How's The Weather

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  • it certainly is taking its time manifesting itself.

    Ain't it the truth? I don't know how it is around San Antone but up in north Texas, it's about the driest I've ever seen it and I've lived here since 1990.

    Recently, I read the Elmer Kelton book "The Time It Never Rained", which was recommended to me by FarmerSteve. The story was about the infamous Texas drought in the mid-Fifties. If that was worse than the one we're having now, it must have been a hellacious dry spell.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Pretty nice here and just the way I like it best--cool, breezy, overcast and dry. Were supposed to get socked wiht rain tomorrow and Saturday--we'll see.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • We've actually had a few inches of rain the past few days, which naturally lessens the possibility of more out-of-control grass fires. Most folks in this part of Texas are breathing a sigh of relief.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • We've actually had a few inches of rain the past few days, which naturally lessens the possibility of more out-of-control grass fires. Most folks in this part of Texas are breathing a sigh of relief.

    We finally got a decent rain last night. I'll even take more rain, even if it messes up our Fiesta Week here - a possibility of rain is predicted for the "Battle of Flowers" parade Friday.
    We've only put a small dent in the drought here!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • The weather has been really good lately. We've have a good share of rain and some pretty violent weather for the last few weeks but this is spring and you get that. Fortunately, we fared well with that area. The rain comes and go, and the temperatures have been nice. Suppose to get in the upper 40's for the low tonight and in the low 70's tomorrow with sunny skies. No rain in the forecast for the next week, and getting warmer into the low 80's by weekend. Not my favorite time, I'm enjoying the 70's myself, but it's better than the 90's which is something I'm not looking forward to in the next month or two.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Our part of Colorado was blessed with rain and snow, up to 6" of rain, 56" of snow from the latest storm. And today, it passed 70 degrees and one can see the fields and yards turning green. The moisture is a true blessing to the farmers and ranchers and us closer to city dwellers too.

  • been very nice, sunny, warm around mid 60s be beautiful weather if the wind would quit blowing. Suppose to cool down and rain possible next three days.