How's The Weather

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  • You are correct Chester on the whining. This is unbelievable weather for Minnesota in January. They are cancelling all the weather related activities because the ice on the lakes is unsafe and there is no snow for all the festivals. The snow is a big buisness for the northern states and for the last 5-8 years depending on where you live there has been a snow "drought" and the economy is starting to really feel it.

    Jjust for the record, it was 45 here last Thursday, normal temp is 20 for a high. They are saying so far this is the 2nd warmest January on record. :fear::fear::headbonk::headbonk::frusty::frusty::dead::dead:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • hi all

    well again today we are having a warm day at this time in my study its 31.5C (88.7F) looks like we're in for a wet week so the weather man says. hopefully it will fall in the right places.

    bek have been through gatton on the way down south on a number of occassions have even stopped there to catch a bite to eat :D

    hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hi
    Here is minus 30 by Celsius for two days. :o But I think that 19 will be the most cold day (it is always so here for the Baptherising Day) and after that it must be wormer. :unsure:

  • It was about 33C here today, it feels a lot more when you're on a horse all day though!

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • its raining tonight wasn't as hot as it has been but still warmer than the average we didnt get as hot as bek but close we had about 30 today. looks like it will be raining for the next few days. hope bek is getting some :lol: wont be so hot when your out on your horse.

    hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Yeah we got some rain last night which bought the temperature down about 10-15C which was a welcomed relief.

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • hi all

    just an update we had quite a bit of rain on friday. my parents were on the final leg of the trip home from victoria they left a place called goondiwindi on the nsw/qld boarder on their way to warwick when they were turned back and told to take another road as the road they were on had gone under so they turned back to goondiwindi and took the other road they travelled through some large puddles till they came to a place where the road was under again they took a chance and decided to cross they started out and by the time they got out of the other side the water level had risen to 20cms up the door of the car if they had not had taken the chance they would have been stuck in goondiwindi till the water had dropped. dad said that the water was getting deeper as they were crossing just glad they did try.

    heard on the news that mosco had -29C the other day and -25C as well just hope that senta is ok

    hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • We got a pacific front in late last night/early this morning. We are in the 50's as far as the temperature goes and got a tidbit of rain (supposed to get more within the week) and were supposed to get another pacific front in in a few days. It is overcast and feels great. :D

    Like Herman Munster--I love overcast days. :D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Temperature Conversion Calculator.

    We've had a very unusal week here at the home front. The last few days we've been around freezing {0C} and get up to 70F {21C}. That's been that way for three days. Today, we've been around 65F {18C} and somewhere at 73F {22C} with rain. By the way our normal is 37F {2C} for the low and 55F {12C} for the high. Funny weather we are having this year.

    Oh, by the way, no snow, Viper. We haven't had any snow for the last 4 years.

    Don't you love this weather?




    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Here in a different part of the world I am getting all the snow that SXViper wants. The last couple of days we have had so much snow that I spend two hours driving to work instead of 50-60 minutes like I usually do. Even here where we are used to having snow every year these snowfalls just slows down everything.

    Luckilly it's not as bad here as in the northern part of Norway where the have had a hurricane that blows down houses and telephone lines. They are used to a lot of bad weather though and I don't think a single life has been lost

    Popol Vuh

  • I want some smow too but, apparently it does not want Texas. :(

    BTW, its cool, windy and wet here today. Not really raining but more of a light but constant drizzle. Oh well, I gess it's better than no rain at all. :blink:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • We got a bit of rain yesterday (about a tenth of an inch) with temperatures in the 50s F. I've about figured out that someone built an invisible fence around Bexar County and the rain that comes this way splits and goes around either side of the area, leaving us with little or nothing. The weatherpeople are saying that the patterns are changing and we will have more chances for rain in the coming weeks. (Ha!!)
    Cheers - Jay <_<

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Jan 23 2006, 01:11 PM
    We got a bit of rain yesterday (about a tenth of an inch) with temperatures in the 50s F. I've about figured out that someone built an invisible fence around Bexar County and the rain that comes this way splits and goes around either side of the area, leaving us with little or nothing. The weatherpeople are saying that the patterns are changing and we will have more chances for rain in the coming weeks. (Ha!!)
    Cheers - Jay <_<


    Hey Jay, we have a Meteorologist here on channel 6 by the name of Dale Nelson. He's been here forever (at least 25 yrs or more) and we call him "Dead Wrong Dale."

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Quote

    Originally posted by The Ringo Kid@Jan 23 2006, 12:40 PM
    Hey Jay, we have a Meteorologist here on channel 6 by the name of Dale Nelson. He's been here forever (at least 25 yrs or more) and we call him "Dead Wrong Dale."


    Well, we just have to comment here . . .

    In the San Francisco Bay area, there is a radio station, KGO 810 AM, which is a news/talk radio station. They have had the same weather man in the morning for many years, Leo Ciolino. Back in '93, the Mrs. called the radio station to volunteer to be one of Leo's many weather watchers, and has been doing it ever since. He calls her every morning during the week, and gets the overnight low temperature, the rainfall, the current morning conditions, and the high temp from the day before. Around here, everyone knows that Leo is VERY reliable with his forecasts - he often hears other weather forecasters changing their forecasts after he gives his <_< .

    So . . . this morning's low was 26º F, yesterday's high was 61º F and it was clear and calm when he called this morning. Today's high was 64º F.

    So if anyone wants to know what the currrent weather is at our house, just go to KGO-AM 810 - Listen Live and click on your preferred listening device, and around 8:38 AM Pacific Standard Time (that's GMT -8), you should hear Leo giving that information on the air - just listen for the stats from Ben Lomond.

    That's our little claim to fame around here :D .

    Chester :newyear:

  • Well today it has been very hot, I can't be sure how hot, but it felt like we were going to get a storm, then the storm sort of turned around, we need some sort of relief!!!

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • Hi Bek, I feel sorry for you all over-there. A typical Texas summer is a bit hotter than yours and just as dry--cept for the humidity--which makes the air sticky and all you do is sweat all the time. The beginnings to a looooooooooooooooooooooooong and horrible TX summer, are only just around the corner. :(

    BTW, it's about 76 degrees "F" here today. :mellow:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Today it was reported that the overall temperature around the world in 2005 is the hottest ever since keeping records. It beat out the record that was set in 1998.

    I'm heard this all day on the news, but they never did say what the average temperature was. I wonder why they didn't announce that? Also, how do you calculate that temperature? Where I live we didn't even break 100F and we did that for a time in the past.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote