have had it for Breakfast many time !
    Wolf Brand Canned Chili is Very Good Chili and Was
    Will Roger's Favoite Canned Chili and took it Every Were He Went !!
    When He was Killed in a Air Crash in the 1930s they found part of a Case Of Wolf Brand Chili in the Plane, it was also the First Canned Texas Chili !!!



  • Hi Bill, thanks on both accounts. I just let Ray and Jason both ( some friends of mine in Merry ol England ;-)) and RAy told me that his Sister made some good Chili-and this was her first time making it ;-)) Also, I went and bought soe Wolf Brand Chili with Beans this afternoon and im looking forwar to having a bowl of it tomorrow evening. This is my favorite kind of food to eat when it starts getting a tad bit cooler. For lunch tomorrow-I know I soound like a broken record but, ill be enjoying more Chicken Ranchero Nachos :yum:

    I feel like experimenting some. I wonder what Bacon-laced Chili will taste like? As I love all the ingrediants, I KNOW it has to be good.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I've had that kind of Pizza before, nut it was mass-produced and they used a sauch that was much like it only consisted of Maple Syrup and Brown Suger-was ok but too sweet.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ringo,
    If you use a good Enchalada Sauce or Bar-B-Q Sauce just from the store it will Not Be To Sweet !
    Also you can make it with a Large Flower Tortilla and it is EZ and Does Not Cost Much to make !!!

  • Hi Bill, what do you think about Cattlemans BBQ Sauce? I like it well enough but it still aint that great ;-))

    Heres a slight deviation. Simple Grilled Cheese Sandwich. For those on strict diets-DON'T read this because it might cause you to have a Coronary.

    I ONLY use real butter for this and I do put a liberal amount of it-melt it, then toss in the bread to soak up most of the butter, turn the bread over-place four slices of American Cheese two per side of bread, and six slices of crispy Roegelein brand bacon. then as soon as the cheese starts to melt, place the 6 slices of bacon on one bread and cheese piece, then salt the cheese a bit and pepper it-place second bread slice with its two melted slices of cheese over the bacon. Oh and of course fry the bacon to a crisp consistancy-I don't care for half-cooked bacon-meaning the fat part is still supple-I like it cooked crisp through and through-though NOT burnt.

    Take out of pan and eat one of the best sandwiches you will ever eat. Im thinking of trying this and including some Wolf Brand Chili w/o beans. If some people have weak tummies, you can "cut" the potency of the Chili with a couple of dabs (Tablespoon fulls) of Miracle Whip Dressing-(((which to me tastes better than just pain ol Mayo))) or you can use Kens Buttermilk Ranch Dressing. I've tried it and that also tastes great too. I HATE it when people put Pickles in the middle of grilled cheese sandwiches. I like pickles a bit but to for me, they ruin the taste of grilled cheese sandwiches. However, I never have had a grilled cheese sandwich with slices of Mexican Pickle (aka) Jalepeno Pepper. Hmmm, the more I think about what you can add to a grilled cheese sandwich, the more extras sound great too. And do NOT put any Mushrooms with this nor Onions-though I love onions and loathe mushrooms. Also, if anyone adds to this Anchovies-may you never have another good nights sleep. ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Hi Bill, i'd love to visit sometime and make you a version of this sandwich ;-)) I also like to use Pita bread too-with the same above ingrdiants ;-)) Ill have to make your chili sometime, but have to wait till after my operations on both my feet are history. Rigt now I can barely hop ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Though I didn't make the main food items but, today we ate a late lunch at a great place called: Fajita Willies here in Houston. I had a Chicken Ranchero meal which consists of a Grilled Chicken Breast, set on a bed of brownish rice, and you get a bowl of beans, Tortilias and some lettuce with it. Well, as I didn't cook any thing, what I do everytime we eat ther eis I take most of a bowl of hotsauce, pour it in with the beans, take the rice and mix that with the beans, take a few pieces of cooked onions as well as some of the melted white cheese-and also mix that in with the beans. Man that tastes so good. I save most of the chicken breast to use in Cream of Chicken soup-since that kinda soup only has a few tiny pieces of chicken in it. The food I took home from my luinch will be enough to make about 4-5 meals in itself.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Has anyone ever tried yogurt on pancakes or waffles berries thawed from the freezer make a nice finish.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Not yet but I heard the yogurt-combo was actually pretty good.

    Heres a simple reciepe for yas. Cream of Chicken Potato Soup. The soup is already made. First I use a liberal amount of black pepper, some low sodium Salt, soem Mrs. Dash, some popcorn butter powder, mix w/ Cream of Potato Soup, use 1 1/2 cans of Water, put diced Chicken pieces in it along with bits of Monterrey Jack Cheese, some chopped Grilled Onions, and just heat and feast. This actualy tastes pretty darn good and is cheap and filling too.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Take good pork ribs and in a large capacity pot sear those ribs ( cook them until they are browned). You can use cold pressed double virgin olive oil to cook the ribs then take those browned ribs and put them in a marinade of fresh squeezed lemon ( three or four large ones) and sea salt. Do this 6 hours prior to the meal, serving time. Then repeat the first step adding more oil if needed. Brown some veal and add to the ribs marinating.
    Then in the pot put the following; ripe tomatoes fine chopped onions cans of diced tomatoes ( like a 100 ounce can by San Benito ) and fresh if you can get it Basil and Oregano and pepper. Cook on medium to render the mix down into an applesauce texture. After the sauce has reached soft then reduce heat to bare simmer and keep the mix warmish for the balance of time to make the whole mission a 6 hour project.. Volumes of meat actually volumes of all ingredients depend on taste and number of servings required. We have always made enough to freeze some.

    Time it right and there is an opportunity to watch a movie or a game or show on TV or have some wine while it cooks. PS when the magic sauce is at about 4 hours then throw in the ribs watch the splash . Then drop in the veal ( cut into fork sized pieces ) then add 1/2 a pound of salted butter or less ( to taste ) Cook for 2 hours more at low heat then remove rib bones and serve on pasta you love with parmesen and asiago cheese, both fresh ground.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Murray,

    Those ribs sound decadently delicious!

    I think they would go very nicely with a grape salad I discovered recently, which I will share now -

    Creamy Grape Salad

    2 pounds green grapes, seedless, removed from stem
    2 pounds red grapes, seedless, removed from stem
    (or you can use 4 pounds of one kind, if you like; the green and red do look pretty together)

    8 ounces cream cheese, softened
    1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream
    1/3 cup sugar
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    3 tablespoons brown sugar
    3 tablespoons chopped pecans

    In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla until blended. Add grapes and toss to coat. Transfer to a serving bowl. Cover and refrigerated until serving. Sprinkle with brown sugar and pecans just before serving.

    If you don't feel like adding the last two ingredients (brown sugar and pecans), the recipe does not suffer without them at all.


    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • As you might imagine, I am a fan of the movie True Grit.

    I was wondering if anyone has a recipe for corn dodgers.

    The recipes I have found so far were kind of dry and gritty and not very appetizing. Of course maybe they weren't meant to be especially good, just functional.

    But I go hiking a lot and think it would be fun to carry with me on the trail what Rooster and Mattie had with them!

  • Hello take enough fresh asparagus to cover a cookie sheet one layer deep and drizzle olive oil over them sprinkle a bit of balsamic vinegar then sea salt. put in an oven preheated to 375. cook for 20 mins or to desired tenderness. quick and tasty try with your next BBQ

  • Never got a copy of chili bill cook book. Any of the JWMB old-timers hey one?