Best Western Movie

There are 38 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 12,217 times. The latest Post () was by mary.

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  • The Man From Laramie is one of the best James Stewart western moive I've seen. "It has one explosive confrontation is which Stewart is dragged by a wild horse and shot in the hand at close range, is one of movie history's most memorable sequences."

    Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Hondo,
    The best non John Wayne movies are more than 5 I think because I am not only John Wayne fan, I like James Stewart to.

    1. Cheyenne Autumn
    2. The Outlaw Josey Wales
    3. Bandolero
    4. The man from Laramie
    5. The Wild Bunch (It's one of the greatest westerns I think).
    6. The Professionals
    7. Will Penny
    8. The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
    9. Winchester '73
    10.Vera Cruz
    11.The Unforgiven (with Burt Lancaster not the one with Eastwood from 1992).
    and as the final 12. Ulzana's Raid.

    Sorry that I have more than 5 but there are so much good non John Westerns that I cant choose with 5 movies.

    Hondo on my poll: The best John Wayne movie is the answere on your question how much DVD's I have of John Wayne.


  • DustinB,
    Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post. Thank you for helping me remember the name of the "Cheynne Social Club," that was the one I was trying to remember!

    Thanks again

  • Ok my favorite five westerns that did not star John Wayne.

    1. The Wild Bunch
    2. Will Penny
    3. The Magnificent 7
    4. Gunfight at the OK Corral
    5. The Man from Laramie
    6. (I cannot remember the name of this movie. It Starred Patrick Wayne as a Blind gunfighter, and Robert Lancing from 12 O'clock High fame as a gunfighter shot in his gun hand. The two Handicapped gunfighters train together out side of town to deal with the bad guys. Robert Lancing as the eyes, Patrick Wayne as the gun.
    7. The Good Guys and the Bad Guys ( a great funny one with Robert Mitchum and George Kennedy.

    Monique ;)

  • Monique,

    That movie with Patrick Wayne & Robert Lansing was the 1966 release of the western, An Eye for an Eye. I haven't heard of this movie. Sounds interestring. This is what I found. Not released on DVD.

    The Plot: (from an unnamed reviewer)

    This is a great western about two bounty hunters one blinded and the other crippled from a man who doublecrossed them which they are seeking their revenge.Starring Robert Lansing and Slim Pickens,it's a must see movie!!

    Cheers, Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hello All
    The movie Jane Fonda did ( was it called coming home?) about the vietnam war is one of only 2 movies where I got up and left the theatre long before the show was over. I am not going to get into a discusion of the Vietnam war and the history that preceded it. On the basis that the film showed no respect for the sacrifice of their lives, made by men and women, some of whom believed they were doing the right thing, I left. It is futile to refuse and see the many aspects of any given issue and then make uninformed decisions. It seems to me that a similar topic exists elsewhere on the board ( fav non JW western) but thats just an indicator of the interest in the genre. Paint your wagon and the humor in it are hard to resist, Josie Wales and the contribution of a local BC actor Chief Dan George lamentably since deceased was a classic Milagro beanfield war had a good David vs Goliath theme Mag 7 never fails to satisfy. I have a hard time with this question because the appeal is huge. It would be easier to list westerns that I didn't like at all. Granted there were funny spots but I'm not huge on Blazing Saddles. Dances with Wolves Hidalgo and Pure Country all work for me

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • kilo6, I almost came through the computer screen when you said:


    It would be easier to list westerns that I didn't like at all. Granted there were funny spots but I'm not huge on Blazing Saddles. Dances with Wolves Hidalgo and Pure Country all work for me

    Then I reaqlized you were saying you liked the last 3. To me even though Dances was made to show how the military wrongly treated the indians, much like the mini-series on TNT this summer, it is probably one of the top 10 if not 5 westerns of all time. No discussion on Costner and who likes him or not but, it was just a plain great movie.

    Hidalgo was alright, watchable is the best word I can come up with. It just never really got going for me, if that makes sense.

    Pure Country, if we are talking about the same movie with George Strait, was a good date/chick flick for country music fans, but the we are talking about a acting debut for George and the rest of the characters take themselves way to seriuosly instead of having fun. I liked the movie and will watch it if it comes on TV but its not something I search out or anything.

