
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 831,437 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Can I use that box of tissues when you're done with them, Jay?

    Thanks for sharing that, chester. Very true words :thumbs_up:


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Super! I had no idea the Governator could be that articulate!


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • You see President Schwarznegger wont be too bad. Even The Simpsons have accepted the outcome:wink_smile:


    I doubt he wrote the proclamation, probably some well education secretary. Bite your tongue DP... he can never be president. Aliens are not allowed by the Constitution.

  • ALERT... this will not be PC.

    Hatch is a twit... he flip-flops on veterans issues. The Awnold (Arnold) bill is a joke. It's bad enough when I call a customer service line I have to talk to some idiot that doesn't even speak English. Now they expect me to respect a President who can't speak any better than some of these customer service departments? No way... Natural born US citizens only... open that door that Hatch is trying to do and your asking for real trouble. We already have too many hopping the border like it's nothing. Now we want to allow them to become President someday? The voters of this country will not allow it... Duke would not allow it. Hatch is doing it for one reason only... look at the state he represents. nuf said!

  • ALERT... this will not be PC.

    Natural born US citizens only... open that door that Hatch is trying to do and your asking for real trouble. We already have too many hopping the border like it's nothing. Now we want to allow them to become President someday?

    I suspect our founding fathers realized that someone not raised in our country might not have a full understanding or appreciation of our Constitution, may not have an appreciation of our Bill of Rights. Many people are raised in countries where freedom of speech doesn't exist, and where the right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist. Consequently, they may be easily influenced to give up said rights.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Considering the wide range and calibre :stunned: of the candidates (NOT) for 2008 I would have thought that any broadening of the possibilities would be beneficial for the voters.

    Anyway as the constitution is so difficult to amend I would say you wont have many sleepless nights on that count.

    One question that does intrigue me from your argument is if you restrict elected office for immigrants or aliens (lets hope they are ET and not Predator) why not go the whole way and restrict their voting rights.

    Alternatively, you ask all potential voters to pass a citizenship test /general knowledge quiz on the constitution of USA before they get their voting rights and that should weed out the real wingnuts.

    If you hear a wooden spoon at this point feel free to ignore.

    On a happy note you may like to rehearse El Dios Bendice América you may need it in 20 years or so:wink_smile:


  • First off, we already had a president that ""served""himself that is, for 8 years in office-who was not an American :wink_smile: that was slick willy clinton; and her husband.:stunned: :stunned:

    Secondly, I too never have liked or respected anything about ol orrin hatch either. :martini_shaken:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hell will freeze over before that happens... My wife and I frequent a local fast food place when she works late. Recently we've had problems with our orders. I got so ticked off I grabbed the order myself and drove 2 miles back to the restaurant. When I walked in the door, threw the bag on the counter and said very loudly... "Do you have anyone working hear that still knows how to read or speak English?" A worked walked up and I said, get your manager. I kept the loud tone and repeated my request to talk to someone that knew how to read. I watched as they re-made my order but I definitely caught their attention, we haven't had another problem since. Their little order tickets showed exactly how I wanted my order but apparently no one bothered to read the order. After 4 times I flipped and went there myself.

    Quote from Chester

    I suspect our founding fathers realized that someone not raised in our country might not have a full understanding or appreciation of our Constitution, may not have an appreciation of our Bill of Rights. Many people are raised in countries where freedom of speech doesn't exist, and where the right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist. Consequently, they may be easily influenced to give up said rights.

    Your exactly right. Someone that doesn't live in our country or grow up in our country, born in our country and take our heritage classes, history classes can truly understand our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the basic need to be lead by officials that understand our basic laws and reasons for those laws. Arnold will have to settle for California only.

  • I was hoping Clint Eastwood might run for President, I still remember him in one of his first roles, Rowdy Yates, in Rawhide, in this day and age, he could put new meaning to the theme song, where they say,
    " Now head 'em up, and move 'em Out !"
    Unfortunately, Clint isn't quite as conservative as some of the characters he has played.:yeaahh:

  • I was hoping Clint Eastwood might run for President, I still remember him in one of his first roles, Rowdy Yates, in Rawhide, in this day and age, he could put new meaning to the theme song, where they say,
    " Now head 'em up, and move 'em Out !"
    Unfortunately, Clint isn't quite as conservative as some of the characters he has played.:yeaahh:

    And Clint is getting rather old these days.

  • He was of enough sound mind to do Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima so he can't be too bad off. I doubt he'd want such a responsibility. It really takes a toll on the person. I saw some recent before and after Clinton and G.W. pictures. They aged very badly.

  • One question that does intrigue me from your argument is if you restrict elected office for immigrants or aliens (lets hope they are ET and not Predator) why not go the whole way and restrict their voting rights.

    Alternatively, you ask all potential voters to pass a citizenship test /general knowledge quiz on the constitution of USA before they get their voting rights and that should weed out the real wingnuts.

    Interesting you should mention this. I have often felt that immigrants who have chosen to become citizens and undergone that process and all it entails, are probably much more knowledgeable of our political process and government than many natural born citizens.

    I think your idea is EXCELLENT. It is a test that could be administered to high schoolers, and they could receive a certificate which could be presented with their voter registration. For those who never registered to vote, but now want to, the test could be given at time of registration, and completed registration would be contingent on passing the test. There could even be a nominal fee, to help cover the cost of the added work, but small enough that pretty much anyone could afford it. Maybe the fee could be waived for those who take the test in high school and register then. I'm just tossing around ideas here, I'm sure there are many aspects that could be changed or fine-tuned.

    In another vein, I have been thinking about the fact that anyone who was not born in this country is not eligible to run for and be elected for president. I would have to research further regarding eligibility, but at one time Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State and fourth in line to succeed the president, although perhaps the fact that he was not born here would have caused the succession to go the next eligible person.

    Here's an interesting article regarding order of presidential succession.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Immigrants already have to take an extensive test to get US Citizenship but nothing like we do growing up and going through our high school system. The give potential citizens are given a book they have to study that has things like the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and other things in it that they have to then take a closed book test much like our drivers test and pass it to get the Naturalized Citizenship certificate. But it should by no means be considered enough to do a constitutional amendment to allow them to become President.

    And your right about Kissinger... he would have been passed over. The law only applies to the office of the President of the United States. They have executive orders of succession for nearly every governmental agency in the US. There have been a few Presidential Succession Acts in our history:

    Presidential Succession Act of 1792 (Used 23 times)
    Presidential Succession Act of 1886 (Used 9 times)
    Presidential Succession Act of 1947 including it's numerous modifications. (Used 5 times) The 25th Amendment is one of those slight modifications.

    Here is an excellent site about all of it: http://www.amendment25.com/

  • Wonder what would have happened if WW3 had broke out in the Kissinger case and numbers 1-3 were no longer around.

    Fascinating movie to watch is The Day Reagan was Shot when Al Haig was close to launching a full scale attack on Russia and only resistance from Caspar Weinberger and the arrival of George Bush at the White House stopped his plans.

    I think Clint is too old to run for President now and would be too wary of what may surface from his private life.
