Happy Birthday To You!

There are 1,628 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 513,585 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Happy Belated Birthday, Kevin!

    Out of town, but wanted to wish you a great day. Know you'll have many many more.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi ChilliBill


    My Very Best Regards


    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • :jump: Happy Birthday Chilibill!! :jump:

    :cowboy: I hope you have a wonderful day!!! :cowboy:

    "Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway."

    Heroes live forever.

  • Happy Birthday, Bill!

    You're looking better and better with age. Well, I can only imagine that you are. :) Hope this is one ding :headbonk: dong of a b'day, Bill.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Chilibill,

    I've been away for a couple of day, with the two oldest sons finishing their SCUBA class with a two-day ocean dive, allowing them to become certified with the NAUI certification. As an old Navy diver, it did my heart good to see two of my sons get through the class and enjoy it.

    Now on to the business of this post -

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yes, it is still your birthday, at least in my time zone :D ) to one of my favorite guys on the message board!

    The computer won't let us put in 74 jumping smilies, so you'll have to settle for


    Fondest regards,

    Chester :newyear: (and of course, the Mrs. :angel1:)

  • Hi Mopargary

    Wishing you a happy birthday. I see that you haven't posted yet but I hope you read the threads and when you feel ready join in you'll be very welcome.

    But in the mean time enjoy your birthday.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Thanks to all you Guys and Gals for that happy Birthday Greeting, but when you all get to be my Age you would just as soon Forget about it!!! All my Children and my Grand-Children made a Invasion on the Verde Valley up here by Sedona and the first thing they wanted to see was all the old "Movie Locations" in and around the Verde Valley. I was a Nervous Wreck when they all pulled out Yesterday. :fear2: And a good time was had by all! :uhuh: And I can not Gripe about my life, I have one Hell of a Ride!!! :rolleyes: Chilibill :cowboy:

  • Quote

    And a good time was had by all! And I can not Gripe about my life, I have one Hell of a Ride!!! Chilibill

    Sounds like you had a good time and I agree, you have had a hell of a ride. And there probably will be alittle more to follow. :D

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • All right Chester you ask for it!

    I have 3 Children , one Daughter 54 years old, and one Daughter 52 years old, and a Son 49 years old. I have 6 Grandchildren and two of them are almost 30 years old. No Great-Grandchildren yet, I do not know whats the problem with Kids now-days I wish they would get to work, and get Me some Great- Grandchildren before "I've quit this mortal shore and mosey around this place no more"!!! :headbonk:

    Oh yes it would be hard to be around Me and not be a Duke Fan. We all had to go to Sedona and see all the old movie Locations from "The Angel and the Badman" and "Broken Arrow" that was done in Sedona over 55 years ago. And then go out back of the house and shoot the Duke's Colt 45 from " The Shootist" !!! Chilibill :cowboy: