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  • After I just posted the above comment about my family watching "The Crown", I was summoned downstairs and we ended up watching about 2 and a half episodes! (or something like that!) Now we're almost through episode 5 (of 10??). It's very good!

  • I figured as much. lol

    The wife and I turned it on to just see if we would like the series and ended up watching the whole thing (all 10 ep) in one day, wait we did finish the last episode the next day. ;)

    If you like The Crown you all should also check out The Kings Speech (my fav) and the 2006 The Queen with Helen Mirren. Plus Downton Abbey but that's another rat hole. ;)

  • Some of you folks watching different tv series, like Cheers and The Crown. A few months ago, I bought the complete series of Frazier and my wife and I have been watching a few episodes a night and what a blast. Haven't laughed so much in a long time. We're now coming to the end. We're in the last season, disc one. Hate to see it end, but we have the next one lined up, Wings. Used to love that show and it was also full of laughs. I think Amazon has it for about $30 for the whole series.

  • Brooklyn

    My favorite movie of last year. I could watch it over and over.

    The Nice Guys.

    Could actually hear it this time and liked it more than when I saw it in a theater.

    Edited once, last by may2 ().

  • Restless Natives. I remember being shown it in School it's a great and rather charming little Scottish film.


    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."

  • Restless Natives. I remember being shown it in School it's a great and rather charming little Scottish film.


    Thanks for the post but sadly the video cannot be seen here

    Best Wishes
    London- England