How's The Weather

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  • Just to show you what a difference a few miles can make . . .

    We were working at a Boy Scout rummage sale close to home for part of the day, where the temperature probably got to around 85º F and very sunny.

    Around 2 PM, I took my son and grandson to a birthday party at the beach, about 10 miles from there. The fog was so thick you could hardly see the waves of the ocean (which was no more than 50 yards from the party tables) and the temperature was no more than 65º F (if it was that!).

    This morning, when the day started and we headed out for the rummage sale at 7 AM, it was in the low forties!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • For the past week or so, we've had what I consider ideal Texas weather for this time of year.

    Brilliant sunshine during the day but temperatures in the 65/85 degree F range. Nights frosty enough that I turn on the electric mattress cover I have to help keep warm. (At my age and with fairly poor circulation, I tend to chill easily).

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Guys,

    Take a look at this today:-

    Further snow forecast overnight
    A motorist in North Antrim
    Motorists in Northern Ireland faced treacherous conditions

    Snow has been forecast for higher ground in Wales overnight after heavy falls caused disruption on Northern Ireland's roads.

    Motorists were advised to drive with caution after temperatures dropped to their lowest October level since 1934.

    The cold snap has caused sleet and snow showers across the UK since Tuesday.

    and around where I live,
    but not affecting us

    Thursday 30 October
    There are 5 flood warnings in force in the United Kingdom: Southwest

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 6 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • I'm beginning to think the global warming people are off their rocker. For the past year or so, most regions of the world have experienced record cold spells.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • the weather here has been really weird this week - we have gone from rain, to hail, sleet and even a bit of snow - its been freezing cold at night but today was lovely - cold and sunny - just how i like

    "Sorry don t get it done, Dude" (Rio Bravo)

    Hooked on The Duke

  • Very cold here today. 8c i think they said on radio and now its chucking it down with rain so a few damp fireworks tonight i think

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • The cold snap has caused sleet and snow showers across the UK since Tuesday.

    the weather here has been really weird this week - we have gone from rain, to hail, sleet and even a bit of snow - its been freezing cold at night but today was lovely - cold and sunny - just how i like

    What I heard is that tne snow in London (was there actually snow in London?) was a record-breaking event, having not happened in over 120 years.

    Areas not far from us had snow already. Snow in October! We are having temps in the 30's at night and topping in the 40's during the day.

    I'm beginning to think the global warming people are off their rocker.

    Ya think???

    Yeah . . . I do, too!

    Chester :newyear:

  • it hardly ever snows in october and certainly not in london or the southeast which is the thames valley and gets milder weather - i think it was fairly unprecedented this week - it just goes to show.... the world s gone mad

    "Sorry don t get it done, Dude" (Rio Bravo)

    Hooked on The Duke

  • warming up nicely thankyou have had some really pleasent days and night (except when it rains it still get cold lol) cant wait for the real summer temps to arrive makes going to work worth it lol

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hi

    After non stop rain from mid morning yesterday today is for November, quite pleasant, no wind,dry and bright. I think the rain is back tomorrow. The good thing is that this week we're on holiday and might get away for a couple of days to Shakespeare country.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Keith

    I feel real sorry for all you folks in UK with all that rain, sleet, snow and cold........

    As I cool off from the hot sun in my pool :shades_smile:

    wall to wall sunshine predicted for at least the next 3 weeks here, so guess who is NOT coming back to UK for a while, if ever!

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • We've been in somewhat drought conditions the past couple of years, in that we've definitely had significantly lower than average rainfall.

    However, yesterday, the skies opened up and we had over 3½ inches of rain! The streets were practically running like a small river. It was also very windy, so we had several power outages throughout the day.

    Today? Mild and SUNNY, but with beautiful clouds gracing the blue skies!

    Mrs. C :angel1: