Bob, nice looking duds there!! If I was looking for a hand out I sure would stay away from you!!! :lol:
Member Pictures
There are 57 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 15,573 times. The latest Post () was by Elly.
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Colorado, I agree w/ Todd--nice set-up you have there. And thanks for the warning, I was just about to ask you for enough money for a can of Schaffer's Beer.
Here's me when I was in Stratford-On-Avon last month
Hi Lilane,
Nice photo,
I know Stratford very well,
and spent many,many times there.
but if you're ever, near Torquay,
let us know!! -
Hi Ethan,well I've been to Torquay a few years ago.Just passing through mind you when I was holidaying in Cornwall and Devon.But next time I'm in that area I'll give a shout first
I love Stratford,been there 3 times now and wouldn't mind to go back tomorrow
Hi Moonshine--you are very pretty and your beauty only compliments the beauty of your surroundings.
Hi Liliane - that is a lovely photo of you. Thanks for posting it.
Cheers - Jay -
I can't figure out How to put a picture Up With A Post So You can go to the Site Below, and I know that this Old Man is not as LOVELY
as Moonshine!!!
Originally posted by ethanedwards@Oct 9 2006, 05:08 PM
I'm glad you asked that question,
as members have asked this one before.
Your question, is better placed in this Forum
as it will be a great help to all new and older members.My question,
have you got the photo, downloaded onto your PC,
say In My Documents, My Pictures etc.?
If so,The attachments, only allow so much global space,80.92 mb
so you may need to reduce the photo to fit.Right,
1. You press Edit on your post
2. Scroll down to the Attachments section.
3. Click on Browse,(this should take you to Your PC)
4. Click open on your picture, wherever it is, Documents etc.
5. Your photo location,(say Documents)should appear in the Browse box.
6. click Add This Attachment
7a.You will see the photo's properties appear,(like ****jpg) and its size,
7b.It must be smaller than the global space,of 80.92 mb
7c.Several Photo's can be added up to that limit
8. Click on Add into Post.
9. The photo code(eg. attachmentid=828) will appear in your edited post, wherever you want it.
10.Click on Submit Modified Post, and your photo, will appear as a clickable thumbnail!!Clear as mud , heh!!!!!!
Hi Bill,
Fantastic photos, and you look great!!
Bill,the question of getting a photo into your post, was asked yesterday,
and I have copied my reply here.Try it out and see how you get on
See, Hey Presto,
Clear as mud heh?? -
It keeps telling me my picture is To Big, now what?
Originally posted by chester7777@Oct 10 2006, 04:36 PM
If you don't already have software on your computer that will allow you to resize your photo, there are web sites that offer that service, for free. HERE is one example of such a place. You can do a Google search for "free photo resize" and see other results.Once the photo is an appropriate size, just follow Keith's directions (the Mrs. says she finds it helpful to print out the directions, so you can follow them more easily, step by step, while you are doing your task).
Bill,Jim posted this, following my post ,
click on the link Photo Downsize
to downsize your photo, so it fits the global space -
Hi Bill,
You're getting there,
The one on the horse is fine, could be bigger,
and the one of you, could do with downsizing!!
It's a big massive Bill's face ha ha -
Aw to Hell with it, I will try again Tomorrow from the Ranch!!!
Originally posted by William T Brooks@Oct 10 2006, 11:11 PM
I can't figure out How to put a picture Up With A Post So You can go to the Site Below, and I know that this Old Man is not as LOVELYas Moonshine!!!
My PictureChilibill
Hi Bill,
Very nice photos of you!Regards,
Vera -
I guess I was just too lazy to go back a page, but I clicked on the link in Vera's post (she quoted your original post), and saw your pics from the ranch. You cut a pretty dapper figure on a horse! Not too bad for an "old" guy :lol: !
You go to the edit picture section on the your pictures site and shrink the picture by using the two arrows.
It's great to see everyone's pictures!!
In the next day or so I'll have a picture of myself up, most probably on my boof head of a Thoroughbred
On the subject of pictures, and as a guide for everyone.
This is now posted in the Newbies Forum
How to Post Photos, Into Your Post- Step by Step Instructions
I hope everyone, finds this useful.
A night at the fair... my oldest son and me. My other two are somewhere..
Hi Kevin,
Nice shot, I noticed you used it on your profile.
I think is's good to see, our pictures,
and to know, what your fellow member
looks like, on the other end of a message.
However, it's a matter of choice.