How's The Weather

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  • Sure wish I could, Todd, but my 3 kids (and their collective 7 kids) couldn't afford to move up there with me and I don't wanna move that far away from them. I keep telling my wife that if we ever win the MegaMillions lottery (current jackpot 114 mil), I'm gonna move all of us to a cooler climate. My dream is to live up around Murray's neck of the woods (Vancouver, BC).

    As for the cost of living, I believe I've read that Texas is one of the least expensive places to live in the whole U.S.

    Besides, my conservative political preferences wouldn't fit in with all those liberals you have up in Minnesota. You're an anomaly, you know. :wink_smile::wink_smile:

    Don't I know that I am an anomaly. My dad points it out to me every chance he gets. Then I ask him what it's like to be a sheep, then he asked me what I mean, then I say "See, you don't even know what I am talking about unless I tell you!!". It all goes down hill from there!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Don't I know that I am an anomaly. My dad points it out to me every chance he gets. Then I ask him what it's like to be a sheep, then he asked me what I mean, then I say "See, you don't even know what I am talking about unless I tell you!!". It all goes down hill from there!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!

    Don't tell me that your Dad is a member of the DFL and intends to vote for Al Franken? :teeth_smile::teeth_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Don't tell me that your Dad is a member of the DFL and intends to vote for Al Franken? :teeth_smile::teeth_smile:

    Let's put it this way...He is really confused when it comes to choosing the president for this election. I have not talked to him about his senate choice yet. We have to tread lightly on these issues. He comes from the old DFL ways. He is fiscally conservative but for some reason thinks the government should be giving things to him. There in lies my greatest conflict with him. I keep telling him that if the government is giving you something, its not the government, its yourself cause your taxes keep going up. Then we get into the sheep arguement and it all goes down hill from there!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I keep telling him that if the government is giving you something, its not the government, its yourself cause your taxes keep going up.

    I don't know what it is about Democrats - apparently they think all that money the government spends grows on trees in Washington. My daughter, bless 'er heart, thinks just like your Dad.

    Thank goodness, at least my two sons are about as conservative, in all ways, as their old man. But I didn't spoil them like I did my baby (now 37 years old) daughter. :teeth_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • For the past few weeks the humidity here has been awful and at over 80% the full time-not counting when it rained and it rained here several days. Also, this past Saturday was the worst, it was not only hot but the humidity was at 100%. No winds nada-to at least keep think stirring.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • The weather is settling into a rut! No rain for three weeks (though some places in north Bexar County got some). Average temps are dropping slowly - only barely reaching 90 degrees F for highs. At least we have some clouds. (I hate those clear sun-bearing-down days). So far, no rain in sight!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • we have had some bad storms blow on through, hail , flooding rains in the low areas and strong winds, quite cool still at night but lovely days we had a 34C day this week looks like summer is coming on in at long last

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Im like Jay, I hate cloudless days-mainly because it only means we'll be in searing heat by noontime. However, we're starting to gete only into the upper 80's daytime and upper 60's.

    That cold front we were supposed to get in on Monday, seems to have decided not to come our way after all but it is still supposed to cause our winds to shift to a more Northerly direction meaning that we will FINALLY be losing some of that doggone humidity.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..