Glad 2B here with the JW enthusiast

There are 21 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 6,934 times. The latest Post () was by Hondo Duke Lane.

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  • :D Glad to be here at this site. As I write this, I am watching "The Quiet Man" on AMC. He is what makes America so great. I wonder what he would think about this country today. :huh:

    I am looking forward to this site, and what we will be talking about in the future. I am a collector of his movies, and enjoy seeing so many of his works. I look forward to seeing, "The High & The Mighty," and "Island In The Sky" when they hit the DVD circuit.

    :o Just one word of advice to any and all that are looking for a John Wayne movie. If the label reads from a distributor from Goodtimes Video, don't buy it! The quality is poor to say the least, like "McLintock!" What a waste of a great movie with his number one leading lady. This is a great movie, and even though I was only 2 1/2 years old in it's theatical release, I enjoyed seeing in the theater years later. Funny, I didn't realize that this movie was released just 10 days prior to the Kennedy assignation. :unsure:

    Be sure to wait for the Batjac releases for the best qualities in JW movies. That includes "TH&TM", "Island in the Sky", "Hondo", and "McLintock." I am sure there are others. By the way, were you aware that "Lady Takes A Chance," starring Jean Arthur and second billing with none other JW? It will be released January 21, 2003. For the best price, I found it online at for $9.96 including shipping. :)

    :rolleyes: Thanks Kevin for the board. I will be sure to use it the way it's suppose to be used. Now, for a trival question. <_< "What actress was in the Duke's movies the most?"
    A. Maureen O'Hara
    B. Claire Trevor
    C. Mae Marsh
    D. Vera Miles
    E. Alissa Wayne
    F. Mildred Natwick

    B) Take care, and talk to you soon. Answer this Friday.

    Hondo Duke Lane


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi!
    I would say Maureen O'Hara also. Claire Trevor was a good friend though. True Grit is on right now. Can't believe the great one only received one Oscar in all the years he made movies.

    Little Duke

  • :o The answer is C. Mae Marsh. She was in six films with the Duke. They were not leading lady parts, but she was in six.

    A. Maureen O'Hara - 5
    Rio Grande
    The Quiet Man
    The Wings of Eagles
    Big Jake

    B. Claire Trevor - 4
    Allegheny Uprising
    Dark Command
    The High & The Mighty

    C. Mae Marsh - 6
    Fort Apache
    Three Godfathers
    The Fighting Kentuckian
    The Quiet Man
    The Wings of Eagles
    Donovan's Reef

    D. Vera Miles - 4
    The Searchers
    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
    The Green Berets

    E. Alissa Wayne - 3
    The Alamo
    The Comancheros

    F. Mildred Natwick - 4
    The Long Voyage Home
    Three Godfathers
    She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
    The Quiet Man

    Little Duke,

    He would have had more, but politics was the reason for that. Some of the elites kept him out because he didn't go with the crowd. I believe that the Oscar for True Grit "Best Actor" was for his life achievement.



    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Vicki,

    Great to be on this board! John Wayne is great. And I know there are many out there who are great to talk to.



    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi there!
    Actually Aissa was also in Donovan's Reef. She was among the children in the Chrstmas play. I couldn't pick her out but she was one of the little angels. They were in white gowns or robes. It's nice to talk to other John Wayne fans!
    Have a great day,
    Little Duke

  • Hondo;

    Actually, in reply to your question of who starred in more movies with Duke, Mae Marsh was actually in (7) movies. The one you did not list is "THE SEARCHERS". But it is easy to miss, as she was uncredited in the role.
    She played the dark cloaked woman who is guarding the deranged girl at the fort.


    Don't Believe In Surrenders!!!!!

  • :rolleyes: Thanks Ethan,

    That is true, she wasn't credited for that movie, but was in it. Hope you have a great day.

    Hondo :D


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • It is great to be on this web site and all the info that is being passed is truely amazing. I wish there was an active chat room that we could go to also.

    Tulalip Wa

  • In the past few days I have learned more about John Wayne than I have in years, And the new postings make me want to look up more info. Great Job People.

    Monique ;)

  • kilo 6,

    Jay J. Foraker came on board back in November, and he liked to do lots of reading, so brought back many old topics, thus earning him the unofficial moniker "resurrectionist" :rolleyes: .

    Here are my thoughts about reviving old topics -

    To revive a dozen or so old topics to simply say, "I agree" but there's no place for anyone else to go with it, would be kind of annoying. It pushes more relevant topics back a few pages.

    Please don't revive an obviously controversial conflict. If it's fallen back to the "deep dark recesses" of the message board, it's probably best to leave it there. We don't have many of them, and we'd like to keep it that way.

    I think it's great that you're exploring the many posts here. It may save you asking a question that's been answered several times before (although we have tried to put those topics in the Newbie Forum, and pin them, so they are more easily accessible - an example would be "In how many movies did John Wayne die?"). It also helps you to get to know the many members better, by reading their posts.

    Reading farther back also brings back topics that got "lost" and make for interesting reading, and give folks an opportunity to respond, who were not around when the topic was first introduced. I have purposely "brought back to the top" threads for further consideration.

    So . . . that's just my two cents' worth - just MHO.

    Chester :newyear:

    P.S. I really enjoyed that this thread came back to the top. The introductory post was one of Hondo's first posts, way back when - a fun walk down memory lane!

  • As a matter of fact it was my very first post on this message board.

    I was exploring some John Wayne sites when I accidentally ran into this site. I can't remember how I did it, but I don't regret it at all. It's funny that when I read this first post I was watching The Quiet Man, and I am watching it right now.

    I am honored that my topics that seem to get lost in this bottomless pit gets a revival for comment or question. I thank you for taking the time to read my earliest post.

    The Quiet Man has many favorite scenes for me. I like the fight scene which we have discussed on the board before, I like the setting and the characters in the movie. I adore Maureen O'Hara, and that firry red hair. I wish she was much younger, I'd go after her fast. Father Peter Lonergan (played by Ward Bond) was good. And what a character Michaleen Oge Flynn (played by Barry Fitzgerald). When Michaleen and Mary Kate are there to set up the first date between her and Sean. I laugh when I see Michaleen trying to match make in his condition. Very comical scene. The movie as a whole is my favorite Duke movie. And I cherish it every time I watch it. But that is a few of my favorite scenes in that movie.

    Thanks for reviving this thread.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • This being my 3rd Anniversary, I thought that I'd bring my very first topic up again. The title; "Glad 2B here with the JW enthusiast" still holds true today after three years on this board.

    I have many new friends here and am looking forward to many more friends in the future. Kevin has brought us a great gift to discuss John Wayne, and his life. I am very proud to call my self a great Wayne fan, and look forward to the coming years and the time he would have celebrated his 100th birthday very soon.

    Thanks to many especially Chester and the Mrs., Smokey, Arthur, Kevin, Robbie, SXViper, Chilibill, Chance, itdo, REASAR, LibertyV, Stumpy, Ringo Kid, AEC23, General Sterling Price, baron von Rassilon, A girl name Jen, Idaho, & clancy. ;)

    There are many others but these guys stood behind me in every way, and I appreciate it them very much. I hope and pray that you are getting as much our of this site as I am. This is one place I truly enjoy coming to all the time.

    Cheers Hondo Duke Lane B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Thank you for remaining a active member/moderator and congrats on your 3 year anniversary. Its been a pleasure geting to know you.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • hondo

    its been a pleasure to have been here with you and all of the rest of the mob from all over the place some closer to home than others. we all have found a haven to admire one of our silver screen heros without others pointing fingers and falling over themselves laughing as we here all feel the same.

    see you round for a long time to come

    hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • CONGRATULATIONS Hondo on your third anniversary on the JWMB. Your posts are informative and, as a moderator, you have been a stabilizing influence here. Looking forward to lots more.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Bringing this back in from the dusty attic, this was my very first thread and post coming here 7 years ago today. May not mean too much to you but it has that special symbol to me. This is the beginning of my journey here. This is where I met such great people all over the world. This is where I spend time in some of your lives in front of a terminal sharing thoughts, interests, and controversies. This is where I made my special friends. And it all started on this first thread and post 7 years ago.

    Thanks to so many that I can't mention because I will miss some, and that's one thing I don't want to do. I really didn't think I would have been there that long. I learned so much here. The one regret is that I met people here and they leave for whatever reason. I like so many here and wish we could all be here to share, laugh and learn.

    I will thank Kevin for putting this all together and made it what it is today; a friendly, learning and despite what some may say, fair site. You brought so many here as guests and members to just unwind for a while to reminisce a great American, John Wayne!

    May the rest of you enjoy here and we'll see you for hopefully a long time.

    Cheers :cool: Mike aka Hondo Duke Lane


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote