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  • This is really weird! I can't hit any of the links at I even went through google and I still can't get the links that way either. Oh whoa is me!


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Here is a Recipe for You People "If You Like It Hot" Green Chili Enchiladas, that Rosa Duke's House Keeper would Cook Up for Duke after She had Made Up a Big Batch of Enchilada Sauce and had some left over.
    The Recipe is from one of the Cook-Books that my Wife and I did back in the 1960s
    "If You Like It Hot"


  • When KILO 6 started this Page I had Put up Duke's Chili up before on some of the other Pages, But now that we have a page for Cooking Up Good Things To Eat I thought I would put Duke's Chili up here for some of the Newer Members that might not have seen it before.
    Also there are a Few T.V. Clips from a Old T.V. Commercial for my Old T.V. Cooking Show that I did back in the 1970s and 1980s and we are Re-Doing for the "Wild West Junction."


  • Reading about Chili makes me want to go camping. Smoke lifting lazily skyward and fresh dutch oven bread with garlic butter. Star filled sky and a lake river ocean or forest to gaze upon. As a bonus a chance to do it with some members of this board and sneak in a little technology ( portable battery operated DVD player ) to catch a JW the next afternoon. Rings a chow bell in my mind. take care all.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • This is the wrong forum room to be in when you are hungry. Chili, and cooking by the fire, man does it make me think of steaks on the grill..yum!

    Kilo, folks in Vancouver showed my wife a good time when she went there for a week for work. She brought some good chocolates home.:hyper:

    ShortGrub :pizza:

  • Reading about Chili makes me want to go camping. Smoke lifting lazily skyward and fresh dutch oven bread with garlic butter. Star filled sky and a lake river ocean or forest to gaze upon. As a bonus a chance to do it with some members of this board and sneak in a little technology ( portable battery operated DVD player ) to catch a JW the next afternoon. Rings a chow bell in my mind. take care all.

    Now that's a party I wanna be at!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hello all Hey Short Grub if you ever make it out this way I would be glad to pull up a chair. If there was time and you wanted to catch one of the feature J W films you could take your pick I have them all. ( and some of the B movies ) take care

    here's a recipe for a 3 fruit crumble we enjoy. take a 12 by 10 inch casserole dish and put in 1o peeled cored quartered small apples. add 1/2 a cup of brown sugar and sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon over the apples. sprinkle 1/3 a cup of frozen cranberries on, add 1/3 a cup of bluberries. In a separate bowl mix topping containing one cup of flower and one cup of oatmeal 1/2 a cup of brown sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla and break a half cup of butter with your fingers to form a coarse mixture. spread this on top and place in an oven preheated to 350 Fahrenheit for 30 min or until golden brown on top. Can be served hot or cold with or without milk or cream. not xactly diet fare oh well

    Greetings from North of the 49th

    Edited once, last by kilo 6: missed one ingrediant ().

  • When the wife and I married, in 1960, she couldn't boil water. But under the tutelage of my mom and grandma, she became one heck of a cook.

    For probably 25 years, she prepared for our entire family (all the kids, grandkids, and various other relatives) a huge spread for Thanksgiving (fast approaching), consisting of roast turkey, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, ham, and numerous side dishes.

    One of my favorite side dishes is what we've always called 7-cup salad. It's a fruit salad with 1 cup (or proportional measurements, depending on the crowd) each of diced pineapple, small marshmallows, maraschino cherries, mandarin oranges, pecan chunks, sour cream and shredded coconut. Ummm, ummm good.

    Unfortunately, as the wife is fast approaching 70, she's no longer physically up to the task of preparing this holiday feast so it looks like our favorite daughter-in-law will assume the duties of chief family cook on holidays. But I've told my wife that I'd still like her to provide the 7-cup salad, fudge (she makes a wonderful fudge, based on my mom's recipe), and even the cornbread dressing (no one else even approaches her great recipe and taste for this traditional Thanksgiving dish).

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • As most of you know Duke Wanted To Be A Man Of The Sea, but did not get to do it until Later in Life.
    He loved Tuna Or Albacore Gravy Served on Sourdough Toast and it is Easy to Make and Goes a Long Way !
    Melt One Cube Of Butter in a Large Pan, and add enough Flower to make What is Called a Wet Sand Thickening.
    Add Two Or Three Small Cans of White Tuna Or Algacore, and as it begins to Thicken add Cream or Milk,
    One Tea Spoon White Pepper
    One Tea Spoon Onion Powder
    1/2 Tea Spoon Galic Powder
    One Table Spoon of Good Soy Sause
    A Few Good Shots of Hot Sauce like Tobasco
    Salt To as You Like It
    Cook on Low Heat so Don't Burn It, until it is a Nice Thick Gravy add a Little Water if needed.
    Serve on Sourdough Toast or just Plain Toast.

    And as Duke Liked it Topped with a Fried Egg, Sunny Side Up !

  • "DUKE'S"

    In a Large Bowl Mix

    1 Cup Flour
    2 Cups Yellow Corn Meal
    2 Eggs
    1/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
    1 Heaping Teaspoon Baking Powder
    1 and 1/2 Cups Buttermilk
    1 Table Spoon Good Cooking Oil
    1 Teaspoon Sugar
    1 Teaspoon Salt
    1 Small Can Mild Chopped Ortega Green Chilies, But if You Have Lots of Guts and "If You Like It Hot" use Hot Green Chilies !!!

    Well Mix all ingredients, but Don't over mix.
    "Do Not Beat"
    Pour into a Well Greast Black Iron Skilet or Dutch-Oven, 9 Inch is the Best.
    Bake in a Preheated oven at 450 Degrees for 20 Minutes or until the Top Starts To Brown .
    This is Great with Chili or Anything Else !