RIP: Members, Loved Ones, Relatives and Friends

There are 140 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 165,146 times. The latest Post () was by may2.

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  • Dukesfan, your heart rending post is indeed sad, and more poignant as you mention,
    so near and close to Duke's birthday.
    Your loss is so recent, and it so enriching that you have shared your love for her, with us all.

    Cancer is a dreadful curse,and so far, touch wood count myself as
    one of the lucky ones, having suffered from throat cancer over the last three years,
    finally being given the 'all clear', as near as one can have an 'all clear'!.

    The treatment itself is more agonizing then the dreadful disease,
    and my prayers are with you at this sad time.

    Duke's legacy of course lives on

    John Wayne Cancer Foundation/ John Wayne Cancer

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 3 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Mark, haven't talked to you in a while, so I didn't know about Valentina. What a shock that was. I know you must feel cheated....and rightly so.......but boy did yall have some super years together, didn't you? And you have things left behind that are half of her..........lot to live and love for. Colorado Bob wanted me to pass along his heartfelt condolences........imagine you will hear from him soon. We are partners "of a sort".........both enjoy the same things. Hopefully you will post and answer the quizzes. Small site but fun. We are here IF we can do something. I rarely post pics here.......gave up, LOL.......but I put two up for you. They are of your favorite Rio Bravo character! Hang in and know that Bob and I are thinking of you every day. Hug from me and a bear hug from Bob! Keith, (the old lady one)! Oh, here is the post about you on names mentioned.....up to you if you want to.

    This year the Duke´s birthday will be the sadest and hardest day of my life! My wife Valentina, I loved so much, died from cancer one week ago and we will have the official ceremony for her on Monday, May 26th.... After the ceremony her body will be given to the flames and the ashes will be buried one week later.
    I like to tell You, that we need much, much more research how to cure cancer!!! - Cancer can hit EVERYBODY and can come very unexpected! Valentina always was a strong little woman who worked hard, never ill and never had to go to Hospital. Before I brought her to Hospital she had some problems with her stomach for about two weeks. She thought this came from stress in the Company where she worked. In Hospital they said it was a very agressive kind of skin cancer, but to the inside of the body and it was on her leaver! My wife stayed in Hospital for seven weeks and after that seven weeks she died there at the Age of 46. It was so hard to see her getting weaker and weaker over that period of time. In the end she had three cruel days as she suffered from pain and her belly was swollen like being pregnant. Nobody should die that way, and I wish nobody will see the person he loves most in life die that way....
    Valentina never smoked, never drank alcohol, she loved her life and all animals, she liked to travel and see the world, was interested in culture, history and good movies, she did not want to go at that young age and she did not want to leave me in this world alone.... It is now 35 years after the Duke died from cancer and we still have no cure for this and it still kills people of all races and ages, even children.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • My heart goes out to you, Dukesfan. I pray you can stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • i know what you are going throu my younger sister died of cancer and i watch her for over a yr in so much pain
    and my grandmother my mom mother also died of it. and last oct my cousin who was 2 yrs youner then me died of
    bone cancer. so sorry for your loss.

  • so sorry to hear of your loss i know what you are going throu i watch my younger sister died of cancer she was in so much pain.
    and my grandmother my moms mother also died of it. and my cousin died last oct of bone cancer he was two yrs younger then me.
    it is so hard to watch it all happen. take care your thoughts are with us all.

    This year the Duke´s birthday will be the sadest and hardest day of my life! My wife Valentina, I loved so much, died from cancer one week ago and we will have the official ceremony for her on Monday, May 26th.... After the ceremony her body will be given to the flames and the ashes will be buried one week later.
    I like to tell You, that we need much, much more research how to cure cancer!!! - Cancer can hit EVERYBODY and can come very unexpected! Valentina always was a strong little woman who worked hard, never ill and never had to go to Hospital. Before I brought her to Hospital she had some problems with her stomach for about two weeks. She thought this came from stress in the Company where she worked. In Hospital they said it was a very agressive kind of skin cancer, but to the inside of the body and it was on her leaver! My wife stayed in Hospital for seven weeks and after that seven weeks she died there at the Age of 46. It was so hard to see her getting weaker and weaker over that period of time. In the end she had three cruel days as she suffered from pain and her belly was swollen like being pregnant. Nobody should die that way, and I wish nobody will see the person he loves most in life die that way....
    Valentina never smoked, never drank alcohol, she loved her life and all animals, she liked to travel and see the world, was interested in culture, history and good movies, she did not want to go at that young age and she did not want to leave me in this world alone.... It is now 35 years after the Duke died from cancer and we still have no cure for this and it still kills people of all races and ages, even children.

  • Sorry to hear the news of your Wife's passing, your in my thoughts and prayers.

    Death is as much a part of life as living, and is something we all will face at some point. I lost my mom back on April 2nd, so I'm experiencing some (not all) of what your going thru, and it's hard some days to even think back on it.

    This year the Duke´s birthday will be the sadest and hardest day of my life! My wife Valentina, I loved so much, died from cancer one week ago and we will have the official ceremony for her on Monday, May 26th.... After the ceremony her body will be given to the flames and the ashes will be buried one week later.
    I like to tell You, that we need much, much more research how to cure cancer!!! - Cancer can hit EVERYBODY and can come very unexpected! Valentina always was a strong little woman who worked hard, never ill and never had to go to Hospital. Before I brought her to Hospital she had some problems with her stomach for about two weeks. She thought this came from stress in the Company where she worked. In Hospital they said it was a very agressive kind of skin cancer, but to the inside of the body and it was on her leaver! My wife stayed in Hospital for seven weeks and after that seven weeks she died there at the Age of 46. It was so hard to see her getting weaker and weaker over that period of time. In the end she had three cruel days as she suffered from pain and her belly was swollen like being pregnant. Nobody should die that way, and I wish nobody will see the person he loves most in life die that way....
    Valentina never smoked, never drank alcohol, she loved her life and all animals, she liked to travel and see the world, was interested in culture, history and good movies, she did not want to go at that young age and she did not want to leave me in this world alone.... It is now 35 years after the Duke died from cancer and we still have no cure for this and it still kills people of all races and ages, even children.

  • I learned this morning that not one year after my mom's dad's passing, my dad's dad "Pap-pap" has passed away. I am quite shocked and upset. I haven't seen him in several years, but luckily his birthday was just a few days ago, so my dad was able to speak to him on the phone. He had some medical issues, but was not predicted to die anytime soon, so this is a shock to us all.

    RIP Pap-pap.

  • I learned this morning that not one year after my mom's dad's passing, my dad's dad "Pap-pap" has passed away. I am quite shocked and upset. I haven't seen him in several years, but luckily his birthday was just a few days ago, so my dad was able to speak to him on the phone. He had some medical issues, but was not predicted to die anytime soon, so this is a shock to us all.

    RIP Pap-pap.

    So sad to hear your news,
    we offer our sincere condoleances

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Please pray for me and my family. Not a week after my grandfather's passing, I have been informed of new tragic news.

    My half sister, Amanda, has died. I did not know her all too well, since our families were estranged, but still, she was my sister! I love her, and miss the times we will now never have together.

    She was 28 years old. Far too young.

  • Please pray for me and my family. Not a week after my grandfather's passing, I have been informed of new tragic news.

    My step sister, Amanda, has died. I did not know her all too well, since our families were estranged, but still, she was my sister! I love her, and miss the times we will now never have together.

    She was 28 years old. Far too young.

    Our prayers are with you, in such an awful week for you.
    Please accept are sincere thoughts and condolences

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and condolences. This is a very hard time for me and my family. The funeral took place on Saturday and we were able to attend (though it was several states away!). Thank you again.

  • I'm sorry to hear that, Ringo. The wife and I are cat lovers and I understand your pain. Rest in peace, Shasta.

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Thank you and I greatly appreciate it. Im hoping to get another kitten about mid October--which isnt a replacement for Shasta--but I think she'd okit knowing how much I love cats.

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