Victim Of Hackers

There are 37 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 10,919 times. The latest Post () was by DukePilgrim.

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  • As I'm sure everyone noticed this board was hacked into yesterday by a so called Hacking team.

    I just wanted to pay tribute to Kevin for sorting out this problem effectively and efficiently.

    The problem remains however that there seems to be a concentrated effort to disrupt this board and I was wondering if there is any way to prevent or at least minimise the likihood of this event happening again. For example I'm sure the person who done it must have registered as a user for a while, could that be tracked and the subsequent IP address blocked?

    Overall however its great to have the old board back up and going and it would be a shame if this scum were ever to succeed, I personally don't think they ever will.


  • Robbie;

    You Hit the Nail Right On The Head! :headbonk:

    It still Amazes me that there are Very Sick People out there that get their Kicks out of Trying to Mess Up a Great Site Like This? :angry:

    Thanks Kevin for Getting This Mess Cleaned up. :)

    The Desert Rat "Chilibill" :cowboy:

  • Yes, a quick recovery from Kevin, bringing our board back!

    Also a big thanks to Bryan Varnham, who had our email address and gave us a heads up. The Mrs. called Kevin as soon as she saw that email, and within 15 minutes, Kevin had at least removed that ugly "calling card" left by the hackers. Be assured he will be working to make our site more secure, and that may require some changes along the way.

    Thanks again, Kevin, for such fast work! We sure were happy to wake up to the good ol' John Wayne Message Board!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Thanks Kevin for clearing up this problem. Not being able to access this board whenever the opportunity or inclination avails is not a good feeling :angry:. I guess I'm addicted to being here :wub: !
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I wasnt sure if we would get the board back as I've heard of people in the past loosing web sites and email accounts permently as the result of hackers.

    The board is an easy target and maybe it would be a better idea that only registered users can view the bulk of the board. Therefore in order for a hacker to access the bulk of the board s/he would need to register. I also think a trial membership period may be necessary for new members until Kevin and or the moderators can verify to some extent the authenticity of the member.

    Just a few thoughts

  • Big thanks to Kevin, Chester, Mrs. Chester and all those who worked to get things back aright!


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Hi,

    Thanks to Kevin, for getting this sorted out.
    It appeared yesterday,mid- morning here.
    I made a note of the web-site address, and the info
    displayed, on it's page.

    I sent an Email to Kevin, through the
    the untouched, Dukewayne website

    Hopefully, this will not occur again.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi

    This is all very bewildering to me as I am not sure what actually hacking meant, but thanks to Keith for reassuring me if that is the right word in these circumstances, that my computer was not on the blink, and thank Kevin for sorting it out.




    I think I tend to agree with Robbie about a deliberate attempt bearing in mind the two examples of filth we had on the site a couple of months ago and now this. Unfortunately my expertise doesent even begin to have the know how of what we do about it.


  • JW is an icon, a hero, an American who proud as hell of it and this bothers people. They have serious JW envy and since they can never be like him, they are bent on bothering fans and trying to damage his image. Thanks for clearing the mess so quickly.

  • I too wish to send my best thanks to Kevin for fixing the problem. I hated not having access to this great site.

    Is there not a way to send somekind of "virus' back to the troublemakers computer? As the Bible says: "An eye for an eye."

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Quote

    Originally posted by okiedokie@Nov 29 2006, 01:33 PM
    JW is an icon, a hero, an American who proud as hell of it and this bothers people. They have serious JW envy and since they can never be like him, they are bent on bothering fans and trying to damage his image.

    Exactly, OD. There ain't a doubt in my military mind that it was some left-wing puke who hated the Duke's politics and saw this as a chance to take a slap at all his many fans. Hope he/she burns in the hottest corner of hell.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Everyone,

    This type of thing happens often, even more often than you may realize. This last hack may have not come from a register member, but I haven't been able to determine that yet, but I'm still going over the log files.

    The hack occurred about 8 pm Monday night, which was only shortly after I was on the board viewing posts. I only wish I had been able to catch this quicker. This issue has made me feel that we need to make a move to a new messageboard script which is very secure, and efficient called vbulletin. This new script looks and acts very much like the current board setup. The current board script (called Invisionboard) is a free to use version, and it has many exploitable areas to it which are not present with the new script. Of course every messageboard on the internet is not immune to this and there is never any guarantees that says this wouldn't happen again.

    By going to the new setup we would be using the most popular and widely used message board script on the internet, which means that it has a large group of developers working to improve it and find the little exploits that an evil doer needs to deface the site.

    You can view this site to see what this new board looks and feels like.

    Enough of this technical stuff......


  • Quote

    Originally posted by Kevin@Nov 29 2006, 04:33 PM
    This issue has made me feel that we need to make a move to a new messageboard script which is very secure, and efficient called vbulletin. This new script looks and acts very much like the current board setup.

    I participate in other internet forums and in my experience, most of 'em do use vbulletin. As Kevin says, the operating procedures are almost exactly the same as we've been using so if it's less susceptible to hacking, I say we should go for it.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Everyone

    I think its a great shame that these people can cause so much disruption via their illegal activity, but on the flip side they evidentally have no lives and probably sit behind a computer 24/7 with no concept of the real world.

    Obviously Kevin I would be happy with a transfer to a new board if it would be greater security and a much reduced risk of hacking. I noticed in your previous post that you mentioned that it was free to use the script that currently hosts the messageboard, is the new one your suggesting going to come at a cost?

    In addition to this will a change in script allow the posts etc on this board to remain intact?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi all,

    I wasn't aware that hackers were attacking
    the board, but I add my thanks to Kevin for
    his hard work in restoring our JWMB. Also
    Mrs C, for letting him know about the problem
    so quickly.



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hi Kevin,

    Great job getting the site back up and going.

    I have programing and web experiance and if I can be of any help, just let me know.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Hi Robbie,

    The vbulletin has a yearly "leased" license or a "Owned" license which cost even more. I haven't decided which way to go with that.

    As for the posts I will be able to import all existing forums, categories, and member data. The only thing that everyone will need to do is the first time you visit the new board you'll need to reset your password and have it resent to you via email.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Kevin@Nov 30 2006, 04:48 PM
    The vbulletin has a yearly "leased" license or a "Owned" license which cost even more. I haven't decided which way to go with that.

    How much is the "owned" license, Kevin? Maybe we can all kick in something to "buy" it. I'd be willing to spend $25. or $50. if that'd help.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi,

    Well said Jim, and that's the attitude.
    I am sure it will all work out.
    I feel sure that Kevin, will do, whatever needs to be done,
    to keep this great board, up and running,
    secure, and a pleasure to be a member of.
    Count me in too!

    Best Wishes
    London- England