I need a invite Stumpy. I don't see anywhere that I can request one either.

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I need a invite Stumpy. I don't see anywhere that I can request one either.
I need a invite Stumpy. I don't see anywhere that I can request one either.
I invited you, Todd. Also Eric Thompson, Jeff (ShortGrub) and Chester (Jim). Oh, guess I'd better invite Mike (DukePilgrim) too - he's definitely a political junkie. -
Having only created a group before, I was missing the finer point of accepting the invitation. When you receive the notification that you've been invited, you click on the name of the group, and when it takes you there, look for the link that says "Join group" and click on it to become a member. As a moderator, I am able to post without joining, but I wanted to show among the official membership of the group.
I'm guessing that if there is anybody who would like to be part of the Politics Social Group, who hasn't yet been invited, just contact Stumpy, as he is the creator of the group, so he can "officially" invite you to join.
I thought silly laws were a monopoly of UK but you have them in US.
Why do I think of Blazing Saddles and cowboys eating beans
Flatulence tax could bankrupt farmers
Belching cows and pigs could start costing farmers money if a proposal to charge fees for air-polluting animals becomes law.
Farmers so far are turning their noses up at the notion, which is one of several put forward by the Environmental Protection Agency after the US Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that greenhouse gases emitted by belching and flatulence amounts to air pollution.
"This is one of the most ridiculous things the federal government has tried to do," said Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks, an outspoken opponent of the proposal.
It would require farms or ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 pigs to pay an annual fee of about 175 dollars for each dairy cow, 87.50 dollars per head of beef cattle and 20 dollars for each pig.
The executive vice president of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, Ken Hamilton, estimated the fee would cost owners of a modest-sized cattle ranch 30,000 to 40,000 dollars a year.
He said he has talked to a number of livestock owners about the proposals, and "all have said if the fees were carried out, it would bankrupt them". -
Now that Hillary is "nearly officially" 4th in succession to be President
Is there any truth that Bill has been seen buying a new helicopter for the inauguration !!!
ka50_6.jpg -
I thought silly laws were a monopoly of UK but you have them in US.
Why do I think of Blazing Saddles and cowboys eating beans
Flatulence tax could bankrupt farmers
Belching cows and pigs could start costing farmers money if a proposal to charge fees for air-polluting animals becomes law.
Farmers so far are turning their noses up at the notion, which is one of several put forward by the Environmental Protection Agency after the US Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that greenhouse gases emitted by belching and flatulence amounts to air pollution.
"This is one of the most ridiculous things the federal government has tried to do," said Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks, an outspoken opponent of the proposal.
It would require farms or ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 pigs to pay an annual fee of about 175 dollars for each dairy cow, 87.50 dollars per head of beef cattle and 20 dollars for each pig.
The executive vice president of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, Ken Hamilton, estimated the fee would cost owners of a modest-sized cattle ranch 30,000 to 40,000 dollars a year.
He said he has talked to a number of livestock owners about the proposals, and "all have said if the fees were carried out, it would bankrupt them".
Just to update you on this ridiculous law. The people spoke and I mean spoke to their reps up to November 28 (the day after Thanksgiving). This bill will not go to the floor. It died a quick death.
I knew about this and thought that this will do away with the livestock industry all together. But as I said before, the people spoke. Being from Alabama, I saw Sparks and he was definately against this. He plans to run for Governor in 2010.
I just saw this on Fox News and at first thought tha it was a JOKE, Then they Said That It Was No Joke !
The thing that Scares the Hell Out Of Me is that these are the same People that We The People Put Into Office !!
I can tell One Thing if The F---ing Police Ever Show Up in this part of the U.S.A. they better Bring the Army, Navy and The U.S.A.F. with Them, Because as Duke Said In The Old Days, "There Is A Lot Of Sand To Get Lost In Here In Arizona" !!!
Chilibill -
Reading this article and how the liberal bonehead just want to go after anyone who seems to want to kill the muslame extremists.
I think they are so mentally screwed up that they would stand by and watch their wife or child killed without lifting a finger, and if any of us dared to try to stop the killer those mental cases would only label us trigger happy murders.
A local Radio station made this available to us, thought you might enjoy it.
A new element, Governmentium, discovered
The following is a KSCO commentary. Here is Kay Zwerling. I didnメt know this exciting information, but Lawrence Livermore Laboratories has discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. This new element Governmentium has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons, and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called Morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called Peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert; however, it can be detected because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, but it takes from four days to four years to complete. Governmentium has a normal half life of two to six years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentiumメs mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons forming isodopes. This characteristic of morons promotion leads many scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass (or morasses). When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons. So, kudos to the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory for discovering this heaviest element yet known to science ヨ and further kudos to my business buddy and friend, Michael Olson, for apprising us of this stunning information. Now, We the People can see why Governmentium is in a constant state of confusium and corruptium. For KSCO, this is Kay Zwerling. ᄅ copyright 2008 -
Chester you should Put Up the E-Mail that You Sent Me, about The Senate Seat up For Grabs on Ebay, You can always Bleep the Bad Word !!!
Bill -
Since you asked, I will try, though we are heading off for Church and the Mrs. informs me the removal will take more time than we have this morning. Till later.
I hope the Secret Service give Obama better protection than they gave Bush.
Ultra slow response and in a corner with a door opening inwards Unbelievable
http://www.belfasttelegraph.co…lying-shoes-14107948.html -
Not good....
On a side note. Where has our resident political afficianado Stumpy been?? -
At least Bush had a sense of humor. He said that it must be great to be free to do this. That is what freedom is about. Expressing your feelings. (very much paraphrased).
I think this guy is an Obama supporter.
Cheers -
Not good....
On a side note. Where has our resident political afficianado Stumpy been??
He has been very quiet I hope he has his shoes!!
I actually think George is quite a nice conscientious guy who had the misfortune of being surrounded
and advised by Bush Sr cronies like Cheney & Rumfeld who have their own agenda to
follow rather than the country's best interests.
I see they are talking of Caroline Kennedy being drafted in for Hillary's Senate seat
in New York. If she is successful how long before the media drool over
a dream/nightmare ticket of Obama / Kennedy for 2012. -
He has been very quiet I hope he has his shoes!!
I actually think George is quite a nice conscientious guy who had the misfortune of being surrounded
and advised by Bush Sr cronies like Cheney & Rumfeld who have their own agenda to
follow rather than the country's best interests.
I see they are talking of Caroline Kennedy being drafted in for Hillary's Senate seat
in New York. If she is successful how long before the media drool over
a dream/nightmare ticket of Obama / Kennedy for 2012.
Obama has to get through the 1st 4 years before thinking about the next 4 after that. I think he is going to have the hardest road a president has ever faced dealing with the issues at hand. -
I wanted to wish all my friends holiday greetings and not get into
trouble, so here is my best effort.For my Democrat Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes
for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress,
non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice
holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious
persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with
respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of
others, or their choice not to observe religious or secular traditions
at all. We also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling
and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted
calendar year, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice
of other cultures.
For My Republican Friends:Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
May God bless you and yours in 2009. -
Love it!!!!