John Wayne Picture Game #8

There are 13 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 6,869 times. The latest Post () was by smokey.

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  • Well, hello again!
    I wish to congradulate Smokey for winning the John Wayne picture game # 6. Great caption Smokey, everyone loved it!

    This time I have used an image from "Rooster Cogburn and the Lady". I hope to see lots of interesting captions posted.

    I would also like to say we will miss John Wayne's co-star, Katharine Hepburn, who recently passed away on June 29th. She was a great actress and a wonderful lady. She will be missed. :(

    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • i tell you, you smell so bad if you don't have that bath soon i will i tell you i will shoot you.

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • "What do you mean I shouldn't of won the Oscar the last time I played this Role!"

    Tulalip Wa

  • JOHN WAYNE: "Strother! I punched you in the nose in "Horse Soldiers"! I belt you in "Liberty Valance"! I threw you in the mud in "McLintock"! But you keep poppin up in my movies! What is it this time - you want some more?"

    STROTHER MARTIN: "The Academy sent me to take a looksie - they believe you tryin to sneak on another Oscar by just playin the same old part again!"

    JOHN WAYNE: "Strother, you're an anachronsimus! You played a horse salesman in True Grit - how could you possibly be a ferry-master in this one!?"

    STROTHER MARTIN: "I wouldn't worry to much about anach - er, anachr - things like that. Or how would you explain Katie Hepburn comin over from African Queen to go river-rafting with you on this one!"

  • My vote goes to itdo for caption #7

    Here goes:

    River Rat: " I thought this was a Coors commercial, Mr. Ermal. Why aren't you wearing your faded red shirt that looks pink? How come you didn't pull that knife from Bogie's back? Why doesn't anyone know how many movies you did officially? And you didn't serve in World War Two?"

    Rooster: "I'm about to shoot a river rat!"

    Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Struther Martin didn't listen when others warned him, "Never ask John Wayne how to fix a bad tooth!"

    Would you believe: John Wayne negotiates a pay cut from minor actors?


    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • Strother: "You ain't got me scared !! I can see that red flag with the word *BANG* inside that barrell !" My vote for picture #7 goes to Itdo. dukefan1

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hey everyone,

    Don't forget to vote for the best caption from #7. No one is voting. I put it on the top to get you to go back and see what was placed on the threads. I had to go back to the fifth page to retrieve it. Look and vote. :rolleyes:

    Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote