How's The Weather

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  • raining again, dam area had 22mm falls which still means we are below the magic 40% mark they say we need about 50-60mm falls to get to the mark, has been cold as well only reached 18C today. only a couple of more months and summer will be here cant wait

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hi all,

    Just back from spending a few days with
    family in Donegal, we had sunshine for the
    most part, but toay is cool and grey.


    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • We finally received some rain from Dolly. The storm hit the Texas coast near Brownsville midday yesterday and brought a lot of wind and rain to that area (the news said she reached a catagory two by the time she made landfall). Our rain finally came this morning, but not a whole lot. More rain is expected for the rest of today and this evening.

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • It's been hotter than blue blazes in north Texas for about two weeks. And we've had no rain to speak of for a month or so. Naturally these conditions are not helping the plant life here. All my wife's diligently-tended flowers are dying, even though she waters them quite often.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • We survived Hurrican Dolly. Starting late Tues-then all night through all of Weed, and till at least noon today, we have had winds up to hurricane strength blow through our area as well as about 15-20 inches of rain.

    Last night, a small Tornado touched down in the vacant lot next to my Bro-in-law and Sis house-where im staying tomporarily untill about mid-late Aguust-since my surgery is about to happen. Anyway, at about 3:45 AM, I heard what sounded like two shotgun blasts happen right outside my window-and then heard a roar (which could have been that tornado) and then at about 4 AM, I heard a sickening sound of something metal, twisting and warping through the air-which hit the side of the outside wall-from where I was trying to sleep. Next it scraped up some shingles off the roofas it flew off the roof and landed against a tree in the front yard-and was wrapped about the tree like tinfoil.

    This morning we saw how lucky we were. Three large trees in my Sis yard shattered.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • With the cloudy skies today, we were kept down with the temperatures in the upper 80's. Very unusual for July. Didn't see any rain either. But we are still very sticky with the humidity, wish it was fall.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • nice and sunny here today,about 24c i think so it's getting hotter just in time for my holiday

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • We survived Hurrican Dolly. Starting late Tues-then all night through all of Weed, and till at least noon today, we have had winds up to hurricane strength blow through our area as well as about 15-20 inches of rain.

    Last night, a small Tornado touched down in the vacant lot next to my Bro-in-law and Sis house-where im staying tomporarily untill about mid-late Aguust-since my surgery is about to happen. Anyway, at about 3:45 AM, I heard what sounded like two shotgun blasts happen right outside my window-and then heard a roar (which could have been that tornado) and then at about 4 AM, I heard a sickening sound of something metal, twisting and warping through the air-which hit the side of the outside wall-from where I was trying to sleep. Next it scraped up some shingles off the roofas it flew off the roof and landed against a tree in the front yard-and was wrapped about the tree like tinfoil.

    This morning we saw how lucky we were. Three large trees in my Sis yard shattered.

    We got some rain and winds from Hurricane Dolly. A mile from us, a brief tornado touched down in an area I frequently travel. It caused a lot of damage, mostly minor, and no one was injured.
    I think our street had something blow through. My next door neighbor's trash can (the kind the garbage trucks lift up with mechanical arms) was in our yard on its side. But the folks across the street lost four substantial limbs on their big front yard tree and had five places on their roof where shingles blew off!
    Could have been a small tornado that was just skipping around. We did receive about an inch and a half of rain from the storm system. I guess we were pretty lucky not to have it worse!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • we have hit the magic 40% mark for the dams which means that level 6 has been lifted, we can now wash the cars with a hose instead of a bucket of water, they say we could have more rain and it is cooler only going to the high teens dueing the day and low single figures at night

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hi all,

    No Hurricane or Tornados here thank god,
    Good to hear that you guys are alright.
    just a wee bit of sunshine and about 21c.


    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Man were we hot, humid and hazy today! We were shy the century mark by 1 degree, but the heat index was over 110F. And the skies were hazy today. It was so hot that I almost died. We are suppose to get some rain by Thursday, but it was a tough day today.

    I wish it was a month later. Just need a little cooler weather. How long until winter?

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hot, up to 30C,

    I have to chuckle when Europeans characterize 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celcius) as "hot". We Texans wish it never got more than 86 degrees in our state.

    Where I live, we've had temperatures around 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41.1 degrees Celcius) for the past 3 weeks and there's no relief in sight for the next couple of months. Now that's truly hot.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I have to chuckle when Europeans characterize 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celcius) as "hot". We Texans wish it never got more than 86 degrees in our state.

    Where I live, we've had temperatures around 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41.1 degrees Celcius) for the past 3 weeks and there's no relief in sight for the next couple of months. Now that's truly hot.

    Stumpy,i hope its 30c next week when me + the family are on our holiday. regards luckynedpepper

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Well, Ned, I'll hope for your sake that it's not 41.1C. :teeth_smile:

    Neither do i my friend,that is just a bit too hot for me. I don't know how you manage to put up with heat that high. Ned

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit