The Cowboys (1972)

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  • I agree that The Shootist was a great performance by Duke, but it felt more like a TV movie. It was the same with Steve McQueen's last film, The Hunted.

  • I just watched the special features on this movie and there was a particualr story that the director Mark Rydell told which I thought was funny.

    It was when they were having lunch together and during the lunch Duke got up to go to the bathroom. Upon his return his 1 pant leg was wet on the side all the way down. Mark asked Duke, "What in the world happened?" Duke looked and him and sighed, "It happens to me alot in the bathroom, everytime I am standing there and some guy turns to me and says, your John Wayne!!" and he made a jester as to show the gentelmen peeing on Duke's leg!!! I had never heard that story before and thought it was quite funny.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • The Cowboys and The Shootist are two of my favorite John Wayne but I just can't bring myself to watch these again.I can't stand to see my Man of all men die !

    I won't be wronged-I won"t be insulted-I won't be laid a hand on. :cowboy:

  • Many people think that this Film was one of John Wayne's Best Films !
    I like this Film because after spending most of my life In and Out of Ranching it shows Ranching pretty much what as it was in the Old Days !!
    I have a hard time watching the Film because Duke gets Killed in the Last part of the Film !!!



  • I'll have to pull this movie out and watch it again. It is a strong movie, and a great message. I don't rate this movie high on my top Duke movies, but it is one I do have great respect for. How did Duke like making this movie?

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • In the next Two Clips things go from Bad To Worst for the Part Duke is Playing in the film
    "The Cowboys" !
    And the Young Cowboys and The Cook Must Move on, and that is just what they do !!
    When They were doing this Part of The Film, Duke Told "Bruce Dern" that was Playing The Bad Guy, "You Know That After Playing This Bad Guy and Doing Me In, The Fans are Going To Hate You" and Bruce Dern Said "But They Are Going To Love Me In Berkeley" and that is Just what Happened, Bruce was a Bad Guy From That Time On !!!





  • It goes to show you how well Duke can work with kids and how well he reaches out to them. An excellent movie. I am about the same age as those boys in the movie.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I understand that Bruce Dern actually got death threats for the scene where he kills Duke's character.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."