What a great way to spend a Saturday:
"The Horse Soldiers"- John Wayne
"Backlash"-Richard Widmark
"For A Few Dollars More-" Clint Eastwood
"Death Rides A Horse"- Lee Van Cleef
" High Plains Drifter"- Clint Eastwood
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What a great way to spend a Saturday:
"The Horse Soldiers"- John Wayne
"Backlash"-Richard Widmark
"For A Few Dollars More-" Clint Eastwood
"Death Rides A Horse"- Lee Van Cleef
" High Plains Drifter"- Clint Eastwood
Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood
and aunderstand once again that his westerns are not my cup of tea.
I watched on Saturday (yesterday) on TCM: Horse Soldiers.
I really enjoyed that. I also like William Holden. It was great to see them together!
I can hardly wait until tomorrow (Monday), there are 5 John Wayne movies I'll be watching on TCM!!!
I just watched "She wore a yellow ribbon" last night, still as good as ever.
Angel and Badman
Northwest trail with Bob Steel
The Comancheros on the BBC this afternoon
I spent my Monday watching: The Horse Soldiers, then The Shadow Riders and finally; Along Came Jones.
one of my favorites
The Relentless Four
Adam West (Batman) in a spaghetti western....bad, very bad.
Big Trail
The Americano with Glenn Ford.
The first moive of his I have seen since his death and the first one that terretial UJ TV has shown. Its a good movie and Ford is excellent in it.
Two movies by Hank's children: Peter Fonda's own direction The Hired hand and Jane Fonda in Comes a horseman. Hired hand has beautiful pictures, but I find it too artsy, cinematographic tricks ending in themselves take away from the story.
Jane surprised me positively, she's superb in the Horseman. I haven't seen many of her films, but I understand this is not her typical role. She's so much like her father in this one... however different she wanted to be
The Bend of the River with James Stuart
Magnificent Seven
First time I watched it and it is the first non John Wayne western older then 1990 that I have ever watched. Good film, Steve McQueen pretty cool.
The Shootist was shown by our tv. I never seen it before and was greatly impressed.
Day of the Evil Gun W/ Glenn Ford and Arthur Kennedy. (TCM was having some sort of celebration for Arthur Kennedy (his Birthday? maybe?) and they played another A.K. film which was a well made movie about soldiers wounded in battle in WWII and the A.K. character--was blinded by a snipers bullet when he was in North Africa. Anyway, it was called: Dark Victory and if ever on DvD; it's worth buying.
Sorry I got off the subject of Westerns.
"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" was on TCM yesterday.
Cheers - Jay
Saw the tailend of Fort Apache, all of She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, and most of Rio Grande.
Bend Of The River
- James Stewart
A great movie
I watched Pale Rider last night.