Bullet For The Duke

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  • John Wayne has got a birthday bullet with his name on it. The late cowboy legend, known as the Duke, will have his name stamped on Winchester ammunition to celebrate his 100th on May 26.

    - From the TheDailyRecord.co.uk

    More details to come...

  • Hmm, I've got mixed opinions on this.

    While I on one hand realise that it is a way of paying tribute to him in relation to something that he is very associated with on screen.

    However on the other hand its quite errie, 'John Wayne's name on a bullet, you know some of his detractors will make a big deal out of that.


  • Now that's cool! It would be nice if they'd stamp the cartridges for the calibers he used most in his movies.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • That's something I would like to buy. Have to go to the Winchester website and see if they mention anything on that.

    Here is the link on Winchester's site. http://www.winchester.com/news/newsview.aspx?storyid=190

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Nice idea for a 100th B-day tribute.

    But, once again we see that horrible picture of Duke appearing to give his best imitation of a grizzly bear on the set of The Undefeated. Given that this is supposed to be a tribute, couldn't they have gotten a better looking picture to go on the box?

    The Undefeated is generally cosidered to be a poor movie, and that is definately one of the worst pictures of Duke ever taken. Why not use a picture from Stagecoach or The Searchers or True Grit?


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • I agree Ejgreen.

    Recently myself and a few others contacted the John Wayne estate to have this picture (which was in black and white) removed from Dukes section of the IMDB.

    Its dissappointing that this truely awful picture is back, it show how much thought was put into this idea for Dukes 100th birthday.


  • They probably picked it cause it shows him holding the Winchester and its in color.

    I called our local gunshops and the 2007 ammo comes out next month and then they will know more details on the ammo. As soon as I know more I will let you guys know.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne