Just hit a 319.8 I had to go back a couple pages, I couldn't figure out what everybody was talking about at 1st.

The JWMB Annual Penguin Bash
There are 85 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 23,932 times. The latest Post () was by Jay J. Foraker.
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It's getting near Christmas again
and guess what the Penguins back!!Especially for our newer members,and the older ones, to try again!
Click on this link, for a bit of Christmas fun!!
Click on the man with the bat!!
Click again, to hit the penguin!!!
Well my longest so far is 320.3
boy this gives me happy feet...
My best now is 320.9. I thought I was going to set an all-time record but this one penguin in particular had it in for me I tell you. Nose dived at 189 feet. I'm telling you guys it has an evil streak!!! :lol:
Fun little games.
3.12 on your game Keith and 40 metres on yours Popol Vuh.
55 meters before I needed a lift!!!
207.2 head first and 315.8 bouncing
322.9 Luck . . .pure Luck
p.s. our 10 year old got 53 meters on the drunk guy
Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Dec 28 2005, 06:45 PM
Cheers - Jay[snapback]24454[/snapback]
Hi penguin bashers,
Did some research, look at this above heh!!!!
Best one last year, but looks like
Jim has overtaken, and in pole position!!Thanks for your game Popul, good fun,
but I've not got very far, so far!! -
Hi all,
Well I hit 200.7 head first, and 320.6 bouncing.
But I only got 18 meters without falling over.
There are some impressive scores!!
Any of our newer members,
up to beating the old guard?? -
It's Christmas again
and guess what the Penguins back!!Especially for our newer members,and the older ones, to try again!
Click on this link, for a bit of Christmas fun!!
Click on the man with the bat!!
Click again, to hit the penguin!!!
The Top 3 are:-
Chester and Mrs. 322.9
etsija.................320.2 -
It's Christmas again
and guess what the Penguins back!!Especially for our newer members,and the older ones, to try again!
Click on this link, for a bit of Christmas fun!!
Click on the man with the bat!!
Click again, to hit the penguin!!!
The Top 3 are:-
Chester and Mrs. 322.9
Try as I might, I just couldn't beat my score of last year . . . I made it to 321.1 (and a couple of 320.5s)!Thanks, Keith, for reviving that game!
Open to new members to beat Chester's score
Open to new members to beat Chester's score
C'mon, guys, go for it! I'm hoping Jay and etsija will try again.Hey, nobody's gonna see all the swings and misses! It took me a few before I was making contact, and getting 'into the swing of it,' if you'll pardon the pun.
Most of all, have FUN!
Yes!!! I did it! I remember trying for some time last year without beating it, but now I got 323.5.
Yee haw! A new champ -
Popol Vuh - with a high score of
Congrats, PV!
Well done Popul Vuh.
No penguins are harmed in anyway,during the playing of this game!!
its fun, I actually got to 298. something have to keep going until I get over 300