Men Vs Women Jw Fans

There are 27 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 10,691 times. The latest Post () was by jwduke.

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  • Are you a male or famale JW fan? 20

    1. Men JW Fans (13) 65%
    2. Women JW Fans (7) 35%

    Ok ladies - lets show the guys that there are a LOT of female JW fans too!

    Vicki :)

  • Thanks, Vicki, for this fun little poll.

    In our case, Chester is obviously a man, and the Mrs. is obviously a woman, but since Chester is the name on the profile, we voted "man."

    Maybe the Mrs. needs her own user name - she says we will split the posts, she will get 2000, and I get the rest :o !

    So technically, you could add one vote for the women. :D

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • lol Chester - tell the Mrs to sign up so we can count her Vote!!

    Vicki :)

  • Even though not many have voted yet, it looks consistant that the percentage of the votes are pretty close. I kinda figured that it to be 2 out three here are men, and these votes are pretty close.

    Sorry, Mrs Chester. I think you should get at least half the votes if not more. ;)

    Hope others get in and vote!

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I think that most people like the duke.
    I think most guys want to be him or more like him and most ladies want to be with him.

    [CENTER]Mark(taw jackson)[/CENTER]

  • I think the Duke was more of a "man's man" instead of a "ladies man". In fact, the wife and I have kind of a running joke between us.....though we both love the man, every time he takes a woman in his arms for a "love" scene, we say together "Crunch" (and then laugh) because let's face it, the Duke wasn't too adept at smooching a woman.

    My mom, bless her departed soul, was one of Duke's biggest fans but I think even she recognized that he wasn't the greatest of screen lovers.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • There certainly were moments of crunch but not always, take a look at Red River, Rio Bravo and Angel and the Badman etc, he displays some rather endearing syle with the ladies.



  • Oh my! I think he does just a fine, fine job at the love scenes. :wink_smile: I would take the place of one of those women anyday!!!!

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."

  • Ever since I could remember while growing up in a household of seven people, we all loved the Duke.

    My older sister married amd moved out when I was about 7 but I do remember the Sat or Sunday evenings thta we would all be together in the Den watching a John Wayne movie when ABC or CBS would play them. Same goes for Charlton Heston movies.

    I remember many-a-time when I was outside playing with friends when my mom would yell out the side door that a John Wayne movie was coming on. Everytime, I stopped what I was doing and came in to watch the movie. Sometimes my friends came in and watched it as well.

    THE only time we were allowed to watch the TV during the holidays (during the holiday meals) was when a John Wayne movie was playing.

    I remember a few stories that my father told us about when he and my mother were dating. They always went to see Westerns (mainly with the Duke) as part of their date. Usually that was on a Fri or Sat night (sometimes both) and they usually went to eat at The Red Barn in San Antonio. At that time, my dad was still in the USAF.

    On a night they were not watching a movie, they went and danced at The Red Barn as well-back when it had (don't know if it still does) a dance floor.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • On a night they were not watching a movie, they went and danced at The Red Barn as well-back when it had (don't know if it still does) a dance floor.

    Nope, no dance floor these days. Only food (steaks the "prime" offering). They have expanded over the years and have added several alcoves and a second floor dining area. The parking area has tripled in size to accomodate all the patrons.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Nope, no dance floor these days. Only food (steaks the "prime" offering). They have expanded over the years and have added several alcoves and a second floor dining area. The parking area has tripled in size to accomodate all the patrons.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Sounds like a lot has changed since I last visited. I think the last time I was able to eat there was back around 1993-1994? somewherer around that time.

    And I mean, WOW, a 2nd floor dining area :hyper: At least they are not on the verge of going out of business anytime soon. :russia:

    I wonder if Maggies is still open in San Antonio? That place was always crowded, is fairly expensive but, had THE BEST Hash Brown Casserole one could ever have.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..