Favorite co-stars

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  • I don't know wether or not this has been asked, what is everybodies favorite co- star of John Wayne's? And what actress is your favorite?

    Stacy B)

  • No brainer to me.

    Ward Bond - costar in many films
    And Maureen O'Hara - especially in The Quiet Man, and McLintock!



    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • My favorite leading lady would have to be Maureen O'Hara. The Duke and Maureen had such perfect chemistry together.

    My favorite male actor would either be Ward Bond or Barry Fitzgerald.

  • My favourite co-stars are Ward Bond and Walter Brennan.Lee Marvin was quite good also.Especially in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
    Favourite actress?Now this is a bit harder but since the Rio Bravo is my favourite John Wayne film I`ll say Angie Dickinson and Maureen O`Hara would be second best.

  • One supporting actor we enjoy looking for is Hank Worden (we affectionately refer to him as Mose, the character he played in The Searchers). We concur with Hondo's picks for sure, as we have really enjoyed Ward Bond and Maureen O'Hara (we most recently saw all three of them in the movie The Wings of Eagles).

    Walter Brennan comes to mind (wow, he had hair in Red River, that was kind of a shock to the old system!), and as I have mentioned in a few posts in other threads, one of my favorites is Gabby Hayes, even if he is only in the B movies. Another one that I think of is Victor McLaglen. The fight in The Quiet Man is one of the best! We liked seeing JW work with Glenn Corbett in Chisum.


  • Hi Stacy

    Duke has some really good co stars its hard to notice them usually because he overshadows everyone but heres ine anyway.
    They are in no particular order

    1. Stumpy (Walter Brennan) in Rio Bravo and Red River
    2. Dean Martin
    3. Ben Johnston especially in Chisum
    4. Maureen Ohara (terrific in all movies with the Duke)
    5. Robert Mitchum/Ron Howard/Stuart Witman (a shame they didnt make more movies with Duke)
    6. Richard Boone and Lee Marvin great bad guys in Dukes movies


  • hi ya,

    there are a couple of actors i liked who play with duke one was the gent who played moses in the searchers where he played at being mad so that the inchybums would let him go, and the other is the one who played the priest in the quiet man.

    for his ladies who else but the red head she added spice to the movie what on screen magic between them both.

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Thanks for your comments!

    I really enjoy all the different questions that have come up on this web page! I I like seeing everbody's different points of view's!

    My favorite actress that ever worked with John Wayne was of course Maureen O' Hara, but I also liked the chemistry between him and Lauren Bacall in the Shootest too.

    As far as men co-stars this is some of my list: ( In no paticular order)

    Dean Martin
    Ward Bond
    Ben Johnson
    Walter Brennan
    Victor McClaghlen

    And I think I could probably go on and on on that one!
    John Wayne was just the best!

    Stacy :):):):)

  • #1 male co- star Victor McGlocklin no doubt
    #2 Forrest Tucker my personal sentimental fave
    #3 Dino he was an awesome western actor too,, Bandolero etc.
    #4 Glen Campbell Nuff said Hint oscar
    #5 Gerge Kennedy So under rated and great character actor
    #6 His son Patrick
    #7 Kirk Douglas switch #7 and # 4
    #8 Robert Mitchum what a face and chemistry between them
    #1 female Angie Dickerson what chemistry between them
    #2 Yvone de Carlo
    #3 Maureen O'Hara

  • I have a strange obsession with Ward Bond (Hallmark has started running Wagon Train on Saturday afternoon) so he has to be my favorite costar.

    Maureen O'Hara is my favorite leading lady but Claire Trevor is close behind.

  • Just going over some old threads and thought I'd comment on this:
    Ward Bond
    Maureen O'Hara
    Richard Boone
    James Stewart
    Victor McGlaughlin(sp?)
    Forrest Tucker
    Ben Johnson
    John Agar
    Rod Taylor

  • my favourite co-stars(actors)
    1 gabby hayes
    2 ward bond/walter brennan
    3 richard boone
    4 lee marvin
    5 ben johnson
    6 harry carey jr


    1 maureen o hara
    2 gail russell
    3 ella raines
    4 lauren bacall
    5 claire trevor
    6 donna reed