Painting done!!??

There are 37 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 15,345 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Amazing, we have such talent in this website. We are truly blessed !

    I won't be wronged-I won"t be insulted-I won't be laid a hand on. :cowboy:

  • I've just got back from a weeks holiday in Spain so I'm trying to catch up . . .

    Arthur, it's good to see you back! We've missed you!

    Amazing, we have such talent in this website. We are truly blessed !

    AMEN to that - I couldn't have said it better myself!

    We have talented artists, poets, musicians, amazing people who have diligently compiled incredibly detailed and comprehensive lists of JW on radio and TV, intelligent readers who share so many things with us here . . . I am in awe of the range and scope of the talent among this group of people.

    Chester :newyear:

  • chance

    you have really outdone yourself with this one, am in awe of your talent, thanks for sharing it with all of us

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Has everyone got their copy of the painting?


    We apologize for not responding sooner!:uhoh:

    We did receive the file, via email, and it is now the desktop on one of our computers! It's awesome, and will do until I have a copy for hanging on the wall.

    BTW, what size is the original painting?

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi Chester please you got it, the original is about 20 inch x 28 inch.
    This is how it would look in a frame.


    Edited once, last by CHANCE ().

  • It goes without saying that I am hugely impressed with this superior painting that Graham has produced.

    I also like the little symbolic images he has placed within the picture, e.g. my favourite movie is "The Searchers," Graham has depicted me in Ethan's outfit from that movie which I feel is a nice touch.

    Well done Graham, I am sorry I have not commented before now.



  • Thank you sir for a very nice painting. I am relativly new to the forum and I
    used to think I knew alot about the Duke but after reading all the posts I
    realize that I don't know diddly squat. I have a lot of research to do. Can any
    one advise me where the best place is to begin? I would appreciate any advice
    and help.
    Dan Stapel

  • [B]one advise me where the best place is to begin? I would appreciate any advice

    and help.
    Dan Stapel

    Dan thanks for your interest in our great painting,
    by member CHANCE.

    In answer to the above, everything you need to now about Duke,
    is here in a our great forum,
    Have a look in the General Discussions,
    however, You may find this link useful:-

    Link to Duke's Movies and Co-Stars

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Has everyone got there copy of the painting. Cowgirlalane did you get yours. It was suggested i auction the painting.