Today I Watched...

There are 32 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 32,623 times. The latest Post () was by DCtheQuietMan.

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  • I was comparing Saving Private Ryan to Sands of Iwo Jimo a while back, and though the two movies were in history at different locations, I thought Sands had a lot to offer without the gory of the war that Saving showed. If you took out that part of the movie in Saving, and I mean all that graphic scenes, you wouldn't have much of a story.

    Think about it.

    Saving showed elicit scenes and told a story of the horrors of war. They showed a troop of soldiers searching for a person, one person without knowing where he was and knowing that he was not where he was suppose to be. Then all of a sudden, they tracked him down under terrible odds of survival, and most of the troops survived, then when they find him, almost all of the squad gets killed. Only in Hollywood could you get results like that.

    But the vets of WWII say that was realistic, and very touching. I won't take that away from them, but when I asked a couple of the vets of that war about the story of this movie; they didn't see one. They only saw the reality of war and the hell they went through.

    I also asked them if they saw Sands, and they said that they did, and liked the story told in that movie. They were disappointed that the graphics of war was not as intense as Saving, but the rest of the movie seem realistic with the training and the squad leader going the extra mile for them til the end.

    That to me is the difference between Saving and Sands.

    Not to say that Hanks' character was not going the extra mile, but that he'd take an assignment without regard to the safety of his squad. And make some speech that if Ryan can get home then we all can get home, that's why we are going to find Private Ryan and get him home. How touching, but totally unrealistic.

    I'm not talking about the war, but the story line. Make sure we get that straight.

    Anyway, Sands of Iwo Jimo is much more impressive to me that Saving Private Ryan.

    Just an opinion.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Hondo, I see your point but, they can still convey the essense of war without the gore and the cursing. I know that to be more realistic that the gore and cussing would have to be shown but, I still get the message when I watch older war movies that do not show much or any gore. You hear an machinegun burst and you see a soldier or two fall down and you realize that they got hit by bullets from that burst of fire. I don't need to hear a burst and then see someone's chest explode with a dozen spurts of blood to know that they got hit by said burst. :)

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..


    John Bernard Books (The Shootist):
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."

  • The Ringo Kid- "The Green Berets"-"One of the first memories I had in watching movies when I was just out of wearing diapers"
    If my calculations were correct you would have been wearing diapers at 11-12? I know your post is really old
    but that was a funny comment and I couldn't pass up saying this.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • Watched The Spoilers this morning. 1942, some of it is pretty dated but I still enjoyed it. John Wayne and Randolph Scott are partners in a gold mine in Alaska with Marlene Dietrich in a strong role as the female lead.

  • Quote

    Just used my teeth whitening kits and watched Boogie Nights. The movie has a great sound track.


    It's not a western or a John Wayne movie, but it's still a decent one I thought. Watched "Upgrade" last night. It's a sci-fi flick with an accent on the story, not the visuals so be advised. haha

    Edited 2 times, last by Reets ().

  • At home staying indoors waiting for the snow to melt away so good day for a movie. Watched the old western movie Broken Arrow. Jimmy Stewart has the lead and Jeff Chandler portrayed Cochise. I have seen a lot of movies especially westerns but I had not come across this one before; but I enjoyed it.