Display MoreStumpy,
Those are Navajo, Hopi and Apache Reservations in Arizona and Navajo in New Mexico !
I could not figure that out myself, so I ask some of the Indians that I know, and they told me that there were Many Indian-Mexican Cross-Breeds that live on the Reservations now because they have to be only 1/4 Indian Blood of that Tribe to live on the Reservations !
And they say that on Indian Land they Do Not Live by White Man Laws, Only Indian Laws !!
The Man that is now Running The 26 Bar Ranch for the Hopi Tribe is a Half-Breed of Hopi - Mexican Blood. I am afraid that they Do Not Care Much for the White Man, Only What The White Man Can Give Them !!!
I guess a majority of those half-breeds voted for another half-breed and that's what turned those counties in northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico blue.
I don't have anything against half-breeds or even whole-breeds, as long as they're conservative.