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  • I'm not nearly as confident of Obama losing as you are, Mike. Right now, it's a very iffy proposition. There are probably millions of former Republicans, just like me, who are so disgusted with what used to be our party, and its' candidate, that we will sit out this election.

    Hi Jim

    Its a long way to November and in the cold light of day would letting Obama in by not voting for Mc Cain be the best policy for people of US.

    Whoever get elected will proberably be facing the worst situation since Roosevelt was elected in 1932. There are big economic problems, the threat of terrorism and two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that need resolved.

    There have been great Presidents and lousy ones sometimes those you expect the least from surprise you.

    As the saying goes "Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is the Future and Today is a Gift That's Why its called The Present"

    From the glass half filled optimist.


  • To tell the truth,the tradition of Hokkaido University that is my alma mater is the Frontier Spirits.

    Hokkaido Univ. grew out of Sapporo Agricultural School,which was founded in 1876
    as the first higher educational institution for agricultural studies in Japan.
    At the time its establishment,this school invited Dr.William S. Clark who was the president of the Massachusets Agricultural College in the United Staes.
    and he was also a major in the 21st Massachusets Volunteers in 1861,and a Colonel from
    1862 to 1863 among the Civil war.
    The frontier spirit,which is represented by Clark's farewell remarks,"Boys Be Ambitious",
    has been inherited as the spirit of foundation over a period of 100 years since the begginig of the University.

    The last speech of Clark was as follows.I think that you of a modern politician should
    also have this spirit again in the United States and Japan.
    “Boys, be ambitious!” Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandizement, not for that evanescent thing which men call fame. Be ambitious for knowledge, for righteousness, and for the uplift of your people. Be ambitious for the attainment of all that a man ought to be.

    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • I sincerely hope this means a repeat of 1994.

    You know Jim, I'd hope for the same but the Republicans are doing nothing either, and don't see anyone or any group stepping up to take charge as compared in 1994 with Newt and the 10 Bill of Rights of the Republican Congress. Unless you see something I don't, I am not encouraged with our House and Senate.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • You know Jim, I'd hope for the same but the Republicans are doing nothing either, and don't see anyone or any group stepping up to take charge as compared in 1994 with Newt and the 10 Bill of Rights of the Republican Congress. Unless you see something I don't, I am not encouraged with our House and Senate.

    Cheers :cool:

    No, Mike, I don't see any Republicans ready to step up and change things for the better either. I'd like to see it just to see the other side throw a hissy fit, since they're so damned sure they're gonna sweep the whole ball of wax in November.

    Anything that vexes and confuses the leftists can't be all bad, can it? :wink_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • No, Mike, I don't see any Republicans ready to step up and change things for the better either. I'd like to see it just to see the other side throw a hissy fit, since they're so damned sure they're gonna sweep the whole ball of wax in November.

    Anything that vexes and confuses the leftists can't be all bad, can it? :wink_smile:

    Sounds good to me. I just hope there are plenty of poeple who don't listen to the media. You know that it was the media who got Obama his delegates, not that I wasn't all that upset. But it does anger me to say that I am for a Clinton before Obama :vomit: . Doesn't that me you sick?! :vomit:

    Cheers :cool: :vomit:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I got in a little dig today.
    I got a form letter from Sen. Joe Biden yesterday soliciting funds for the Democratic Party.:laugh: I don't know how I got on his list but there you are. Anyway, I wrote a nasty note back on the fund solicitation reply sheet telling him and all his cronies to quit sniping at the Republicans and get back to the supposed business of Congress. I used his business reply envelope - no postage necessary (though I'll pay for it in the end since congressional types don't pay for postage:glare:).
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • congressional types don't pay for postage

    Good on you, Jay.

    Congressional types don't pay for anything; we the taxpayers get stuck for all of it.

    Ya know, I've studied quite a bit of American history (history being one of my favorite subjects) and IMO, we've never had a Congress (including even during the Revolution) that worked for the good of the country as a whole. Invariably, they've been in the pocket of some special interest group.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Things really are in a bad way here in the UK, this particular scheme is an absolute joke, I sincerely believe that under the Labour government we are resembling a 'Banana Republic' more and more every day.


  • In my humble opinion our representives
    are way out of touch with us the working stiffs. They believe that tehy are entitled to everything. On another note. I am a retired Letter Carrier who worked in the Newark N.J system. I can remembering delivering welfare checks to a third generation of welfare
    people. 3 GENERATIONS! Why work when
    the Democrates will ensure that you will be taken care of WITHOUT working.

  • In my humble opinion our representives
    are way out of touch with us the working stiffs. They believe that tehy are entitled to everything. On another note. I am a retired Letter Carrier who worked in the Newark N.J system. I can remembering delivering welfare checks to a third generation of welfare
    people. 3 GENERATIONS! Why work when
    the Democrates will ensure that you will be taken care of WITHOUT working.

    This man was prescient. I figure we're in the next-to-last stage.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • This Scares The Hell Out Me !!!

    Me too, Bill. I think this country is gonna go down the tubes if this clown gets in office (and maybe even if McCain wins). What is incomprehensible to me is why is the guy so popular? Does anyone really know the answer to that question? That's what's so scary - to think that at least half the people in this once-great country are so politically ignorant and naive.

    I blame Bush for the destruction of the Republican Party, which has resulted in the situation we're facing. If he had governed as a true conservative, instead of signing every spending bill that came across his desk, and getting us involved in another no-win, Vietnam-like war called Iraq, I think we'd be in much less trouble than we're in.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Iraq is not and was not a no win war, the problem with it is that we let it become politically driven. If we would get the politicians out of the way and let the military do it's job, it would be over sooner.

    Regan is the last President that had power over Congress, they all feared what a negative word from him would do to their political career. Now the Presidents fear what a bad word from Congress will do to them... kind of sad really....

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • the problem with it is that we let it become politically driven. If we would get the politicians out of the way and let the military do it's job, it would be over sooner.

    What you say is true - the problem is that every conflict we've been involved in since WW2 has been politically driven.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • This article, as always, confirms my exceedingly low opinion of the way our political system works, in that while the electorate overwhelmingly disapproves of Congress as an institution, they think their personal elected officials are doing a great job. Don't they realize that their personal representatives are part of that Congress of which they so strongly disapprove?

    As a political junkie of long standing (almost 50 years), I've never understood this totally incomprehensible political judgement of the American people. My personal belief is that a voter should never, ever let their "personal" lawmaker get too comfortable in the job - every single one of them should be voted out often enough that they know their constiuents will hold them responsible for the state of affairs in this country.

    Because of this contradictory attitude of the electorate, I firmly believe we should have term limits.

    De gustibus non est disputandum