There are 32 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 12,946 times. The latest Post () was by Tbone.

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  • Several of us here have joined over there. I would direct you to this thread for a little more information.

    Chester :newyear:

    All I know is that unless you are registered at the other site, the only thing you can read is the rules and regulations, you can't even see what's there. Here, even as a guest, you can get a taste of what this place is like. You can't see all the images or click all the links unles you register, but you can read some of teh posts.

    It's pretty friendly here, too. :thumbs_up:

  • Thanks for your replies. I suppose I was wondering if anybody here belonged to it too?

    Im a member there but have VERY limited time on the computer these days and I can't visit there.

    SO as my saying goes: This site is "Home" while that other site is like a "Vacation Cabin". ;-))

    I like the site but is too limited on what we can say and im sick and tired of my postings being deleted.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I signed up on that site last year but got a very cold email from Dakota. He did not like my own web site and was especially unhappy that I had a link to this forum. He also made some comments that I did not like.

    He clearly does not understand what forums are about. You cannot restrict what people want to say and the topics they want to talk about.

    I really like the new header on this forum but what really made me happy was the use of the words 'John Wayne fan community'. That word 'community' is a big a word. This is a community and we talk about many diverse things, but still come back to one subject: John Wayne.

    Yes, this is 'home'.


  • Sounds like that site should have information only and let it be viewed as that. It seems painful to post anything there.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I really like the new header on this forum but what really made me happy was the use of the words 'John Wayne fan community'. That word 'community' is a big a word. This is a community and we talk about many diverse things, but still come back to one subject: John Wayne.


    I couldn't have said it any better! COMMUNITY! That is the perfect word to describe this place, and as you so aptly put it, we talk about many things, but still come back to the man that drew us here in the first place - Duke!

    John Wayne brought us here in the first place, but it is the friendly, knowledgeable COMMUNITY that keeps me and my Mrs. coming back day after day after day - a place where we have met and made friends with folks from all around the globe, people I hope we have the privilege of someday meeting face to face. People with whom we have shared the ups and downs of our lives and theirs. The other site may be 'officially sanctioned by Wayne Enterprises' but I'll take the full-of-life community here over that barren desert there any day!

    Chester :newyear:

  • I have meet Dakota at Winterset every year for the last three years.
    Two years ago we stayed at the same hotel and one day he saw me in the lobby posting on this site. afterwards I was denied membership when I later tried to join his site. He wrote a very nasty email to the birthpalce last year for their ackowlegment of our site. More dictator than moderator.
    One mans opinion.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • HAs anyone noticed that there is now a link to this site from the birthplace site!!!! I think we are getting noticed.

    :film: " When the legend becomes fact print the legend"

  • HAs anyone noticed that there is now a link to this site from the birthplace site!!!! I think we are getting noticed.


    Wow, thanks for sharing that!!

    Here's what they have to say (along with a link!) -

    The “Official Un-official” John Wayne message board, this is a long-established,
    vibrant online community of fans dedicated to the memory of John Wayne.
    Forum discussions of all aspects of Wayne’s film and life.


    VERY cool!


    Chester :newyear:

  • I have meet Dakota at Winterset every year for the last three years.
    Two years ago we stayed at the same hotel and one day he saw me in the lobby posting on this site. afterwards I was denied membership when I later tried to join his site. He wrote a very nasty email to the birthpalce last year for their ackowlegment of our site. More dictator than moderator.
    One mans opinion.

    Some may not remember but that dude was a participant on this board at one time and even on here, he was pretty obnoxious. He was a self-described computer genius and expert in all things. I seem to recall sending a PM to one of our fellow board members expressing the opinion that Dakota Surfer was bucking for a job as board moderator. Finally, he got so obnoxious that Kevin kicked him off the premises. There ain't a doubt in my military mind that his animosity toward members of this board springs from the fact he was ejected from membership on this board.

    De gustibus non est disputandum