I'm not nearly as confident of Obama losing as you are, Mike. Right now, it's a very iffy proposition. There are probably millions of former Republicans, just like me, who are so disgusted with what used to be our party, and its' candidate, that we will sit out this election.
Hi Jim
Its a long way to November and in the cold light of day would letting Obama in by not voting for Mc Cain be the best policy for people of US.
Whoever get elected will proberably be facing the worst situation since Roosevelt was elected in 1932. There are big economic problems, the threat of terrorism and two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that need resolved.
There have been great Presidents and lousy ones sometimes those you expect the least from surprise you.
As the saying goes "Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is the Future and Today is a Gift That's Why its called The Present"
From the glass half filled optimist.