Concern For Missing Members

There are 399 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 152,322 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • How good to see the return of some members
    on the Christmas greetings thread.


    Popul Vuh
    Short Grub,
    Baby Sis

    and also some newer members joining in,

    Please, let's hear more from you all

  • No that I want this to be a joke, but I half expected to see my name here!! HAHA....

    I am checking in weekly but have not posted alot recently. Busy family/work life get's in the way. Probably be the same way in the near future but I am happy to come back and read/share info with you all.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • No problem, jump in when you can. Life is getting busier and busier all the time. Just glad to see you, and all the other old timers jump in from time to time.

    No that I want this to be a joke, but I half expected to see my name here!! HAHA....

    I am checking in weekly but have not posted alot recently. Busy family/work life get's in the way. Probably be the same way in the near future but I am happy to come back and read/share info with you all.

  • Wonder what ever happened to Vera from St. Petersburg, Russia? She was pretty active for awhile but we haven't heard from her for quite awhile. Wonder if Putin's thugs picked her up for showing friendliness toward other nationalities?

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Wonder what ever happened to Vera from St. Petersburg, Russia? She was pretty active for awhile but we haven't heard from her for quite awhile. Wonder if Putin's thugs picked her up for showing friendliness toward other nationalities?

    I am friends wiht her on Facebook I believe. You may want to try that route if you want to contact her.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I am friends wiht her on Facebook I believe. You may want to try that route if you want to contact her.

    Hi Todd,
    and it is good to see you back as well, even though you haven't been missing.
    What with you moving house and all that stuff.
    Us 'more mature' ones have more tiime on our hands!!

    Senta, yes, Vera, I emailed her sometime ago,
    Todd if she is on FB, what is her username,
    I would like to say hello

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Does anyone know what happened to old Bill Brooks (Chilibill) from Arizona? He used to post here almost every day.


    The reason for his demise from here, is a little sad,
    but suffice to say, brought about by himself.
    Bill is not banned from this site, and is welcome to post if he wants.
    Since then Bill created his own web site.

  • Jim,

    The reason for his demise from here, is a little sad,
    but suffice to say, brought about by himself.
    Bill is not banned from this site, and is welcome to post if he wants.
    Since then Bill created his own web site.

    Thanks for the info, Keith, although I'm puzzled by your comment that he brought his leaving upon himself. Apparently I didn't pay enough attention to what was going on with Bill.

    I know that he used to get a little prickly if he even thought someone was criticizing him in any way but he seemed as if he always got over those rare occasions. I know I myself ticked him off a time or two but we always managed to patch things up.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I'm sorry to hear that too about Bill. Thanks for the update.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Hey, I'm puzzled myself about Bill. I miss his font of information.

    After Keith said that Bill had created his own website, I googled "chilibill", which brought it up, and sure enough there was old Bill on the 26bar ranch. But I didn't find any means of "talking" to him on the site. I was gonna ask him to rejoin us.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • im still knocking around,still browse the site whenever i can.

    must try to post more in future

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit