
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 884,018 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • It takes way too much to change the Constitution... not only does the House/Senate and White House have to agree but the states would have to ratify the Amendment and that will never go through. Too many states would never agree to letting foreigners become our President. We'd never see it in two life times and even then the immigration problem will get messier and eventually deadlier.

    I just went to Walmart to get a new fir extinguisher and I got so pissed I talked loud enough everyone within ear shot could hear me. Every single extinguisher had a certain foreign language side turned out. I rather loudly said: "I thought I was in America, why in the hell does every item have the G** D*** taco side pointing out. Last time I checked I was in America not Mexico". Not trying to offend anyone in here but I get really sick and tired of having to thumb through pages of instruction or flip something around all the time just to find the info in English. A clerk came over and said he'd take care of it right away and started turning them around. I got a few looks but one guy gave me a wink and a thumbs up, so I made my point.

    When I was stationed overseas, I was expected to know enough to ask for something if I had to go off the ship whether it was France, Spain, Italy, Germany and a few others. Number one priority should be English in all classrooms, even Texas. None of this bilingual stuff, if kids want to learn another language make it available like they did for me in high school.

  • Number one priority should be English in all classrooms, even Texas. None of this bilingual stuff, if kids want to learn another language make it available like they did for me in high school.

    I couldn't agree more. Every time I hear that "For English press 1" crap on the phone I get madder and madder.

    I told the wife I wish I could boycott every single company that panders to 'em by printing instructions in Spanish but the practice has become so widespread you hardly ever see a product without both languages. Grrrrrrr

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • On another note...

    Hey Stumpy, and you other Texicans, what are your thoughts about Ron Paul and his bid for President?

    I lilke what I hear from him so far myself.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • On another note...

    Hey Stumpy, and you other Texicans, what are your thoughts about Ron Paul and his bid for President?

    I lilke what I hear from him so far myself.

    Supposedly, Paul is a Libertarian. I agree with the Libertarian philosophy except for their advocacy of open borders, which I'm totally against. But realistically, Paul ain't going anywhere so supporting him is just spinnin' your wheels.

    As I've said before, the only two politicians I could support for president aren't running so I don't have a horse in the race.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Jim

    Unfortunately, this time it aint a shooting war. They all have votes (sorry soon will have).

    The best solution to Latin America is to help those countries become economically better off then the attraction to emmigrate is reduced.

    Just think it you could get them to speak English most Latinos are Conservative by nature
    ideal Republican voters:ohmy:


  • The best solution to Latin America is to help those countries become economically better off then the attraction to emmigrate is reduced.

    I think this is the aspect of illegal immigration that ticks me off the most. Instead of Hispanics demonstrating for Americans to change our laws to permit them to stay in our country after they've snuck across the border, why the hell aren't they demonstrating against their governments to change their economic and political policies so that they can stay the hell in their own countries and support themselves.

    most Latinos are Conservative by nature ideal Republican voters

    Nope, I don't think so, Mike. Those invading America are lower class people from countries that are socialistic in nature. In other words, they'll naturally gravitate toward the Dummicrats. It's a recipe for Republican extinction.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Give them time once they pay democrat taxes they might become republicans.



    With all respect, there are many elements of this illegal immigration mess of which you're ignorant or unaware that cause huge problems and expense in America. Problems we didn't have before they started invading our country.

    Hundreds of hospitals have been forced to close because the illegals use emergency rooms as primary care centers for minor ailments.

    Property owners pay grossly-inflated school taxes to educate the children of people who shouldn't even be in this country.

    Every day, Americans are killed in car wrecks by illegals who are unfamiliar with America's road signs and driving habits.

    Illegals commit a disproportionate share of crimes such as rape and murder. As a consequence, American prisons house a large population of illegal immigrant felons, all of whom have to be fed and housed at taxpayer expense.

    We're experiencing terrible drought in many sections of America, yet more and more aliens are flooding in to use what little water is left. Other natural resouces, such as timber and oil, are being depleted at far greater rates than usual because of the millions of illegals.

    In short, my friend, American nationalists like me want to preserve America for Americans. Now maybe people like you think that's being selfish but I thoroughly disagree.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Jim

    I accept what you are saying and can sympathise with your problems. In Europe, particularly UK we have similar problems.

    The problem with just saying no more is that it will not work. The Israeli have spent millions building walls and it doesnt work. They dig tunnels under the walls or go round.

    The joke I heard was USA builds10ft wall straight across Mexico. Sales of 11ft ladders
    boom in Mexico!!

    I know of a guy from here who had family in Boston went for holiday didnt go home worked for 2-3 years until immigration caught him and booted him out. Told under no circumstances should he come back. he travels to USA every year via Mexico.

    I queried with him why that way not Canada as being white doesnt he stand out.

    His reply basically unrepeatable was that US Customs couldnt find their ass if they were sitting on it. So basically he is getting in with no checks or using bogus papers despite being on a wanted list as a previously illegal alien.

    The way I see it US has porous borders all round be it land,sea or air. Politicians know it and they will do zilch about it.


  • As I've said before, the only two politicians I could support for president aren't running so I don't have a horse in the race.

    Hey Jim,

    Which two are you talking about? Just interested.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • The way I see it US has porous borders all round be it land,sea or air. Politicians know it and they will do zilch about it.


    In 1986, Congress passed an immigration "reform" law that gave amnesty to 1 or 2 million Mexican illegals and that was supposed to stop all future illegal immigration. Things just got worse (we're told that there are now an estimated 12 million illegals in the country but most people think that estimate is far too low) because this government made hardly any effort to enforce the provisions of that law. So naturally, Americans like me no longer trust this government to enforce any immigration laws.

    Until 1965, most immigrants to America came from European countries. Once here, all took steps to assimilate and become naturalized Americans (including my German-born wife, who is a better American than many native-born citizens). Kennedy introduced a law that year (which passed) to change the countries of origin (from Europe to Africa, Asia, etc) so as to promote "diversity" and "multiculturalism". The new immigrants began resisting assimilation and insisted on maintaining their native languages and cultures. These developments have had the dire effect of fragmenting us as a nation. As I said earlier, we used to have no "hyphenated" Americans but all that has changed so that now way too many people emphasize their countries/regions of origin by calling themselves German-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Polish-Americans, Chinese-Americans, etc.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Give the damn statue back to the French and let them start taking the world's rejects. If we don't shut down the borders from illegals we will have something much worse than 9/11. We saw what they could do with a few jumbo planes, think what they could do with a few semi's and small planes, even a train or two. Anyone watched Jericho... not a bad example of what could happen easily on our own soil.

  • No doubt Chester, that's why I keep stocking up on ammo and gun's!! The one with the biggest and most win's, right???

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I keep about a thousand rounds each for all the guns I have. Should hold them off for awhile, just have to teach the wife a tad more about reloading and shooting.