True Grit (2010)

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  • This has hit me hard as well but hasn't this already been done? I heard Warren Oates remade True Grit while Duke was still alive. I never really looked into it since I can't even consider Oates to do justice to Rooster. I'm sure with the Coens more will know about this one. At least it may prompt people to check out The Duke's version if they haven't already.

  • This has hit me hard as well but hasn't this already been done? I heard Warren Oates remade True Grit while Duke was still alive. I never really looked into it since I can't even consider Oates to do justice to Rooster. I'm sure with the Coens more will know about this one. At least it may prompt people to check out The Duke's version if they haven't already.

    I love that Greenburg image in your signature.

  • Are you kidding me A movie like True Grit should never be touched it's a sacred right of passage for classic Cinema fans as Slap shot which is also being remade is to sports fans Hollywood has lost all semblance of any respect they had left with me for all the classic films they're attempting to remake lately

  • John Wayne lives on within us all

    Though this is an admirable goal, I sure don't agree with the sentiment embodied therein. It may be true for political conservatives but not for people like Jane Fonda, Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn and their ilk.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I cannot believe "True Grit" being remade. Why is Hollywood remaking every great classic movie? They are obviously running out of ideas for new material that's why they're remaking every great classic movie.

  • Speaking of remakes, have any of you heard about the soon to be released remake of Angel And The Badman? It's in post production now and slated for release sometime this year. It will star Lou Diamond Phillips in the Duke role of Quirt Evans, Luke Perry in the Bruce Cabot role of Laredo and Deborah Unger in the Gail Russell role of Penelope, only her character will be named Temperance. Harry Careys role of the sheriff is not in this one but, Dukes grandson, Brendan will have a role in it.

  • It only shows that these clowns have no imagination or sense of story telling. They have to steal someones story and clutter it up with trash. They kinda made a movie taken from The Searchers a few years ago, with Tommy Lee Jones called The Missing. It was alright, but nothing compared to the classic. Let them make the remakes, they can only edify that the great ones are the true classics and gives John Wayne and the others the only spotlight that means anything.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Why, to hell, they are doing all those remakes? I watched "San Fernando" and "Stagecoach", both remakes of the classic "Stagecoach" with John Wayne, I watched "Alamo", I watched "Three Godfathers" with Jack Palance and "Red River" with Bruce Boxleithner and James Arness. Non of these remakes was better than the original the Duke had done! (O.K. "Three Godfathers" was a remake of a Chester Morris movie by the time the Duke did it...).

    There are too many bad remakes today: "The 3:10 to Yuma", "The Time Machine", "The Flight of the Phoenix", "The Day the Earth stood still", "War of the Worlds"... Do we realy need this? Is it just because they don´t have any new ideas in Hollywood?


    They kinda made a movie taken from The Searchers a few years ago, with Tommy Lee Jones called The Missing.

    I saw "The Missing", but I never had the idea, that the story could be taken from "The Searchers". It wasn´t as good as "The Searchers", never! But it wasn´t too bad...

    "Never apologize. It´s a sign of weakness."

    Edited once, last by Dukesfan ().

  • I saw "The Missing", but I never had the idea, that the story could be taken from "The Searchers". It wasn´t as good as "The Searchers", never! But it wasn´t too bad...

    I never tied in The Missing as any type of remake of The Searchers. Other than the search for the girl, there is very little other resemblance. Nothing can be as good as The Searchers, IMO, but like Dukesfan stated...The Missing wasn't bad at all. I've watched it several times.

    As for the remake of True Grit, can't be done to any satisfaction for us to even want to see it. There will always be only one Rooster J. Cogburn.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hello All Spielberg is no small potatoes as a director and for the ones I did not enjoy I did like the brothers work on Fargo. I will hope for the best.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Just to add a detail or two, Jeff Bridges is supposedly playing Rooster Cogburn, while Matt Damon is up for an unknown role.

    Jeff Bridges is Rooster (at least his father, Lloyd Bridges, knew something about classic westerns, maybe some of it rubbed off onto Jeff), Josh Brolin is playing Tom Chaney, and Matt Damon is the Texas Ranger!!!

    Terrible casting, right off the bat. If anything, Brolin should play the Texas Ranger, and as for Matt Damon? Maybe he can be one of the outlaws who gets hung at the beginning of the picture. At least that way, he'd have a sack over his head so we wouldn't have to look at his smug, smirking face.


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • I can not remember which movie it was but some time ago Mat damon was in a picture that I saw and I was not impressed however like Bruce Dern in the cowboys sometimes it's the character thats easy to dislike.

    Greetings from North of the 49th


    Jeff Bridges is Rooster (at least his father, Lloyd Bridges, knew something about classic westerns, maybe some of it rubbed off onto Jeff), Josh Brolin is playing Tom Chaney, and Matt Damon is the Texas Ranger!!!

    Terrible casting, right off the bat. If anything, Brolin should play the Texas Ranger, and as for Matt Damon? Maybe he can be one of the outlaws who gets hung at the beginning of the picture. At least that way, he'd have a sack over his head so we wouldn't have to look at his smug, smirking face.

    Wow, I missed out on that bit of news. Thanks for clarifying that for me. As for Matt Damon, I like him and enjoy him whenever he shows up in movies I own, now if we were talking about Ben Affleck then I would have to agree. And I think they chose somebody a little too young for Chaney, I would prefer James Brolin for the role instead of Josh.

  • To be fair I may have mixed Damon up with another actor. Just checked and I believe it was Matt Dillon in Tex that I was not impressed with.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

    Edited once, last by kilo 6 ().

  • Quote

    To be fair I may have mixed Damon up with another actor. Just checked and I believe it was Matt Dillon in Tex that I was not impressed with.

    I can understand that, with so few actors of any stature it's easy to mix'em up.


    Let's face it, folks, any remake of Duke's Oscar film will not live up to the original, I don't care who the players are.

    Amen, brother.