New interest in Classic Westerns

There are 12 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 6,387 times. The latest Post () was by smokey.

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  • Firstly im sorry if this is in the wrong place, im not sure where to put it.

    I was at the *little local Shopping Center yesterday ( Mall in US ) and noticed something interesting, or maybe just greedy !!

    Occasionally a company come and set up a stall in the mall selling DVD's, often very cheap, but yesterday i checked them out and was amazed to see that 95% of the Classic Westerns are now double the price, used to be approx $5, now $10.

    The rest were $5, a small amount of $2 general titles, trash, but they have obviously strted to notice a trend in the sales of there Classic titles.

    I still know a brilliant shop about 30 mins drive i can go to get many good titles at $5, these people do have a great selection, but i think i will make a morning of it and drivwe to the other place, or ring them and see what they have in stock, maybe they have a stock list online because i really feel soooooooooo ticked off with these mob.

    Wonder if they will sustain there sales at the new prices.

  • Firstly im sorry if this is in the wrong place, im not sure where to put it.

    It's no problem Jessie,
    thanks for the insight,
    but as it is not about a specific Classic,
    I have moved your post here,
    as it will be more generally read.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • It's not just classic Westerns that have increased in price - I've noticed that for about a year or two, the price of almost ALL DVDs has increased quite a bit.

    Thank goodness I managed to acquire most everything I ever wanted before the prices started to climb. Offhand, I can only think of a few items I still want. One of the main things is the complete "High Chaparral".

    You can still find bargains on eBay but the problem for me there is that I refuse to use PayPal because I won't give out information about my bank account. And nearly every eBay seller now requires payment by PayPal.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I know what you mean. I used to go to the Last Stop CD shop here all the time because they had a great selection of classic westerns and other movies for about $4.95 but the last couple of times I've been in there those same movies are price at $10.00 or more it really bums me out.

    [COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"]"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life..." ~John Wayne~[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

  • I know what you mean. I used to go to the Last Stop CD shop here all the time because they had a great selection of classic westerns and other movies for about $4.95 but the last couple of times I've been in there those same movies are price at $10.00 or more it really bums me out.

    It's all Bush's fault, darlin'. :wink_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • It's all Bush's fault, darlin'. :wink_smile:

    lol Thanks now I know who to be mad at the next time I go to buy a western and it cost me more than I would like :no2:

    [COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"]"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life..." ~John Wayne~[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

  • I recorded Chisum a few days ago and finished watching it last night, and i was thinking about those "Duke- ism's"

    ie: " Baby sister i was born game etc ......................."
    where you find yourself having a laugh, and thought oh i wonder if there's a thread dedicated soley to them, i will have to have a look.

    Really love that shot of him on the big Chestnut ( Dollar ? or was it maybe Doller ?) at the opening and closing of Chisum.

  • a movie can be a brilliant investment offering reinforcement of values or whatever helps your sun shine brighter, Classic Westerns day has risen and fallen at times. I like em i buys em and I enjoy watching em,

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • havent had the time to watch anything lately, my manager has had a personal problem and hasnt been at work this week so im normally to tired to do anything when i get home from work have found time to come here tonight just for a flying visit

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"