8000+ Post Club

There are 93 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 61,588 times. The latest Post () was by arthurarnell.

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  • It's been awhile since a new post club has been started (almost 10 months). Plenty has happened around here - new members have joined, some members have drifted away. Folks have moved their physical location, but are still able to find their way here and have some fellowship with John Wayne fans from around the world.

    Chester had the distinct pleasure of making it to the birthday celebration in Winterset, Iowa and meeting face to face for the first time with some of our members (kilo6, BILL of PA, Wayne, zukie, downes, Coach3) and getting reacquainted with some old friends (John Wayne Impersonator). MANY thanks to Murray for the tickets to the VIP dinner for both Jeff and Chester - you really made it happen, Murray! An anonymous benefactor placed our message board on the walkway to the birthplace with the purchase of a tribute brick (check it out in our photo album ).

    Some of our members banded together to provide a special gift to board founder Kevin. Boy, was he surprised when that painting arrived from England from Graham. Thanks to all who made that happen!

    We've been members here for over 6 years, and continue to have our hearts warmed by the fellowship we have found here. We have friends from all around the world!! Though we not have met most of you in person, we have come to know many of you, and count you as friends.

    We dedicate this 8000th post to you!

    Fond regards to all,

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:


    8000 posts is one heck of a milestone. I'm looking forward to the next 8000. Thanks for helping make this board what it is and what it will be.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • WOW!!!
    I've been waiting for you folks to reach this point!
    A great big
    Jim and Sue,
    for reaching such a rarefied plateau of
    8000 POSTS!!!!!! :gora::gora::gora::gora::gora::gora::gora::gora::gora:

    What a fantastic ride!!!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Congratulations Jim and Sue! Sure am sorry that I missed your grand entrance, but better late than never. Keep 'em posting. You'll get to 10,000 soon my friends.

    Cheers :cool: Mike aka Hondo Duke Lane


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Mark, Jay, Lt. B, and Hondo,

    Many thanks for the congrats! We sure have had a blast here, hangin' with you guys!

    At the rate we're knocking them off, 10,000 posts is quite a ways away. As to what this board is, and what it will be . . . it is a HUGE team effort, and our team is the BEST! This place will continue to be awesome!

    Lt. B, for anybody who makes it to our neck of the woods when we make that 10,000th - pizza's on us! :pizza:

    Hondo, it's GREAT to see you! Welcome back!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • belated congratulations on your 8,000th post Chester and the Mrs
    a remarkable achievement and send me my piece of pizza through the post :wink_smile: thanks

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Jim & Sue,

    I just wanted apologize for missing your milestones in these posts club. I was hoping to see you at 10,000, but you'll get therevery soon. Thanks for your friendship and hope to talk to you soon. Keep up the posting. You are dusting all of us a lot.

    Cheers :cool: Mike


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Keith, Mark, and Arthur,

    A very belated thank you for your well wishes on our reaching 8400 posts! We're kind of embarrassed to say that we are just now seeing them tonight . . . I guess maybe we were still recuperating from

    Hondo, thank you, too, for bringing all this to our attention. We missed our own milestone! And would have continued, had it not been for your post today.

    We certainly enjoy our fellowship with all of you here!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • To the both of you It has been my pleasure to have read your thoughts and meeting you in person Jim. Your thoughts or posts have given me cause to reflect, to consider, and to grow in understanding at times. Representing the epitome of moderation your standard is high and I respect that. Best wishes murray

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Let me be the first to congratulate you for making 8600 posts. You are about to get to that point at 8599, so I'll beat you to the punch. You have posting soooooooooo much. I can't believe that you have that much to say, but what can I say?

    Thank you for a great friendship, and looking forward to a time we do meet.

    Cheers :cool: Mike aka Hondo Duke Lane


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Wow, Hondo, we hadn't even noticed! Thanks for doing it for us!

    We're coming up on our 7th anniversary here! Who'da thunk it??

    Maybe Winterset will be our meeting place?? Or maybe you'll make it out to the West coast (or we'll make it to the East). Whenever it is, we look forward to it happening!!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • I am just beatng you to the punch, Chester and the Mrs......... Happy 8700th Post. WOW!!!!!!!!! That is something else. I am so proud of all your accomplishments here and glad to call you friend. Thanks for all you do here. You are a vital part of this board. We appreciate the work you do here. See you soon at the big 8-8!

    Cheers :cool: Mike aka Hondo Duke Lane


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote