
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 883,989 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Keith, please don't merge this with any other post. :-)) It's too good to get buried quickly. :lol::lol::lol:

    Anyway, I fully agree with the message :lol::lol:

    Ringo, I merged it into this thread "politics" where it should go. If you have any questions then please PM me.

  • I think this could be a crucial factor in delivering the outcome of the election. A popular inspired choice could deliver the vote for him.

    I'm convinced Romney has just screwed up with his choice of Ryan as VP candidate.

    Ryan's an excellent choice for run-of-the-mill conservatives (especially fiscal conservatives like me) but will not do much to draw women or minorities, which Romney is gonna need.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I'm not that convinced, although I agree about the minority votes, but I had already conceded them to Obama.
    Ryan shifts the focus back to the economy and the Dems' recent use of diversionary tactics from that topic are somewhat nullified. If they keep hammering Obama's dreadful record over the next three months it may convince some undecided voters to vote on the issue rather than the "rock star".
    Also, I think that Ryan may be more of a boost to women. He's young and an apparently great husband and father and I'd certainly like to see him debate Biden.
    The decision is made and all I can do is support it.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Hi Guys, on that kid with fist photo. Here is how and where I found it.

    I simply googled "JOHN WAYNE IMAGES" and that image popped up on that page of images--I kid you NOT. So if anyone here thinks I--created it?? think again. Im "a self-proclaimed worlds worst computer dummy" and wouldnt have the know how to create such a photo. :lol::lol::lol:

    ANyway, I DID NOT ask for the thread to be kept seperate for the purpose of ticking any detractors off-I only meant that I DID NOT want the photo to get quickly buried--that was my ONLY motivation. Also, on the photo itself--ive seen this kids picture several times before and with different messages painted on it--just like this one has a "new message" I had never seen before used.

    Anyway, for those here who dont know how to laugh and dont have a funny bone--this photo I pasted here-was ONLYMEANT FOR A LAUGH and nothing else. Had I intended it for something else? I would have said so in the first place.

    Anyway, to borrow a phrase from a frequent co-star of Dukes: "That's more words ive spoken since I know you". Or something like that?

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • PS, for Kevin and Keith,

    Kevin--I thank you for the support on this and in public too. Keith, thanks for giving me the courtesy.

    For anyone having a problem with what I post? All you have to do is to let me know. Todd once had a problem with me making fun of an actor he likes and that I didnt care much for--he asked me to not make fun of him, and I have not since that happened--which was im guessing about 4-5 years ago. Im a "big boy" and can take any criticism anyone can tell me about and will not fly off the handle and lose my temper about it. Anyway, this is all im saying on this--Danke.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I had not seen this post until it was mentioned to me in a PM. He, as I agree, you handled things quite nicely Kevin. Don't see you a whole lot, but when you pop up, it is for the good of JWMB. Oh, I have had to correct a few PMers about the fact that YOU are the originator of this project, LOL! I just LOVE the "mop boy" part. Keith....the Hawkswill one.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • It's amazing that in two great countries like the USA and UK we constantly have to resort to voting for the lesser of 2 evils.

    I totally agree with you Robbie. I blame the media for most of this mess, and who wants to go through the ringer from them. The great ones stay away, and it has created major problems. If we don't get better control of the media, they will rule the world. I don't have a problem with Freedom of the Press, but they must show some responsibility too.

    They don't! And until something is done, they will continue to shape the world the way they want to shape it, and I fear dome in ways that you can't imagine.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I totally agree with you Robbie. I blame the media for most of this mess, and who wants to go through the ringer from them. The great ones stay away, and it has created major problems. If we don't get better control of the media, they will rule the world. I don't have a problem with Freedom of the Press, but they must show some responsibility too.

    They don't! And until something is done, they will continue to shape the world the way they want to shape it, and I fear dome in ways that you can't imagine.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    This is why good people don't run for office!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I call him: obama bin ladin. Its about = in popularity where I post that at.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..