How's The Weather

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  • Outside of a desperate need for rain, north Texas has had a beautiful fall and winter. Mostly brilliant sunshine but with either very cool or bone-chilling temperatures. Just the kind of weather I like.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi

    Had a little fall of snow yesterday nothing serious. Woke up this morning everything white with heavier snowfall predicted for this afternoon. I'm not going out today but my wife is going to Birmingham to a trade fair and throughout the country it's chaos.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • snow,snow and more snow.
    kids not at school cos they are shut,got a nice roaring fire going to keep warm in front of!

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • We had a real good rain today. The tempatures are droping down to freezing tonight, then tomorrow we will get another front and the tempartures really drop, but I will be suffering down in Miami from Wednesday through Saturday. Boy, do I have it rough!

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi

    Looked out of the window earlier this morning and it was clearing up. Looked out just now and we are back to snow covering everything. my wife never made Birmingham she got as far as the town station and was advised not to even attempt the journey. I heard that someone went to London and sat on the train for five hours. London was cut off with no buses running at all in the city.
    Its amazing what a bit of snow can do.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • still white over here but we've had no snow overnight but the school is shut again today. it's quite sunny outside but i think we may get some more snow later

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • It is snowing here as I am writing this note. I am sick and tired
    of this weather. snow is a four letter word you know. I would move to a
    different area of the country if I could get my wife to agree. She will
    never move away from the grandkids.

  • We're still in a darned rut here!:glare::stunned: Cloudless days, no rain in sight! Temps vary a little below average to a little above average. Hoping an "El Nino" develops in the Pacific to change our weather pattern.:gah:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Today was very nice temps in upper 40's mostly sunny very little wind. Not bad for february at all. Hope their are many more nice days to come before it gets cold again.

  • Hi

    Dry with blue skies. We will have to make the most of it however the forecast is bad for Friday and Saturday with more snow.
    its amazing people were saying with global warming there would never be snow again. This is the worst for 20 years. I assume the experts know what they are talking about.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Arthur, that's exactly what I was saying yesterday!
    'What global warming?'
    The winters and even the summers are getting colder.
    All oursnow has completely gone, and now the rain is back.

    Best Wishes
    London- England