    And last but not least, Blazing Saddles. What can I say, its a period comedy when things were much different in the US and you can tell right away. The political atmoshpere was much different and I think you have to had grown up or been a grown up when the film came out to appreciate it. Plus if you are a Brooks fan, that helps too. I liked BS, ha funny, I thought Madeline Kahn's character was funny. Being over the top with the accent to goof on Marlene Dietrich was hilarious. I think if there was not so many racial jokes in the film it would maybe have worked for some people and for sure people who might not have come in contact with that type of thing.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hello All
    Hi SXViper, to be honest I haven't watched Blazing since it hit the theatres and I should probably give it another chance, I might be missing out on a something funny. Hidalgo had some scenery that i liked and i liked the horses but i always like the horses.
    to me Hidalgo was sort of a western theme Indiana Jones where I just chuckle at the stunts.With Pure Country, for my family, the songs were as big or bigger then the theme. It occurs to me that I did not mention Man from Snowy river. When the brumbies ride down that steep embankment it rocked my world. I liked 13th warrior (not western but they had horses) I have worked with the gal who owns the horse Bandera rides in that show. It was filmed locally for the most part, they had the viking ship in the fraser river about 6 hundred yards from where I sit . kilo

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Quote

    I liked 13th warrior (not western but they had horses) I have worked in the local film industry with the gal who owns the horse Bandera rides in that show. It was filmed locally for the most part, they had the viking ship in the fraser river about 6 hundred yards from where I sit typing this. kilo

    Kilo6, funny you should mention that movie, I too enjoyed it and have it on DVD. For the most part I like Antonio Banderas and his films. He has had a couple stinkers, but they all have. And even though it was not a western I liked those type of movies as well.

    Oh and as Stumpy said in the last post, have you saw Open Range? It is a good western and one to own if you ask me.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Stumpy@Aug 28 2005, 04:10 AM
    Did you see Costner's "Open Range", Kilo, and if so, what did you think of it?
    I thought it was a wonderful western.


    :wacko: Ok guys here is a question for you.Have any of you ever heard of a movie where john wayne and johnny cash have a duel and share the prize money behind the barn after the event .I am sure it was made in the 70`s.If so can you please let me have an e mail with the name of the movie. :D


  • mary,

    Not that IMDb is the absolute source, but it is fairly good, and the only joint venture they show with both Johnny Cash and John Wayne is a TV variety show special from 1970 called Swing Out, Sweet Land. Aside from the one user comment, there is no other detail, but from what I can discern from that one commentary, the two Johns did not even appear together.

    Hopefully, someone else around here might be able to get you closer to your answer.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hello All
    Hi Mary sorry but I don't recall seeing that movie and if Chester does not find it , then chances are it may not exist as his JW knowledge seems pretty extensive. perhaps it was Mr Cash and another actor? Hi Stumpy & SXViper, I have not seen Open Range but plan to remedy that shortly mabe even by buying it. I may not have feedback on open range for a bit. Kilo

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Quote

    Originally posted by mary@Aug 28 2005, 09:41 AM
    :wacko: Ok guys here is a question for you.Have any of you ever heard of a movie where john wayne and johnny cash have a duel and share the prize money behind the barn after the event .I am sure it was made in the 70`s.If so can you please let me have an e mail with the name of the movie. :D


    This may be the movie you're thinking of, Mary.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • :D


    Originally posted by Stumpy@Aug 28 2005, 12:21 PM
    This may be the movie you're thinking of, Mary.


    thanks stumpy but i already have this one.I am still living in hope that we can find this.Thank you to all who took time to help.

    :D mary xx

  • Quote

    Originally posted by mary@Aug 28 2005, 01:34 PM
    I am still living in hope that we can find this.Thank you to all who took time to help.

    Well, Mary, I'm afraid your hopes are gonna be dashed because I can tell you that the Duke never made a movie with Johnny Cash.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • :huh:


    Originally posted by Stumpy@Aug 28 2005, 02:34 PM
    Well, Mary, I'm afraid your hopes are gonna be dashed because I can tell you that the Duke never made a movie with Johnny Cash.


    well i cant think of what i am thinking of. I was so sure that it was JW and JC .I have been looking for a long time but now i will cease my search on that one.Thanks again for all your help guys. :D
